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Texas版 - recommendation Re: Apartment in Houston
有人在GABLE住过吗?房屋出租, good deal!
求Houston Apartment推荐please recommend an optometrist in houston
求好心人指导休斯顿租房信息有没有知道这个apartment的呀?Chateaux Dijon
求推荐Houston westchase附近800至900左右月租的apartment真心求教:去TMC方便的安全无蟑螂老鼠的1bed apartment
寻找合适的apartmentHouston Apartment 求推荐
8月份搬至Houston, 请教问题及寻找室友。谢谢!Houston Apartment-Roomate休斯敦1b Apt都$1500左右啦? 求教Houston uptown/galleria地区apartment推荐
anyone recommend an apartment in Southwst Houston?move to work at Downtown Houston, need recommendation for apartment
能推荐个2BR Apartment吗?Please recommend a good apartment in Katy.
话题: apartment话题: houston话题: gables话题: downtown
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4457
i used to work in Downtown and live around galleria.
if u want to look for relative high end apartment, gables in pin oak is a good
place to check. about 8-10 miles to downtown. they have garage parking for
free. i lived there before. Like it. quiet and neighbors are nice.
There is high end apartment next to gables. I forgot the name, maybe called
pin oak estate or something like that. that property maybe more townhouse.
walden right behind best buy is another place. But i think it is not as goo
1 (共1页)
Please recommend a good apartment in Katy.寻找合适的apartment
please recommend apartment in Katy area (or rent a house)8月份搬至Houston, 请教问题及寻找室友。谢谢!Houston Apartment-Roomate
求推荐: Sugar Land 的daycare 或 preschoolanyone recommend an apartment in Southwst Houston?
给九月份生的孩子找kindergarden能推荐个2BR Apartment吗?
有人在GABLE住过吗?房屋出租, good deal!
求Houston Apartment推荐please recommend an optometrist in houston
求好心人指导休斯顿租房信息有没有知道这个apartment的呀?Chateaux Dijon
求推荐Houston westchase附近800至900左右月租的apartment真心求教:去TMC方便的安全无蟑螂老鼠的1bed apartment
话题: apartment话题: houston话题: gables话题: downtown