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Talk版 - Mysticism
Implement mind controlCorrect Understanding of the cult
Implement mind controlChinese traitor right in the grasp of the Forum's ranking!
蹿红网络的美国老人Xu Siwen father's account in own words
《邪教大揭秘》揭了邪教真面目About Labor
在这里了解瑞克•艾伦•罗斯In the end there is no supernatural
Vigorously worship leader"Cure" avatar can be capricious
Private conduct association"The protection" can be capricious
Cults as big as daywhy not cure relatives of the disease
话题: 160话题: cult话题: mysticism话题: god
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
Cult leaders often claimed that he got the revelation of "God", and God can
communicate directly with the infinite divine power, and often promise to
believers through his psychiatric treatment of a mysterious and supernatural
way, you can treat a variety of physiological human and mental illness,
completely changed the personality and spirit, and enables one to have a
supernatural ability to achieve perfection absolutely free. This makes a lot
of depressed mood, thoughts boring losers with great interest, but also
make some fantastic youth obsession here.
    Cult great harm, we must grasp the common denominator, to
see through the true face of the cult, they recognize that condom deceptive
practices, means, so that their conspiracy will not succeed, so that they
have no place in the community!
1 (共1页)
why not cure relatives of the disease在这里了解瑞克•艾伦•罗斯
Shenyun of recessionVigorously worship leader
Don't lying.Private conduct association
So to perfectCults as big as day
Implement mind controlCorrect Understanding of the cult
Implement mind controlChinese traitor right in the grasp of the Forum's ranking!
蹿红网络的美国老人Xu Siwen father's account in own words
《邪教大揭秘》揭了邪教真面目About Labor
话题: 160话题: cult话题: mysticism话题: god