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Talk版 - Denigrate current law
Can't afford the time
Not all could not survive
Cover up the crime
Dafa within all kinds of ugly
See Master Li's political ambitions
Zhang Yijun yesterday and today
Make up the famous speech
Disciples can not be an exception
The living dead variable
Who can help master Li cure mental disease
话题: li话题: hongzhi话题: law话题: falun话题: closed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
As Li Hongzhi and the Falun Gong organizations desire inflates continuously,
it will walk on the path of crime, Li Hongzhi Also know that one day he
will compete with the law, once the practitioners are aware ofFalun Gong to
engage in illegal activities, a lot of
People will abandon Li Hongzhi to Li Hongzhi, this is the most reluctant to
see, is not willing to let it happen. Therefore, LiHong Zhi invented a
series of fallacies to demote defame, contempt for human laws in the United
States, "said" in say: "human established. The law is in the mechanical
limit people, closed, including the formulation of legal person.People close
yourself constantly,Closed to closed to finally put the people closed
without a way out. The law too much,people like animals by Tube, no way out,
who also couldn't think of a way." Said in "Zhuan Falun": "the law is
anormal society Reflect the Falun Dafa lowest level method." "Bound Dafa
disciples Dhamma period can benot affected by human law."
1 (共1页)
Who can help master Li cure mental disease
Really happy?
There are only local time
They have to ask the doctor to disease
Who will save you Dafa disciples
How love you again let the disciple
Double embarrassment: God always blinded
There is a man who always does the tortoise.
To destroy the marriage law
The master became a clown's extremely lonely
话题: li话题: hongzhi话题: law话题: falun话题: closed