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Texas版 - Job Opening in Bryan TX (转载)
Job Openning / Sales Manager / HoustonApple今天宣布 to Hire 4,000 Employees (转载)
找工作--Dallas地区--2年国内java/j2ee经验--有身份。Skua Developer position opening in houston 85k - 95k
请问:Dallas Java开发工作机会多吗?油服软件公司招GUI Developer (转载)
求工作推荐,Java码工Web Developers: Salary 60k-110k openings.
借宝地打听一下houston的java developer工作机会多吗?有机会想搬过来Developer positions opening
我又来发职位了,公司有5个opening (转载)Re: college station有哪些东方店?
Job Opening: Need ASP.NET, C# Developers in Dallas, Plano Area.寻找愿意付费接送的同学
JPMorgan 2015年初工作机会!(Dallas Office)版上的JMs都在哪儿练YOGA?
话题: java话题: bryan话题: tx话题: experience话题: developer
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 151
【 以下文字转载自 JobHunting 讨论区 】
发信人: stephanie (且莫思身外,常近樽前), 信区: JobHunting
标 题: Job Opening in Bryan TX
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Oct 14 16:42:20 2010, 美东)
Senior Java Application Developer
We have an opening for an experienced Senior Java Developer in Bryan, TX to
develop software applications to support customer facing revenue generating
systems. Our real-time and batch applications run “lights-out” and use
various delivery methods including HTTP, web services, network sockets, and
FTP via Java and Oracle.
To qualify, you must have a college degree, Computer Science or related,
eight years of experience working with Java in a production environment, and
a strong working knowledge of SQL including stored procedures and views.
Experience with J2EE, Oracle database objects, and Tomcat Application Server
a plus. The ability to solve complex problems and effectively communicate
technical and business ideas with technical staff is also required.
We offer a competitive salary, commensurate with experience, and a benefits
package including a 401(k) and educational assistance.
1 (共1页)
版上的JMs都在哪儿练YOGA?借宝地打听一下houston的java developer工作机会多吗?有机会想搬过来
从dallas到college station有什么公共交通吗我又来发职位了,公司有5个opening (转载)
TAMU/CollegeStation/Bryan提供保姆家政帮助Job Opening: Need ASP.NET, C# Developers in Dallas, Plano Area.
有没有推荐的越南restaurant ? (North Dallas)JPMorgan 2015年初工作机会!(Dallas Office)
Job Openning / Sales Manager / HoustonApple今天宣布 to Hire 4,000 Employees (转载)
找工作--Dallas地区--2年国内java/j2ee经验--有身份。Skua Developer position opening in houston 85k - 95k
请问:Dallas Java开发工作机会多吗?油服软件公司招GUI Developer (转载)
求工作推荐,Java码工Web Developers: Salary 60k-110k openings.
话题: java话题: bryan话题: tx话题: experience话题: developer