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Talk版 - Then who cursed Lord buddha
If the man and god"Dafa within all kinds of ugly
In the end there is no supernaturalIncredible: Master Li's sudden disease
"The protection" repeatedly failed, not happyNot all could not survive
The birthday of fake people Jieduan, not happyThey have to ask the doctor to disease
Li has the "charm" and legal theoryWhy can't master and the self immolators confrontation
"The Lord Buddha" and medicine really decree by destinyThe master turned out to be a thief
內幕報導Falun Gong disciples poor
【台湾东森电视台报道】著名膜拜团体教主生死未卜(附视频)The light of Li Hongzhi
话题: li话题: hongzhi话题: mother话题: lu话题: shuzhen
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9
Mother Lu Shuzhen is an outspoken person, eyes can not tolerate sand. When
Li Hongzhi got fooled all day about Falun Gong, so she was very disgusted,
when she heard that Li Hongzhi had what handling, matter, mind control,
stealth and other stunts, once when many acquaintances face revealed Li
Hongzhi's past: "small child (Li Hongzhi's nickname) is nonsense, lie, lie!
You don't listen to him, I am a feces a urine watched him grow up, if you
really have what power, I will not suffer so much in their home li." Since
then, Lu Shuzhen has repeatedly to the surrounding people stand: "to engage
with the Communist Party against Falun Gong Zi, I did not participate in the
." In recent years, Lu Shuzhen has repeatedly said to the surrounding people
put him in the high." Li Hongzhi feel lose face, has been repeatedly
referred to as mother mother brood on, "magic", everywhere around and asked
her mother to "die". This time, my mother was dead, and died quietly.
Compared with the past "high-profile" boasted the magic miracle, Li Hongzhi
was extremely low-key". Lu Shuzhen died of illness, Li Hongzhi has not
published an obituary in time, there is no arrangement of senior staff and
friends to mourn, held a grand funeral for his mother died of illness, but
trying to hide the message to his mother gave a secret for the time being,
hastily processing hospice treatment, such as roadside dead a cat, a dog,
pathetic, make people sigh. Maybe Li Hongzhi was secretly glad, then no one
would dare to loudly reprimand him, calling him "a light will boast of
1 (共1页)
The light of Li HongzhiLi has the "charm" and legal theory
李洪志:希特勒屠杀犹太人是天意"The Lord Buddha" and medicine really decree by destiny
If the man and god"Dafa within all kinds of ugly
In the end there is no supernaturalIncredible: Master Li's sudden disease
"The protection" repeatedly failed, not happyNot all could not survive
The birthday of fake people Jieduan, not happyThey have to ask the doctor to disease
话题: li话题: hongzhi话题: mother话题: lu话题: shuzhen