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TexasHoldem版 - New bill in Senate seeks to regulate online poker
Bill to suspend internet gambling ban introduced in U.S. CongressCalifornia takes step toward legalizing, regulating online poker
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No one is worried 15 months without online poker?1% of medicare billers reaped 17.5% of all payments
Did FBI say online poker is illegal?[合集] 邻居的大树长了过来怎么办?
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Maryland Live! Casino seeks to hire 1,500 by AprilJust put on 3 wagers
话题: seeks话题: senate话题: new话题: poker话题: online
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6301
New bill in Senate seeks to regulate online poker
October 1st, 2008
The PPA is hailing it as a major lobbying victory, and while it may not be
the silver bullet online poker players have been waiting for, Senator Robert
Menendez’s (D-NJ) Internet Skill Game Licensing and Control Act represents
a major step forward for the industry.
Introduced yesterday, the bill (full text on the PPA website here) seeks to
do basically what the title suggests - explicitly legalize wagering on
online games of ski
发帖数: 1873
I never stop playing poker and not sure what law has any impact on my play
at all.


【在 w***w 的大作中提到】
: New bill in Senate seeks to regulate online poker
: October 1st, 2008
: The PPA is hailing it as a major lobbying victory, and while it may not be
: the silver bullet online poker players have been waiting for, Senator Robert
: Menendez’s (D-NJ) Internet Skill Game Licensing and Control Act represents
: a major step forward for the industry.
: Introduced yesterday, the bill (full text on the PPA website here) seeks to
: do basically what the title suggests - explicitly legalize wagering on
: online games of ski

1 (共1页)
真正的赌博牛人还是steeler fan!!杯具
Just put on 3 wagers我的Superbowl 预测和bet(转载)
Seeking Group - Okemo or Stratton this ChristmasPPA@pokerstar 发信给我了。
Publisher Seek Recall of Chinese editionMaryland Live! Casino seeks to hire 1,500 by April
Bill to suspend internet gambling ban introduced in U.S. CongressCalifornia takes step toward legalizing, regulating online poker
新手求教去vegas live game有啥建议哪位大师知道在美国合法玩扑克的网站
No one is worried 15 months without online poker?1% of medicare billers reaped 17.5% of all payments
Did FBI say online poker is illegal?[合集] 邻居的大树长了过来怎么办?
话题: seeks话题: senate话题: new话题: poker话题: online