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TexasHoldem版 - 感觉Fulltilt 真的很无聊。
why he bet that much on the river?what can I say?!
pokerjj到底是谁?call or fold!
toughgh spot( what can he had) yanjie is mehell what can I do?
when a pre flop squeeze check call on the flop(NL400)is it a good fold?
KK vs huge reraise on the flopis it a good check raise??
I think he is bluffing, just canot call( he is very fancy aggressive player)2 hands in a row( vs a donkey)
FOLD aa SO QUICK!huge bluff
tough decision vs fancy aggressive playerI really start to hate FTP now.
话题: seat话题: ps话题: polarop话题: non话题: value
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1873
Full Tilt Poker Game #10543230918: Table Earl (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit
Hold'em - 3:00:17 ET - 2009/02/10
Seat 1: TenGrand ($192), is sitting out
Seat 2: yanjiegou2007 ($201.35)
Seat 3: GoonerNut ($156)
Seat 4: merchizio ($443.70)
Seat 5: polarop ($401.30)
Seat 6: AttackYouStack ($200)
GoonerNut posts the small blind of $1
merchizio posts the big blind of $2
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to yanjiegou2007 [Qs Qh]
polarop has 15 seconds left to act
polarop folds
发帖数: 1934
thats why I played @ PS...

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: Full Tilt Poker Game #10543230918: Table Earl (6 max) - $1/$2 - No Limit
: Hold'em - 3:00:17 ET - 2009/02/10
: Seat 1: TenGrand ($192), is sitting out
: Seat 2: yanjiegou2007 ($201.35)
: Seat 3: GoonerNut ($156)
: Seat 4: merchizio ($443.70)
: Seat 5: polarop ($401.30)
: Seat 6: AttackYouStack ($200)
: GoonerNut posts the small blind of $1
: merchizio posts the big blind of $2

发帖数: 1873
is PS better??
发帖数: 1934
in my opinion...yes....

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: is PS better??
发帖数: 15860
haha, yesterday my in-law played one small tourney.
before bubble, she was dealt AJo at BB, LP limped. she raised 4xBB, couldn't
get him out.
flop: K33.
she checked, LP bet half pot, which was too big for her to fold anyway so
she shoved. LP turned over A3o, what a disaster!
turn: K
river: K

【在 d**x 的大作中提到】
: in my opinion...yes....
: drama少很多....当然也有...

发帖数: 1934
i said....


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: haha, yesterday my in-law played one small tourney.
: before bubble, she was dealt AJo at BB, LP limped. she raised 4xBB, couldn't
: get him out.
: flop: K33.
: she checked, LP bet half pot, which was too big for her to fold anyway so
: she shoved. LP turned over A3o, what a disaster!
: turn: K
: river: K

发帖数: 15860
it's on FT, not PS.

【在 d**x 的大作中提到】
: i said....
: 有drama,但是少很多...
: 't

发帖数: 715
Spare time, spare money. Don't be too serious about it.
发帖数: 1873
still a lot of pro, they can consisten win beyond the bad beat, their non
show down value line is alwasys over 0!!
Still a lot of work to do, poker is not easy, but there is a way to beat it
( my friend won over 100,000$ 1 year and myself also won 22,000 last year)
let us just concentrate and concentrate on our skill...
发帖数: 1934
my bad my bad

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: it's on FT, not PS.
I think he is bluffing, just canot call( he is very fancy aggressive player)what can I say?!
FOLD aa SO QUICK!call or fold!
tough decision vs fancy aggressive playerhell what can I do?
发帖数: 15860
you can do it, hehe, 22K/yr part time is very good already, admire.
if you're not playing your full bankroll or 5%+ at a time, bad beat is
really next to nothing (the only part that really sucks is tilt),
considering the times you get lucky to leverage.


【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: still a lot of pro, they can consisten win beyond the bad beat, their non
: show down value line is alwasys over 0!!
: Still a lot of work to do, poker is not easy, but there is a way to beat it
: ( my friend won over 100,000$ 1 year and myself also won 22,000 last year)
: let us just concentrate and concentrate on our skill...

发帖数: 2063
I guess if you can win on ftp, then you can win on PS also.
If you can not win on ftp, most of time you are a loser on PS either.
Because Players' skills should be similar on both sides, regulars play on
high limit, moderate players play on low buyin games.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: you can do it, hehe, 22K/yr part time is very good already, admire.
: if you're not playing your full bankroll or 5%+ at a time, bad beat is
: really next to nothing (the only part that really sucks is tilt),
: considering the times you get lucky to leverage.
: it

发帖数: 2063
I check gboro780, uscphildo, ducku on both ftp and PS, they are big winner
on both sides.
So, it really does not matter that much playing on ftp or ps. Surely, if you
can find a site full of fishes, that is another story.

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: I guess if you can win on ftp, then you can win on PS also.
: If you can not win on ftp, most of time you are a loser on PS either.
: Because Players' skills should be similar on both sides, regulars play on
: high limit, moderate players play on low buyin games.

发帖数: 15860
true. i guess most players have accounts on both, except those big guys who
have a team pro deal with one.
psycologically, since at one time or another, we may still feel so "unlucky"
after a few bad ones, i guess it doesn't hurt to switch to another site, at
least for a few days. it may help you calm down, re-focus and play your ace
game instead of tilting.


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: I check gboro780, uscphildo, ducku on both ftp and PS, they are big winner
: on both sides.
: So, it really does not matter that much playing on ftp or ps. Surely, if you
: can find a site full of fishes, that is another story.

发帖数: 2063
Melonli is right.
The problem related to non show down value bothers me a lot.
My non show down value is still negative, almost kills all of profit.
Quick question, Melonli, what is your non show down value? A little negative
or positive, or greatly negative?
Just curious?
And what is your method to improve non show down value?
I guess it should depend on aggression. If a poker play is aggressive, he
should have high chance to have a good result for non show down value.
And in your opinion, what

【在 m*****i 的大作中提到】
: still a lot of pro, they can consisten win beyond the bad beat, their non
: show down value line is alwasys over 0!!
: Still a lot of work to do, poker is not easy, but there is a way to beat it
: ( my friend won over 100,000$ 1 year and myself also won 22,000 last year)
: let us just concentrate and concentrate on our skill...

发帖数: 1873
mine is greatly negative which is very bad.
I guess if your non showdown value is above 0, you are close to pro.
no matter how big positive it is. it is extremely hard for me to do that ,
maybe in a very short time.
发帖数: 606
it's hard assuming you are playing a tag game, even harder/near impossible
with abc poker, since there you are essentially a set miner whose main
income is about cracking TPTK, which by defination, needs a show down.
things change drastically if you play a laggish game tho, non shown showdown
value can easily be positive. actually you might win more money in non
showdown pots than showdown ones.
1 (共1页)
I really start to hate FTP now.KK vs huge reraise on the flop
huge fold.I think he is bluffing, just canot call( he is very fancy aggressive player)
out of position how to play QQ bf flop vs a crazy image guy.FOLD aa SO QUICK!
got 3 bet by 2nd best hand.tough decision vs fancy aggressive player
why he bet that much on the river?what can I say?!
pokerjj到底是谁?call or fold!
toughgh spot( what can he had) yanjie is mehell what can I do?
when a pre flop squeeze check call on the flop(NL400)is it a good fold?
话题: seat话题: ps话题: polarop话题: non话题: value