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TexasHoldem版 - AA slow play is a bad idea
AQ flopped A, how to play?is C-bet AK/AQ +EV?
昨天在harrahs ACShould I believe him?
这手牌啥思路?A hand I played well last night
今天又出门偷玩了3小时!did i play it correctly?
超级臭的一把KA out of position
bluff or not ?Some Sick Hands during weekend live game in AC
3 hand last night in commerce.怒了!
今天玩rush poker的一手AAFeb-08 hand review
话题: aa话题: slow话题: play话题: raise话题: sb
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 228
my 23 two p busted AA. Dont understand why some slow play AA.
发帖数: 1169
i think AA slow is some how acceptable, anyway, not very often your oponent
hit 2p at flop,but if he hit K,or Q, you still ahead.
if you raise too much with AA every time, you get nothing besides blinds.
but for KK, i almost certainly raise a lot, and re-raise to a raise,
i dont want to see a flop A.

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: my 23 two p busted AA. Dont understand why some slow play AA.
发帖数: 15860
if slow play AND can lay down, then it's ok. too many ppl like slow playing
AA and get stubborn later, basically trap themselves.
it's ok to slow play AA WITH a plan ahead, such as limping in from UTG,
knowing table is aggressive and sb. will for sure raise from LP, then plan
to jump on top to cut off the field (as in the book "kill everyone"). or try
to let some hands catch up a little on flop and win more, but again, with a
plan to re-evaluate if things turn ugly.
hold'em is a 7 card game. if

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: my 23 two p busted AA. Dont understand why some slow play AA.
发帖数: 228
the flop is 23K, he bet only 2, I raised to 10, he went allin, I called.
Must thought I had KQ or something.


【在 D*A 的大作中提到】
: i think AA slow is some how acceptable, anyway, not very often your oponent
: hit 2p at flop,but if he hit K,or Q, you still ahead.
: if you raise too much with AA every time, you get nothing besides blinds.
: but for KK, i almost certainly raise a lot, and re-raise to a raise,
: i dont want to see a flop A.

发帖数: 228
very hard to fold AA though, I'd rather win a few bucks than lose a big pot
with AA. That is why I almost never slow play AA.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: if slow play AND can lay down, then it's ok. too many ppl like slow playing
: AA and get stubborn later, basically trap themselves.
: it's ok to slow play AA WITH a plan ahead, such as limping in from UTG,
: knowing table is aggressive and sb. will for sure raise from LP, then plan
: to jump on top to cut off the field (as in the book "kill everyone"). or try
: to let some hands catch up a little on flop and win more, but again, with a
: plan to re-evaluate if things turn ugly.
: hold'em is a 7 card game. if

发帖数: 1153
what's the preflop action?

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: the flop is 23K, he bet only 2, I raised to 10, he went allin, I called.
: Must thought I had KQ or something.
: oponent

发帖数: 228
I SB, AA limp in. so why not?

【在 i********r 的大作中提到】
: what's the preflop action?
发帖数: 15860
i folded AA one time like this.
1/2NL, got AA at UTG, limped since one black guy was very aggressive and
bullied around. he talked a lot and bluffed a lot, but i knew he's using it
as a cover, actually he's very careful with position/bet size.
to my surprise, he (chip leader) just smooth called, SB (another big stack)
flop: T-4-4, checked to me, i bet $10 (pot $8). black guy quickly raised to
$30. SB didn't even look at him, but at me, said he put me all-in (~$200).
he looked like too pr

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: I SB, AA limp in. so why not?
发帖数: 228
this is what I want to avoid. I'll raise to 10 preflop.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: i folded AA one time like this.
: 1/2NL, got AA at UTG, limped since one black guy was very aggressive and
: bullied around. he talked a lot and bluffed a lot, but i knew he's using it
: as a cover, actually he's very careful with position/bet size.
: to my surprise, he (chip leader) just smooth called, SB (another big stack)
: called.
: flop: T-4-4, checked to me, i bet $10 (pot $8). black guy quickly raised to
: $30. SB didn't even look at him, but at me, said he put me all-in (~$200).
: he looked like too pr

发帖数: 15860
AA at UTG/EP is awkward in 1/2NL in AC, saw too many guys shake their heads
in disbelief when they played it the "right" way and couldn't fold.
for QQ+ hand with position, i keep it simple nowadays, no more than flop,

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: this is what I want to avoid. I'll raise to 10 preflop.
: it
: )
: to

发帖数: 1153
pretty sure play 23 at SB is a leak

【在 x********u 的大作中提到】
: I SB, AA limp in. so why not?
1 (共1页)
Feb-08 hand review超级臭的一把
how would you play this hand?bluff or not ?
limp in AA and play like a fool does pay off3 hand last night in commerce.
A Hand to Share, Bad CBet今天玩rush poker的一手AA
AQ flopped A, how to play?is C-bet AK/AQ +EV?
昨天在harrahs ACShould I believe him?
这手牌啥思路?A hand I played well last night
今天又出门偷玩了3小时!did i play it correctly?
话题: aa话题: slow话题: play话题: raise话题: sb