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TexasHoldem版 - yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good show
What would you do?TT at SB
FryKing, One Questfinished at 3rd, bad play
打 Tourney 太费体力了when AA met flopped full house
Finally find the post by YJJkkrun大侠能介绍点18进4的8.7 tier for 26token的经验吗
watch ftop and miniftop whole way yesterdaylose big on super turbo satellites again
Yesterday at bodogshiftzerg is the man
话题: he话题: yang话题: jerry话题: gold话题: seat
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2063
I almost cetertainly know who will win the tourney when 27ppl left.
That buddy raises every unraised pot.
3bet 30% raised pot.
When he raises, and get repoped, 50% chance get allin, then the 3bet guy
will fold.
Capable to make 3 barrels with complete air. So, when someone floats him, it
is very hard to win the pot.
The guy finished 2nd, calls 70% chips with king 10 o, on king jack 6 flop, turn ace, river jack board.
The chip leader shows 78o(, it is a triple barrel). The river bet is 2/3 pot,
发帖数: 3932
theoretically, if other 26 guys fold every mediocre hand and put him allin
on every ok and above hand (such as Ax), he should be out pretty soon... but
guess there's no way to make 26 guys think the same way.. so he still can
steal enough.


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: I almost cetertainly know who will win the tourney when 27ppl left.
: That buddy raises every unraised pot.
: 3bet 30% raised pot.
: When he raises, and get repoped, 50% chance get allin, then the 3bet guy
: will fold.
: Capable to make 3 barrels with complete air. So, when someone floats him, it
: is very hard to win the pot.
: The guy finished 2nd, calls 70% chips with king 10 o, on king jack 6 flop, turn ace, river jack board.
: The chip leader shows 78o(, it is a triple barrel). The river bet is 2/3 pot,

发帖数: 2063
The way he played is awesome.
A lot of ppl(usually high buyin fellows) repops him. Almost 30% chance he
get repoped, then he use 4bets(almost 50% chance, the 4bet could be very
very light, of course the 3bet(might be 27o) also very very light) to
resteal it.
The stack is very deep, hard to allin. If you are short, then allin very
easily. One guy(high buyin buddy) allin him with k9s and wins, and he calls,
show tjo. But if you have 20+bb deep, he raises to 2.3BB, hard to allin, if
you 3bet him, h

【在 h*******s 的大作中提到】
: theoretically, if other 26 guys fold every mediocre hand and put him allin
: on every ok and above hand (such as Ax), he should be out pretty soon... but
: guess there's no way to make 26 guys think the same way.. so he still can
: steal enough.
: it

发帖数: 2063
He also 3bet very often, almost 25-30% raised pot get repoped by him.
You might raise with ace 10o, will you allin with it?(consider you have 20+bb, invest 2.3BB)
But I guess his 3bet hand includes Q8o, Qts, 79s, even 10 2 o
Some guys does shove in with a9s, he shows 99.
Another guy shoves with a9o, he calls with aqo.


【在 h*******s 的大作中提到】
: theoretically, if other 26 guys fold every mediocre hand and put him allin
: on every ok and above hand (such as Ax), he should be out pretty soon... but
: guess there's no way to make 26 guys think the same way.. so he still can
: steal enough.
: it

发帖数: 914
I didn't get the point.
So he is just bluffing? if someone calls with a big hand, (like ace king, AA
, KK), what will he do?

+bb, invest 2.3BB)

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: He also 3bet very often, almost 25-30% raised pot get repoped by him.
: You might raise with ace 10o, will you allin with it?(consider you have 20+bb, invest 2.3BB)
: But I guess his 3bet hand includes Q8o, Qts, 79s, even 10 2 o
: Some guys does shove in with a9s, he shows 99.
: Another guy shoves with a9o, he calls with aqo.
: but

发帖数: 6301
I think you overestimate the power of player, and underestimate the power of
On a 10 players table, every 5-6 hands one of the 10 player would hit a hand that is either QQ,KK,AA or AK.If the guy raises too often, he will be killed very soon.
Unless either he hit too many good hands, or other players don't
hit good hands during that mentioned time.

to win the pot.

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: The way he played is awesome.
: A lot of ppl(usually high buyin fellows) repops him. Almost 30% chance he
: get repoped, then he use 4bets(almost 50% chance, the 4bet could be very
: very light, of course the 3bet(might be 27o) also very very light) to
: resteal it.
: The stack is very deep, hard to allin. If you are short, then allin very
: easily. One guy(high buyin buddy) allin him with k9s and wins, and he calls,
: show tjo. But if you have 20+bb deep, he raises to 2.3BB, hard to allin, if
: you 3bet him, h

发帖数: 2063
this buddy is smart on poker, believe me.
It is very hard to get his chips.
He surely can make good guess if you hit or not, whether you have a big hand
or not.
(Sometimes I do the same call 3-bet allin with a5o, the opponent show j7o)
During the time I watch, every 3bet against him, his 4bet is good.
And he 3bet, and get shoved, he calls, his hand(not that strong) is good.


【在 H*******n 的大作中提到】
: I didn't get the point.
: So he is just bluffing? if someone calls with a big hand, (like ace king, AA
: , KK), what will he do?
: +bb, invest 2.3BB)
: allin
: can

发帖数: 2063
Aggressor wins the game. If you watch main event, You may wonder how the
heck Jammie Gold always has str8, full house, the reason is so simple---play
virtual every hand.
On that table, Jammie Gold raise almost every unraised pot.
Similarly, Jerry Yang did the same. And play super aggressively. Did he hit
the board? No, but he won the pot.
There are a lot of good online MTT players, they win a lot of big tourneys,
how could they always have such luck? From my estimation, the skill is much
more im

【在 w***w 的大作中提到】
: I think you overestimate the power of player, and underestimate the power of
: luck.
: On a 10 players table, every 5-6 hands one of the 10 player would hit a hand that is either QQ,KK,AA or AK.If the guy raises too often, he will be killed very soon.
: Unless either he hit too many good hands, or other players don't
: hit good hands during that mentioned time.
: calls,
: if
: to win the pot.

发帖数: 2063
Just won a hand, different player plays differently.
Full Tilt Poker Game #12184952561: $35,000 Guarantee (90973433), Table 58 -
25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:36:45 ET - 2009/05/12
Seat 1: nhunt83 (5,895)
Seat 2: 0815User (2,705)
Seat 3: pokeryjj (3,670)
Seat 4: njw11 (2,635)
Seat 5: moewells100 (2,745), is sitting out
Seat 6: joao bauer (4,905)
Seat 7: dangerbdh (760)
Seat 8: teamhonda3 (3,445)
Seat 9: jillson (4,120)
teamhonda3 posts the small blind of 25
jillson posts the big blind of 50

【在 w***w 的大作中提到】
: I think you overestimate the power of player, and underestimate the power of
: luck.
: On a 10 players table, every 5-6 hands one of the 10 player would hit a hand that is either QQ,KK,AA or AK.If the guy raises too often, he will be killed very soon.
: Unless either he hit too many good hands, or other players don't
: hit good hands during that mentioned time.
: calls,
: if
: to win the pot.

发帖数: 6301
I think Jerry Yang is a joke.
Jammie Gold is over aggressive.
在NBC看过几场Jerry Yang 的HU,差不多no read,就知道别人raise,他再reraise.差不多他所有的reraise都撞板.别人bluff是靠read,他是靠瞎蒙.2+2都在议论他是个fish.他拿一次世界冠军运气好而已.
我看过一次pokerstars欧洲之旅锦标赛,有一傻冒就知道raise,别人一bet,他就raise allin.大部分牌都是落后把人家badbeat,最后还拿了亚军.这个和Jerry Yang有一比.
watch ftop and miniftop whole way yesterdayTT at SB
为什么raise是大约2.5BB?finished at 3rd, bad play
Yesterday at bodog刚赛完一次比较大型的MTT
发帖数: 269
successful aggressive players usually have superior reading skills. play
lose and aggreesive is much more difficult than tight and aggressive.
That said, luck is still very much a major factor in tournments. Jammie
Gold is simply horrible at cash games. He disappared from high stack poker
cash game already. If he didn't, I think he would be totally broke by now.
Many people have wondered how he won the WSOP. He is just so not in the
same class as all the other great poker players.


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: Aggressor wins the game. If you watch main event, You may wonder how the
: heck Jammie Gold always has str8, full house, the reason is so simple---play
: virtual every hand.
: On that table, Jammie Gold raise almost every unraised pot.
: Similarly, Jerry Yang did the same. And play super aggressively. Did he hit
: the board? No, but he won the pot.
: There are a lot of good online MTT players, they win a lot of big tourneys,
: how could they always have such luck? From my estimation, the skill is much
: more im

发帖数: 606
Gold is a joke.
simply betting all 3 streets does not work. you must balance your
aggressive plays (between betting, floating-betting the next street and
luck is more imprtant than we ever will realize. ppl tends to attribute
their (or other experts') success to knowledge/skill way too much than
knowledge/skill really deserves.
any player who has studied the basic theories should not be worse than 35:65
dog against any pro, heads-up with 100bb deep stack. eventhe the world's
发帖数: 2063
No matter what, Gold plays the best on that game, especially final 3 table, almost doom to win.
any player who has studied the basic theories should not be worse than 35:65
dog against any pro, heads-up with 100bb deep stack.
发帖数: 2063
But everyone should admit Jerry Yang played best on that table, I guess that
Russian buddy also plays very well on that game.
If I hold the same card on that game as Jerry Yang's, I should say I can not
win it.
Jerry Yang's beting style is complete maniac, hard to play against him.
NBC HU game is the toughest HU game in the world. No one has great edge
against other player. It is completely different game.
From my knowledge, Jerry Yang plays big stack very very well. I have watched
some Final ta

【在 w***w 的大作中提到】
: I think Jerry Yang is a joke.
: Jammie Gold is over aggressive.
: 在NBC看过几场Jerry Yang 的HU,差不多no read,就知道别人raise,他再reraise.差不多他所有的reraise都撞板.别人bluff是靠read,他是靠瞎蒙.2+2都在议论他是个fish.他拿一次世界冠军运气好而已.
: 我看过一次pokerstars欧洲之旅锦标赛,有一傻冒就知道raise,别人一bet,他就raise allin.大部分牌都是落后把人家badbeat,最后还拿了亚军.这个和Jerry Yang有一比.

发帖数: 3932
I think Jerry Yang played better than Jamie Gold at least, hehe. Gold was wa
y too lucky.


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: But everyone should admit Jerry Yang played best on that table, I guess that
: Russian buddy also plays very well on that game.
: If I hold the same card on that game as Jerry Yang's, I should say I can not
: win it.
: Jerry Yang's beting style is complete maniac, hard to play against him.
: NBC HU game is the toughest HU game in the world. No one has great edge
: against other player. It is completely different game.
: From my knowledge, Jerry Yang plays big stack very very well. I have watched
: some Final ta

发帖数: 2063
If you play a lot, the luck factor will be even out.(Just like coin flip(can
be treated as luck), if you flip 2000 times, it almost 5050. )
Those successful players win big every month. You have to admit the skill
factor there.
And watch ftop final 2 table, and final table, you will find the guy who
will win in the end from the beginning. Just by the way he plays.
Similarly, when you watch Jerry Yang, and Gold or Greg plays that FT, you
almost sure they can win in the end.


【在 l**********t 的大作中提到】
: successful aggressive players usually have superior reading skills. play
: lose and aggreesive is much more difficult than tight and aggressive.
: That said, luck is still very much a major factor in tournments. Jammie
: Gold is simply horrible at cash games. He disappared from high stack poker
: cash game already. If he didn't, I think he would be totally broke by now.
: Many people have wondered how he won the WSOP. He is just so not in the
: same class as all the other great poker players.
: pla

发帖数: 269
it is very much a game of skills. :) that is the main reason I like this
game so much. it is just so much fun. something new to learn every day.
any one tournment is really short term. so luck dominates. :) but the good
players always win consistantly over long period of time.


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: If you play a lot, the luck factor will be even out.(Just like coin flip(can
: be treated as luck), if you flip 2000 times, it almost 5050. )
: Those successful players win big every month. You have to admit the skill
: factor there.
: And watch ftop final 2 table, and final table, you will find the guy who
: will win in the end from the beginning. Just by the way he plays.
: Similarly, when you watch Jerry Yang, and Gold or Greg plays that FT, you
: almost sure they can win in the end.
: poker

1 (共1页)
shiftzerg is the manFinally find the post by YJJ
不带这么整人的watch ftop and miniftop whole way yesterday
get one win on fifty-fifty为什么raise是大约2.5BB?
Should Allin or fold knowing 70% to winYesterday at bodog
What would you do?TT at SB
FryKing, One Questfinished at 3rd, bad play
打 Tourney 太费体力了when AA met flopped full house
话题: he话题: yang话题: jerry话题: gold话题: seat