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TexasHoldem版 - Share your bad beat stories!! I go first
请教一个基础问题最大的pre-flop underdog 2
Free Texas Holdem Odds Calculator on Iphone/itouchomaha 8 (11) All cards working together
KKRUN拿下$28000 guarantee冠军!奖金$6696.25!omaha 8 (12) I need A miracle
昨天说血洗parx的那谁谁Question about one of the hands that i played
back from Reno..what's your opinion on this hand?
一箭之仇讲几个mixed game 变种
Foxwoods Casino 之行 (1-2 No Limit Holdem)3
周末live game的三局,请教我是不是哪里打的不对这个spread limit和No limit差别还挺大
话题: game话题: flop话题: stories话题: share话题: got
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 85
Hehe, finally know how to post in this club. Thanks Ikea make me a member of
the club. My first post is to post some of my bad beat stories...
1. Party poker (before it was banned by US) 30/60 6 hand loose-
hyperaggressive limited holdem game: I play 2 games same time, both game I
got AA; both game got capped before flop (4 bets), headsup; flop came, one
is Txx, another one is xxx. Like usual, lots of actions on both flop. Turn
for 1st game is another x, for 2nd game is a J; river for 1st game i
发帖数: 1153
woooooooo high stakes!


【在 z*****g 的大作中提到】
: Hehe, finally know how to post in this club. Thanks Ikea make me a member of
: the club. My first post is to post some of my bad beat stories...
: 1. Party poker (before it was banned by US) 30/60 6 hand loose-
: hyperaggressive limited holdem game: I play 2 games same time, both game I
: got AA; both game got capped before flop (4 bets), headsup; flop came, one
: is Txx, another one is xxx. Like usual, lots of actions on both flop. Turn
: for 1st game is another x, for 2nd game is a J; river for 1st game i

发帖数: 257
Not playing such high stake, but is very usuall online site to induce
badbeats like this. Got KK once capped too I did not even call the rag flop
with raise and reraise in front. 4 hands saw the river and there were 3 sets.
I do believe they deal above-average hands in higer ratios to initiate
actions so they can collect rakes. They make little money dealing everybody


【在 z*****g 的大作中提到】
: Hehe, finally know how to post in this club. Thanks Ikea make me a member of
: the club. My first post is to post some of my bad beat stories...
: 1. Party poker (before it was banned by US) 30/60 6 hand loose-
: hyperaggressive limited holdem game: I play 2 games same time, both game I
: got AA; both game got capped before flop (4 bets), headsup; flop came, one
: is Txx, another one is xxx. Like usual, lots of actions on both flop. Turn
: for 1st game is another x, for 2nd game is a J; river for 1st game i

发帖数: 15860
hehe, read a hand from an online blog, five sets A Q T 7 6, unbelivable, OP
got 77 and opened big pots on the turn when he hit 7 (QT6 were slow playing
with QT6 board, really not much to worry for them, hehe), ..... crazy
actions started and BB hit A on river.


【在 k******t 的大作中提到】
: Not playing such high stake, but is very usuall online site to induce
: badbeats like this. Got KK once capped too I did not even call the rag flop
: with raise and reraise in front. 4 hands saw the river and there were 3 sets.
: I do believe they deal above-average hands in higer ratios to initiate
: actions so they can collect rakes. They make little money dealing everybody
: 27,39s.
: of
: for
: ,

发帖数: 78
if only the 6th guy has KT.
1 (共1页)
这个spread limit和No limit差别还挺大back from Reno..
what's wrong with this calc?一箭之仇
【公告】明天参加牌局的id注意了!Foxwoods Casino 之行 (1-2 No Limit Holdem)
reading your opponent.周末live game的三局,请教我是不是哪里打的不对
请教一个基础问题最大的pre-flop underdog 2
Free Texas Holdem Odds Calculator on Iphone/itouchomaha 8 (11) All cards working together
KKRUN拿下$28000 guarantee冠军!奖金$6696.25!omaha 8 (12) I need A miracle
昨天说血洗parx的那谁谁Question about one of the hands that i played
话题: game话题: flop话题: stories话题: share话题: got