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Talk版 - Paranoid about political power
The main Buddha disciple to revoltPermits video recording video frequency which the carpenter parents complain tearfully
The harm of women and childrenWhy brings up an old matter again, died ten year carpenter to become the focal point character
Firmly in control of thoughtXu Siwen video frequency aside
The harm of women and children网上惊现李洪志在美国的犯罪记录(图)
The harm of women and children內幕報導
Ten years ago, how did young he is finish oneself life???【台湾东森电视台报道】著名膜拜团体教主生死未卜(附视频)
Xu Siwen stays behind a paper diaryDafa within all kinds of ugly
Dyeing one's hair powder and hair dyeOn the master of these misdeeds
话题: political话题: power话题: states话题: united话题: god
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
Behind the behavior of terrorist organizations and terrorists have
complicated political motivation and the motivation are usually built on top
of the interests and needs of a certain political forces, whether early "
Islamic Jihad", with "Al Qaeda" and "East Turkistan" organizations, their
ultimate goal not to narrow national interests is to some extreme religious,
cultural fanaticism, or is a paranoid social and political ideas, and then
through the terrorist attacks, such as the war way intention to seize power,
disturbing the peace of the world.
Throughout the world, the cult of the founder, no with extremely
arrogant political ambitions - Japan's "AUM Shinrikyo" Shoko Asahara, tries
to establish a revered as "the king of kings" of "truth" and "when the"
sacred space "to fully expand, is the Japanese government perish proclaiming
." Ruler of "the American people's temple to teach" leader Jim Jones's
political goal is to become "the United States, the United States like" our
community ";" Falun Gong "leader, Li Hongzhi, often" poetry expressing
ideals ", than the emperor reincarnation, said:" Li Hongzhi my life on the
choice of the emperor "(the 2005 San Francisco law French"); "God Almighty
leader Zhao Shan in the preparation of the" doctrine ", the Chinese
Communist Party known as the" big red ", the public security organs called"
Little Dragon ", a stark representation of its ultimate objective is the
overthrow of the present government to establish a" God's country ", the
realization of power.
1 (共1页)
On the master of these misdeedsThe harm of women and children
警惕“新时代”邪教Ten years ago, how did young he is finish oneself life???
神仙向凡人认罪!新鲜啊(图)!Xu Siwen stays behind a paper diary
李师父在美国认罪?(图)Dyeing one's hair powder and hair dye
The main Buddha disciple to revoltPermits video recording video frequency which the carpenter parents complain tearfully
The harm of women and childrenWhy brings up an old matter again, died ten year carpenter to become the focal point character
Firmly in control of thoughtXu Siwen video frequency aside
The harm of women and children网上惊现李洪志在美国的犯罪记录(图)
话题: political话题: power话题: states话题: united话题: god