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Talk版 - The wheel web site is very funny
Concocted fallaciesMake up the famous speech
Geraldine Ferraro defends remarks about Obamawill the damn gate dissapear, after O appears on cnn and msnbc.
Great Loverumor rumor zz
Great LoveNew rumors once again came out
[转载] about the method to make argumentsSpeechless
Hillary Clinton: I want to see a woman presidentSpeechless (转载)
A lienature:一日本人学术造假长达20年,200篇paper要撤回 (转载)
中共外交部辟谣?瑞士公布财产令高官惶恐 (转载)Nikon acquiring Samsung’s camera business?
话题: speechless话题: become话题: work话题: site话题: don
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
The wheel web site is very funny
Recent WeChat upload a post about the wheels, a lot of fun. Say to those
wheels site feel funny, they naively thought that by fabricating high-level
political rumors can bring down the Chinese communist party all day. Chinese
can so easily seduced? Is it naive to use to describe, or stupid? "Three"
back more than two hundred million! Don't even believe that their lies, and
why to make others believe that?
Throughout become speechless work site, and does not go out, and was
completely on spun simply don't have to move the brain, and most of the
content is about the living organ of rumors, and uglification national
Fang could understand why would become speechless work now so, they don't
have a lot of opportunities, only desperate gamble. As time goes on, big li
resin of deception are facing real challenges, such as immortal, resident
appearance. Leader li has made very few public appearances in recent years,
and even rumors tomato leader is pretending to be at the meeting, enough to
see their faces predicament. Become speechless work now is not the purpose
of the organization for its name, let become speechless work come back to
China, but act as America's thugs, provoke China's internal affairs, and
down into the work groups say the number one enemy. In addition, they are
now for any organization, there is no use. Can be reduced to the point that
I don't know what to say what good, wait for become speechless work come
1 (共1页)
Nikon acquiring Samsung’s camera business?[转载] about the method to make arguments
Rumors:IBM fabricating 90nmG5s in volumeHillary Clinton: I want to see a woman president
C0803016 [投诉]版主Calicat fabricates+spreads rumors.A lie
Spellbound five minutes中共外交部辟谣?瑞士公布财产令高官惶恐 (转载)
Concocted fallaciesMake up the famous speech
Geraldine Ferraro defends remarks about Obamawill the damn gate dissapear, after O appears on cnn and msnbc.
Great Loverumor rumor zz
Great LoveNew rumors once again came out
话题: speechless话题: become话题: work话题: site话题: don