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Talk版 - Suffer a big lawsuit lose
Dafa within all kinds of uglyWho can help master Li cure mental disease
Not all could not surviveSee Master Li's political ambitions
Falun Gong disciples poorDenigrate current law
The light of Li HongzhiLie for art
Falun Gong so-called the human rightsFalun Gong outrageous media
About the power of “right thinking ”Falun Gong was Frustrated in its Attack to Wikipedia
The living dead variableListen to me talk about "ndtv"
The main Buddha disciple to revoltZhang Yijun: for the first successful James he said
话题: gong话题: falun话题: li话题: lawsuit话题: hongzhi
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
A lawsuit, the first has put himself back to the original shape, but the
lawsuitdefeat, was equal to in their original form and stamp a few feet, is
really too horrible to look at. Therefore, Falun Gong is absolutely can not
fight the lawsuit. Of course, this Li Hongzhi did not know? Falun Gong was
stolenBuddhist knowledge and then a patchwork of hodgepodge, Li Hongzhi was
a bully, did Li Hongzhizhen think can defy human rules and order their own"
mana"? Falun Gong lawsuit, but is dying in the end, and thought that they
cancatch at a straw. Therefore, the Falun Gong lawsuit is not believe in law
, is precisely the trampling and blasphemy law. But unfortunately, Li
Hongzhi fox,but lose all. First, after all, human justice, social axioms,
court, will only furtherhighlights the Falun Gong evil. Second, the Falun
Gong lawsuit and many repeatedly v., more to destroy the foundation of Li
Hongzhi work, at their peril,and repeatedly v. failures, is in a step by
step into the grave.
1 (共1页)
Zhang Yijun: for the first successful James he saidFalun Gong so-called the human rights
Zhang Yijun yesterday and todayAbout the power of “right thinking ”
What is Li Hongzhi's intention to modify the Analects of ConfuciusThe living dead variable
Alternative birthday giftThe main Buddha disciple to revolt
Dafa within all kinds of uglyWho can help master Li cure mental disease
Not all could not surviveSee Master Li's political ambitions
Falun Gong disciples poorDenigrate current law
The light of Li HongzhiLie for art
话题: gong话题: falun话题: li话题: lawsuit话题: hongzhi