

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - 6 max真练bluff 能力
哈哈哈, 79搞死了一对Kwhat is going through your mind if this happens to you?
[合集] 哈哈哈, 79搞死了一对K贴一手牌
tough one.weird hand played by fish.
昨天误打误撞的一手牌What's up with the cold call 3 bet?
这种牌你会怎么办?which river bet will you call?
image 真重要啊.."i have too much money" syndrome
有点意思hand question
bb 太多one of the last few hands for the night. really not sure
话题: seat话题: bet话题: he话题: river话题: turn
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3398
第一把是因为前面那家伙shove了一次, 当时我剩300多, 没敢跟, 不过对他怀恨在
心。 后来他在UTG+1 bet 3bb, I am small blind, pocket 3, raise 48, he called
。 Flop JK2, I bet $48, he called. Turn J, I checked, he checked. River 6, I
bet $126, he folded. He must think that I have AK.
I have postion, Q2s, board [3h 9h 5d Jd Jc]。 大家都没牌, Turn的时候CO bet
$18, 但我不觉得他有J, 就 call 了他。 River he checked, I bet $30, he folded.
Full Tilt Poker Game #15146550465: Table Viper (6 max) - $3/$6 - No Limit
Hold'em - 19:50:06 ET - 2009/10/05
Seat 1: Gene
发帖数: 2063
1st hand, opponent should have aq, at
2nd hand, opponent should have nut flush draw, and no pair in the end.
I have postion, Q2s, board [3h 9h 5d Jd Jc]。 大家都没牌, Turn的时候CO bet
$18, 但我不觉得他有J, 就 call 了他。 River he checked, I bet $30, he folded.
Full Tilt Poker Game #15146550465: Table Viper (6 max) - $3/$6 - No Limit
Hold'em - 19:50:06 ET - 2009/10/05
Seat 1: GeneHackman ($111)
Seat 2: jdftkd ($708)
Seat 3: ActiveLife2009 ($515.10)
Seat 4: g_host_8686 ($120)
Seat 5: energ1zer ($120)
Seat 6: The

【在 t*********d 的大作中提到】
: 第一把是因为前面那家伙shove了一次, 当时我剩300多, 没敢跟, 不过对他怀恨在
: 心。 后来他在UTG+1 bet 3bb, I am small blind, pocket 3, raise 48, he called
: 。 Flop JK2, I bet $48, he called. Turn J, I checked, he checked. River 6, I
: bet $126, he folded. He must think that I have AK.
: 第二把;
: I have postion, Q2s, board [3h 9h 5d Jd Jc]。 大家都没牌, Turn的时候CO bet
: $18, 但我不觉得他有J, 就 call 了他。 River he checked, I bet $30, he folded.
: Full Tilt Poker Game #15146550465: Table Viper (6 max) - $3/$6 - No Limit
: Hold'em - 19:50:06 ET - 2009/10/05
: Seat 1: Gene

发帖数: 3398
第二手的情况是那个人特别loose, 什么牌都call, 然后只要没有人bet, 他一定bet
, 我知道他没牌。call 他一下, 他没底, river再吓唬他一下, 他就fold了。


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: 1st hand, opponent should have aq, at
: 2nd hand, opponent should have nut flush draw, and no pair in the end.
: 第二把;
: I have postion, Q2s, board [3h 9h 5d Jd Jc]。 大家都没牌, Turn的时候CO bet
: $18, 但我不觉得他有J, 就 call 了他。 River he checked, I bet $30, he folded.
: Full Tilt Poker Game #15146550465: Table Viper (6 max) - $3/$6 - No Limit
: Hold'em - 19:50:06 ET - 2009/10/05
: Seat 1: GeneHackman ($111)
: Seat 2: jdftkd ($708)
: Seat 3: ActiveLife2009 ($515.10)

1 (共1页)
one of the last few hands for the night. really not sure这种牌你会怎么办?
favorite hand tonightimage 真重要啊..
why he bet that much on the river?有点意思
what can I say?!bb 太多
哈哈哈, 79搞死了一对Kwhat is going through your mind if this happens to you?
[合集] 哈哈哈, 79搞死了一对K贴一手牌
tough one.weird hand played by fish.
昨天误打误撞的一手牌What's up with the cold call 3 bet?
话题: seat话题: bet话题: he话题: river话题: turn