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Tennis版 - Short version of NTRP rating
2007 NTRP ranking is out[合集] 谁来说说FLEX LEAGUE?
土了,谁给解释USTA评级和NTPR评级的关系和区别阿?YER is out
NTRP Level :)How to avoid being disqualified in the USTA league
@8/20 Party Singles Tournament Idea弱问一个关于USTA的问题
how do we know we are single players or double players?奔练习赛,求各种砖 (转载)
USTA leagues献给张老三, men's double 6.0
俺也挖个坑:咱老中是active USTA的真的很多吗?What NTRP level?
double or single? which is better?Poll: Recreational Player's best USTA strategy
话题: players话题: courts话题: even话题: play话题: leagues
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发帖数: 3016
I think it is better definition than usta chart.
Quote from others:
3.5's, you can be "king of the courts". You have a list of guys you
normally play, but can just show up at the courts and get a decent game,
though you would likely win almost every time out.
At 4.0, it's impossible to find "pick up" tennis, unless it's on courts
where the concept is practiced, and then it's mostly doubles. 4.0's can beat
anyone who frequents public courts, or even college courts, unless they are
team members of the school.
4.5 usually have even more problems finding suitable doubles. There just
aren't FOUR 4.5's at any tennis court at any given moment, unless prior
arrangements are made.
Any higher, it's all black book and booked courttime.
2.5 doesn't even know how to keep score
3.0 can play a little, but basically the lowest level for people who
actually play
3.5 most players fall into this category. Decent players who understand the
game, they just lack a weapon or consistency. Old guys can play at this
level until they are 80.
4.0 good players. Consistent, have weapons, etc. These are the better club
players and the good high school kids.
4.5 the best of the club players. These guys have fully developed games and
can really compete. This would include the very good high school kids and
even former college players. This is the top level that has functioning
leagues. 5.0s will only have leagues in big cities, and even then, there
will only be a few teams and some of the teams will have 4.5s on them.
5.0 these are the rare elite handful. Tennis academy kids. Recent D1 or
recent top D2 college players. Even most teaching pros don't play at this
level except for maybe the guys at the top resorts.
5.5 Does not really exist. Usually above 4.5 it's just "open", and there
might be a little 5.0 activity, but you never see 5.5 leagues. These are
current D1 or top D2 college players. Maybe some former pros or futures
players. The only way you ever get rated 5.5 is if you win a lot of matches
at 5.0 (or maybe nationals) and get bumped to nowhere.
发帖数: 25274
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Poll: Recreational Player's best USTA strategyhow do we know we are single players or double players?
NTRP level 的不可比较USTA leagues
What NTRP level?俺也挖个坑:咱老中是active USTA的真的很多吗?
有人考网球教练吗double or single? which is better?
2007 NTRP ranking is out[合集] 谁来说说FLEX LEAGUE?
土了,谁给解释USTA评级和NTPR评级的关系和区别阿?YER is out
NTRP Level :)How to avoid being disqualified in the USTA league
@8/20 Party Singles Tournament Idea弱问一个关于USTA的问题
话题: players话题: courts话题: even话题: play话题: leagues