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TexasHoldem版 - huge bluff
why he bet that much on the river?call or not?!
tough decision vs fancy aggressive playertoughgh spot( what can he had) yanjie is me
call or fold!what can I say?!
hell what can I do?2 hands in a row( vs a donkey)
is it a good check raise??river semi bluff or not( this one I decide do it which is wrong)
huge fold.I think he is bluffing, just canot call( he is very fancy aggressive player)
got 3 bet by 2nd best hand.FOLD aa SO QUICK!
Vs river huge check raise!out of position how to play QQ bf flop vs a crazy image guy.
话题: seat
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
Full Tilt Poker Game #10014166626: Table Sweetgum (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit
Hold'em - 4:11:14 ET - 2009/01/13
Seat 1: iplaynething16 ($88.35)
Seat 2: rounder375 ($283.70)
Seat 3: HHammer878 ($632.75)
Seat 4: yanjiegou2007 ($159)
Seat 5: 1990Prodigy ($101)
Seat 6: JoinMyStack ($204)
1990Prodigy posts the small blind of $1
JoinMyStack posts the big blind of $2
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to yanjiegou2007 [5s 7s]
yanjiegou2007: come on
yanjiegou2007: pleasye
iplaynething16 f
发帖数: 715
probably the only way to win this hand -- good poker!!!
发帖数: 641
get confused of what he got? Ts?


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: Full Tilt Poker Game #10014166626: Table Sweetgum (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit
: Hold'em - 4:11:14 ET - 2009/01/13
: Seat 1: iplaynething16 ($88.35)
: Seat 2: rounder375 ($283.70)
: Seat 3: HHammer878 ($632.75)
: Seat 4: yanjiegou2007 ($159)
: Seat 5: 1990Prodigy ($101)
: Seat 6: JoinMyStack ($204)
: 1990Prodigy posts the small blind of $1
: JoinMyStack posts the big blind of $2

发帖数: 715
imo, a pocket pair smaller than K. The play would be toasted if the opponent
slow played a set on flop :)
The stack size also matters. 80BB stack is just about right for such a play.
发帖数: 1873
I put him on 1010 JJ qq (70%) or full house(30%)
1 (共1页)
out of position how to play QQ bf flop vs a crazy image guy.is it a good check raise??
虽然我不信邪。huge fold.
tough laid down!got 3 bet by 2nd best hand.
favorite hand tonightVs river huge check raise!
why he bet that much on the river?call or not?!
tough decision vs fancy aggressive playertoughgh spot( what can he had) yanjie is me
call or fold!what can I say?!
hell what can I do?2 hands in a row( vs a donkey)
话题: seat