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Talk版 - The implementation of the spirit of manipulation
Promote terrorZhang Yijun: for the first successful James he said
Sick died residues deathZhang Yijun yesterday and today
Dyeing one's hair powder and hair dyelove of father and son
Why not live to be Dafa disciples?Edward Snowden's theme song
大舅哥的“泰囧”之旅(连载四三)Firmly in control of thought
Falun Gong so-called the human rightsUnable to support not drink
When will the perfect a discipleVigorously worship leader
Double embarrassment: God always blindedImplement mind control
话题: wet话题: father话题: lu话题: spirit
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
Lu Junhong To make believers obey convince ourselves, we have to wrap
ourselves god campaign, coercion to win over believers. Lu Junhong declared
that "we are in the spiritual realm to find * wet father * but * wet Father
* I am the true spirit, the sky is there, here also has a name, but the true
spirit of the most spiritual or in the world. I hope you have to cherish *
* wet Father, do not let the old wet * * angry parent. the parent * * as wet
do not know, can not see anything out of people, in fact he is the most
stupid person. "flagrant fraud only to intimidate believers. Lu Junhong also
been deified himself: "instant retribution came, you know that these two
days will be open over France, many people enlightened ah * * Wet father
once puja, you save a lot of new people this is a good thing ah... * * wet
father is really poor, wet Father * * Do not give up any one can save people
. come, and wet * parent * to try to manifest to them, manifest is very
tired, they want to see family room look like, what color sofa, takes a lot
of gas, wet Father * * is to let those who do not believe in people who
believe. " And threatened to "Just tell me Lu station, I'll speak with the
Goddess of Mercy, Guanyin Buddha bless you please avoid disaster!" As if
they are all exempt disasters: "Taiwan long to tell you that I, together
with Bodhisattva speak, as long as there catastrophe, small disaster comes,
I said, as long as the length of the repair station with the Dharma people,
I would ask the Bodhisattva bless you! "Lu Taiwan longer true believers
become like a talisman.
1 (共1页)
Implement mind control大舅哥的“泰囧”之旅(连载四三)
Implement mind controlFalun Gong so-called the human rights
Banning Cult necessityWhen will the perfect a disciple
What is Li Hongzhi's intention to modify the Analects of ConfuciusDouble embarrassment: God always blinded
Promote terrorZhang Yijun: for the first successful James he said
Sick died residues deathZhang Yijun yesterday and today
Dyeing one's hair powder and hair dyelove of father and son
Why not live to be Dafa disciples?Edward Snowden's theme song
话题: wet话题: father话题: lu话题: spirit