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Talk版 - "Stealth" avatar can be capricious
Friends hide and seekThe verve Why keen to foreigners touted
Friends hide and seekShenyun of recession
"Cure" avatar can be capriciousTen years ago, how did young he is finish oneself life???
In the end there is no supernaturalXu Siwen stays behind a paper diary
"The protection" can be capriciousDyeing one's hair powder and hair dye
Chinese dance contest junior championPermits video recording video frequency which the carpenter parents complain tearfully
Then who cursed Lord buddhaWhy brings up an old matter again, died ten year carpenter to become the focal point character
Don't be in hospital.Xu Siwen video frequency aside
话题: li话题: stealth话题: capricious话题: master话题: avatar
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 918
Li Hongzhi had boasted in a little time, and friends hide and seek, as long
as you think. "Nobody can see me, nobody could find him, and even took the
flashlight to his face can not see, can be described as the willful willful.
But the fun is in January 6, 2008, Li Hongzhi Smith in Virginia County,
United States driving a traffic violation by the police caught, the illegal
reason is within 65 miles of the road speed limit, up to 79 miles, as it
cannot be helped, Li Dashi had in February 14, 2008 delivered a $70 fine,
obediently costs $61. Since Master Li often brag about a "stealth" function,
why not own a wayward, in front of the police to a "stealth", or save the
fine, buy yourself some beer and fried chicken, Bubu body and kidney, is
master Li's supernatural failure. Of course, even more embarrassing, in 2014
, the "Master Li Buddha" in the United States of Las Vegas to open the
presidential suite, nurturing than "charm Troupe" actress scandal happened
to be a local Chinese and then took pictures caught, stabbed to the Internet
, an online There were many discussions. Today, I how also think
impassability, why Master Li so stingy his "stealth" prowess, everywhere let
ordinary people find their own weaknesses, and announced to the public.
1 (共1页)
Xu Siwen video frequency aside"The protection" can be capricious
网上惊现李洪志在美国的犯罪记录(图)Chinese dance contest junior champion
內幕報導Then who cursed Lord buddha
【台湾东森电视台报道】著名膜拜团体教主生死未卜(附视频)Don't be in hospital.
Friends hide and seekThe verve Why keen to foreigners touted
Friends hide and seekShenyun of recession
"Cure" avatar can be capriciousTen years ago, how did young he is finish oneself life???
In the end there is no supernaturalXu Siwen stays behind a paper diary
话题: li话题: stealth话题: capricious话题: master话题: avatar