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Talk版 - The light of Li Hongzhi
Falun Gong so-called the human rightsThe main Buddha disciple to revolt
The living dead variableWho can help master Li cure mental disease
Li has the "charm" and legal theorySuffer a big lawsuit lose
Li has changed not "push"See Master Li's political ambitions
Dafa within all kinds of uglyDenigrate current law
Not all could not surviveLie for art
Falun Gong disciples poorFalun Gong outrageous media
About the power of “right thinking ”Falun Gong was Frustrated in its Attack to Wikipedia
话题: zhang话题: zhiqin话题: falun话题: gong话题: li
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
Liaoning province Huludao City retired workers Zhang Zhiqin, have diabetes,
but due to the perennial note taking, the disease has been basically
controlled, happy life. In 1997 May, Zhang Zhiqin in order to keep fit,
began to practice Falun Gong "". Since then, she gets up at 4 every morning
to exercise training, 7 points to go home after eating breakfast at home and
continue to practice, afternoon and evening to friends home to practice.
With the "Falun Gong" obsession, Zhang Zhiqin gradually felt that the "real
practice people without disease", and the start of the doctors warned of
diabetic control by drugs that turn a deaf ear to.
Refusing medical care after Zhang Zhiqin, losing weight, physical fitness is
getting worse, the family very worried but feel helpless. "Falun Gong"
counselor told Zhang Zhiqin: "this is the 'karma', 'master' in the test you,
quite gone 'pass'." In January 7, 1999, Zhang Zhiqin has been a bag of
bones be completely bedridden, shortness of breath, his wife called her
daughter, called a doctor, the doctor asked quickly sent to hospital. In the
ambulance, two "wheels" instructors still said to him: "this is the 'pass',
a very go, what disease is not." Zhang Zhiqin listen to their words, to the
family to ignore, resolute don't go to the hospital. Daughter see mother
and sick, still obsessed with not understanding, fell on his knees and
begged her to go to the hospital on the ground, but Zhi Qin coldly and said
to his daughter: "you don't want any trouble here." Ju." Just get rid of the
pain runny daughter. Her daughter was away, "Falun Gong" counselor to Zhang
Zhiqin's wife said: "as long as you read her" Zhuan Falun ", to ensure that
no problem." Zhang Zhiqin's wife was read to Zhang Zhiqin "Zhuan Falun",
and finally to give Zhang Zhiqin "Falun Gong" recording. The second day at 2
in the morning, in the "Falungong" sound of music, Zhang Zhiqin stopped
Mentions this matter, Zhang Zhiqin wife remorse, hate more harmful Li
Hongzhi and "Falun gong". He found hundreds of copies of "Falun Gong" books
and Li Hongzhi's portrait, a burned them all.
1 (共1页)
Falun Gong was Frustrated in its Attack to WikipediaDafa within all kinds of ugly
Listen to me talk about "ndtv"Not all could not survive
Zhang Yijun: for the first successful James he saidFalun Gong disciples poor
Zhang Yijun yesterday and todayAbout the power of “right thinking ”
Falun Gong so-called the human rightsThe main Buddha disciple to revolt
The living dead variableWho can help master Li cure mental disease
Li has the "charm" and legal theorySuffer a big lawsuit lose
Li has changed not "push"See Master Li's political ambitions
话题: zhang话题: zhiqin话题: falun话题: gong话题: li