

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - after 2.27% bad beat
very interesting hand .hand review
初试Live Casino Poker里程.(10)reraise all in river
another two hands tonighttough river spot NL100
bluff or not?!这牌俺真的不理解
I feel something fishy about FTP...对付LAG没有比position更值钱的了
call or not to call river bets大家讨论一下live game如何talk得到信息
did i make the right fold?Two hands what would u do
Am I losing values on river?river action
话题: river话题: vs话题: kk话题: turn话题: 200
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
I just came back and played on poker stars , for a rest.
AAd vs KK all in200$ flop Kd2d3d turn 9d river 9 heart, lost 200$
KK vs 33 bet all the way to the river, river is 3!, he all in 74$ for a
200$ pot, I have to call.
QJ vs Q8 board 8QJ2 all in on the turn we both all in 200$, river , dang 8!!
KQ vs AJ board AJ10 3 no flush, turn I reraise him to 40$ , he called, river
is another J, and he only charge me 26$!!!, hahaha
I just felt be cursed tonight......, nothing in my brain....
发帖数: 1873
Now I started to know poker is risky..
These hands totally cost me 800$+, I mean I should win 800$ , but since
these 20% 2% 3 outs, 1 out, 2 out happend, I lost 800$


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: I just came back and played on poker stars , for a rest.
: AAd vs KK all in200$ flop Kd2d3d turn 9d river 9 heart, lost 200$
: KK vs 33 bet all the way to the river, river is 3!, he all in 74$ for a
: 200$ pot, I have to call.
: QJ vs Q8 board 8QJ2 all in on the turn we both all in 200$, river , dang 8!!
: KQ vs AJ board AJ10 3 no flush, turn I reraise him to 40$ , he called, river
: is another J, and he only charge me 26$!!!, hahaha
: I just felt be cursed tonight......, nothing in my brain....

发帖数: 1873
发帖数: 15860
俺现在是越来越理解为什么有人说职业高手爱玩high limit的了,真是受不了大起大落
的swing,尤其是长期玩的,一天里面几次这样ALL IN发生的操蛋事情,心理影响太大

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: Now I started to know poker is risky..
: These hands totally cost me 800$+, I mean I should win 800$ , but since
: these 20% 2% 3 outs, 1 out, 2 out happend, I lost 800$
: 8!!
: river

发帖数: 262
首先,只有经过这样的up and down,才能成长,现在的stake还很小,只有心理素质过硬了
,才有可能move up to higher stakes
再者,短期的swing和variation是必然规律,只要make play with positive EV,长期来

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 俺现在是越来越理解为什么有人说职业高手爱玩high limit的了,真是受不了大起大落
: 的swing,尤其是长期玩的,一天里面几次这样ALL IN发生的操蛋事情,心理影响太大
: 。一天老老实实的按牌理经验玩,好不容易积累些,一把针尖对麦芒就浪费了。

1 (共1页)
river actionI feel something fishy about FTP...
Just nowcall or not to call river bets
Fryking's summary might be very true.did i make the right fold?
pocket 10sAm I losing values on river?
very interesting hand .hand review
初试Live Casino Poker里程.(10)reraise all in river
another two hands tonighttough river spot NL100
bluff or not?!这牌俺真的不理解
话题: river话题: vs话题: kk话题: turn话题: 200