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Talk版 - In the end there is no supernatural
Chinese dance contest junior championThe light of Li Hongzhi
"The protection" can be capriciousFalun Gong so-called the human rights
"Stealth" avatar can be capriciousAbout the power of “right thinking ”
"Cure" avatar can be capriciousThe living dead variable
Then who cursed Lord buddhaThe main Buddha disciple to revolt
Dafa within all kinds of uglyWho can help master Li cure mental disease
Not all could not surviveSuffer a big lawsuit lose
Falun Gong disciples poorSee Master Li's political ambitions
话题: li话题: hongzhi话题: gong话题: falun
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
If these 3 people can't name it, then there is a name, it is Li Bojian. In
September 14, 2008, Falun Gong media "people's Daily" published an article
entitled "the story of Falun Gong founder to become champion of the" bandy
legs dance "sign", said Li Bojian is not only back straight up, but from the
knee to the calf not together, is a clear, O greatly. He walked with his
left foot in front of the right foot and even had some, the right foot
across the end result in front of the left foot, in the back is a small X.
He went to the New York dance school registration met when the Falun Gong
founder Li Hongzhi, Li Dashi "on his shoulders and back, patted the boy's
shoulders, buckle stretch, cause humpback have disappeared. A year later,
the boy became the new Chinese dance contest junior champion. You say the
magic is not magic?
Read here, out of the question, Li Hongzhi so resourceful, Ye Hao is Falun
Gong's "two master", has been for the development of Falun Gong in
distinctions won in battle outside the territory of the Li Hongzhi set, why
not try to cure a couple of Ye Hao? Is it really as anecdotal biography,
leaf Haogong big bully, Li Hongzhi deliberately not to cure Mrs. Ye Hao? Did
Li Hongzhi and the "two master" infighting really to the point of
incompatible, Li Hongzhi even "Chou" a leaf Hao couple are not interested in?
Li Hongzhi insisted no magic users (most people) that Li Hongzhi did not
have any supernatural powers, but is an ordinary people, Li Hongzhi boasted
only love long. In the end there is no supernatural
1 (共1页)
See Master Li's political ambitionsThen who cursed Lord buddha
Denigrate current lawDafa within all kinds of ugly
Lie for artNot all could not survive
Falun Gong outrageous mediaFalun Gong disciples poor
Chinese dance contest junior championThe light of Li Hongzhi
"The protection" can be capriciousFalun Gong so-called the human rights
"Stealth" avatar can be capriciousAbout the power of “right thinking ”
"Cure" avatar can be capriciousThe living dead variable
话题: li话题: hongzhi话题: gong话题: falun