

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - Sick of Slick - Part IV
calling short stack all inSick of Slick - Part III (ZZ)
Yeah!Sick of Slick (the rest parts)
又一个奇葩的tournament spot 看看应该怎么处理Sick of Slick - Part VI
AA连续两次碰到2pairs..Sick of Slick - Part V
All-In Odds With Slick (ZZ)初试Live Casino Poker里程.(20)
Basic Truths of Big Slick (ZZ)why people like to gamble in stock market but not in poker table?
Sick of Slick - Part I (ZZ)Chris Ferguson Wins 2008 NBC National Heads-Up Championship
Sick of Slick - Part II Betting strategies (ZZ)台灣小胖回來了
话题: deep话题: stacks话题: slick话题: stack话题: iv
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 13670
Deep stacks
I hope that you found my digression on Chris Ferguson's rules for bankroll
management in the last issue to be useful or at least thought-provoking. In
this column, I return to my series on A-K, also known as big slick. Let's
look some more at playing A-K with deep stacks. Note that the phrase "deep
stacks" is plural. If one player has a deep stack and another doesn't, the
shortest stack size is the one that is relevant. Deep-stack situations occur
when you have at least 60 big blinds
1 (共1页)
台灣小胖回來了All-In Odds With Slick (ZZ)
拜山头Basic Truths of Big Slick (ZZ)
freeroll 的比赛大家都能多大机会得到prize啊?Sick of Slick - Part I (ZZ)
3月目标完成Sick of Slick - Part II Betting strategies (ZZ)
calling short stack all inSick of Slick - Part III (ZZ)
Yeah!Sick of Slick (the rest parts)
又一个奇葩的tournament spot 看看应该怎么处理Sick of Slick - Part VI
AA连续两次碰到2pairs..Sick of Slick - Part V
话题: deep话题: stacks话题: slick话题: stack话题: iv