

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - the email from FTP about my hands.
Iron Man medals and Full Tilt Points (ZT)fulltilt 的rake 怎么算的?
问一下FT RAKE BACK 问题下周比赛(11/29)俺就斗胆自做主张了,双赛!!
求助..............下载Full Tilt Poker不成功请教下怎么才能要回rake? FullTiltPoker
FTP 这种牌也发得出来。。。monster fish
sick super turbo HU games.this type of hand always makes me chuckle
昨天home game 后打HU NL50有点意思
Is it easy to earn FTP points through Rush poker?贴一手牌
FTP's newest FAQ about U.S player.tilting hand
话题: poker话题: tilt话题: full话题: ftp话题: rake
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
Thanks for your email.
Rest assured that the Full Tilt Poker software is not rigged, fixed, or
biased toward or against any player.
Keep in mind that poker is different from other forms of online betting, as
you never play against the house. If you lose funds, they are only lost to
other players and never to Full Tilt Poker. Rake and tournament fees are
unaffected by who wins or loses, as our rake is always collected from the
winner of the hand, and our tournament fees are collected at the begin
发帖数: 267
lol looks so well prepared.
I guess a lot players have emailed them b4
发帖数: 15860
lol, they must have a template for everything, otherwsie it's impossible for
them to answer all kinds of support questions with a small staff.

【在 c********e 的大作中提到】
: lol looks so well prepared.
: I guess a lot players have emailed them b4

1 (共1页)
tilting handsick super turbo HU games.
Sick Hand.昨天home game 后打HU NL50
weird hand played by fish.Is it easy to earn FTP points through Rush poker?
What level is he in?FTP's newest FAQ about U.S player.
Iron Man medals and Full Tilt Points (ZT)fulltilt 的rake 怎么算的?
问一下FT RAKE BACK 问题下周比赛(11/29)俺就斗胆自做主张了,双赛!!
求助..............下载Full Tilt Poker不成功请教下怎么才能要回rake? FullTiltPoker
FTP 这种牌也发得出来。。。monster fish
话题: poker话题: tilt话题: full话题: ftp话题: rake