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TexasHoldem版 - lost interest on holdem
得意一下haha, found a long interview from fcf
说谁online扑克水平高就是一个jokeAbout showdown at river
Another donk cost me a buy in.怎么办?
Can you lay down your set?这样考虑有没有道理
这牌有点难打some interesting live poker hands.
$55 FTOP ticket can only use for FTOP?!凑热闹, 请教一手牌
one interesting hand on line这几天玩POKER玩得天昏地暗的
RE: 这种毛驴不宰行吗?WHAT A DONK
话题: holdem话题: lost话题: interest话题: exciting话题: stock
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 16209
kinda busy and missed a few times to play it..
and somehow, still feel holdem has quite some luck inside..
and stock is more exciting..
time is so precious... even could just to lay on the seashore..
slowly, found less and less interest on holdem...
don't know if it is the sign the life is too boring or too exciting :)
发帖数: 15860
interesting, exact same feeling here. luck is important and time/return is
not attractive over long time, especially when you're down a few times,
which drags your profit (hourly rate) to a low number.

【在 w******s 的大作中提到】
: kinda busy and missed a few times to play it..
: and somehow, still feel holdem has quite some luck inside..
: and stock is more exciting..
: time is so precious... even could just to lay on the seashore..
: slowly, found less and less interest on holdem...
: don't know if it is the sign the life is too boring or too exciting :)

发帖数: 257
Every donks can win this game. That what I felt after suffering devasting
beats in FTOPS. Was chipleader in one of the events when 1/3 fields left.
Blinds getting high and shortstacks started to push. I doubled 2 shortstacks
, AQ lost to A6 and QK lost to K10. Then I got AK in BB, every1 folded to SB
who completed. I rasised
to 4BB and SB reraised me 12BB with Q2 puttimg me on a steal. The donkey
called my allin and flopped a duece.
Checking ur tool in Stock board, Great work man.
Msg me a pic

【在 w******s 的大作中提到】
: kinda busy and missed a few times to play it..
: and somehow, still feel holdem has quite some luck inside..
: and stock is more exciting..
: time is so precious... even could just to lay on the seashore..
: slowly, found less and less interest on holdem...
: don't know if it is the sign the life is too boring or too exciting :)

发帖数: 16209
I didn't play much .. but I see those high stake poker video and felt it is
not a decent game in the end..
and seems stock is more exciting game.. more challenge there.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: interesting, exact same feeling here. luck is important and time/return is
: not attractive over long time, especially when you're down a few times,
: which drags your profit (hourly rate) to a low number.

发帖数: 15860
yeah, read quite some hands recently too, what the crap!
looks to me more like if you have the right bankroll/guts/luck/skill(yeah,
last), get a shot (say, $100K in some xxx tourneies), you'll be fine.
otherwise, for 99.99% of players, it just sucks.


【在 w******s 的大作中提到】
: I didn't play much .. but I see those high stake poker video and felt it is
: not a decent game in the end..
: and seems stock is more exciting game.. more challenge there.

1 (共1页)
怒了!$55 FTOP ticket can only use for FTOP?!
Question about one of the hands that i playedone interesting hand on line
我有JJ 我怕谁?RE: 这种毛驴不宰行吗?
得意一下haha, found a long interview from fcf
说谁online扑克水平高就是一个jokeAbout showdown at river
Another donk cost me a buy in.怎么办?
Can you lay down your set?这样考虑有没有道理
话题: holdem话题: lost话题: interest话题: exciting话题: stock