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TexasHoldem版 - 怎么拿 Fulltilt 的rakeback
Got Rake Back请教,发包子
pokerstars有rakeback吗FTP有rake back么?
FTP $50 bonus?PS events (I guess we can play some)
online game questionsHow to get your bonus quick?
deposit into ft如何申请rakeback?
请问一下大家都是在FULLTILT还是POKERSTARS打啊?怎么拿wsop main event的资格
新人请教个问题Fulltilt Rakeback Question
话题: rakeback话题: account话题: fulltilt话题: so话题: same
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 490
account 不是新的。以前开的account 有没有可能拿rakeback。还是要开一个新的。
发帖数: 13670

【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: account 不是新的。以前开的account 有没有可能拿rakeback。还是要开一个新的。
发帖数: 15860
no, you can't open a new account. if FTP ever finds out, you may be in big
trouble, some guy lost all his winnings in the new account and it was forced
to be closed.
argue with them, say you're a loyal member and so on. quite a few of us,
including me and KKRUN and pokeryjj, got rakeback in this way (not having it
at the beginning).
be prepared to go back and forth with them for a long while (2 months maybe)
, just insist your request and say you feel unfair not having it... if you
do, you'll pl

【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: account 不是新的。以前开的account 有没有可能拿rakeback。还是要开一个新的。
发帖数: 1114
Can I open an account for my wife? We will use same address and same
computer. Will this be OK or not? thx
发帖数: 15860
i tried this before and it didn't work. but i also heard successful stories,
so YMMV.

【在 g**s 的大作中提到】
: Can I open an account for my wife? We will use same address and same
: computer. Will this be OK or not? thx

发帖数: 13670


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: i tried this before and it didn't work. but i also heard successful stories,
: so YMMV.

发帖数: 15860
you don't need to use his credit card, you can use a VISA/MC giftcard.
but to withdraw $ from it, your friend will need to submit his ID documents.
he may be able to transfer small $ to you though.

【在 p*******p 的大作中提到】
: 我用朋友的信用卡+地址开一个新的,在自己机器玩行不?
: stories,

发帖数: 13670
哦,我就想搞那个600刀initial deposit, 现在有rush game,clear起来应该很快


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: you don't need to use his credit card, you can use a VISA/MC giftcard.
: but to withdraw $ from it, your friend will need to submit his ID documents.
: he may be able to transfer small $ to you though.

发帖数: 15860
you can even try the referal bonus as well, good luck!

【在 p*******p 的大作中提到】
: 哦,我就想搞那个600刀initial deposit, 现在有rush game,clear起来应该很快
: documents.

发帖数: 7793
i opened an account for my wife. no issues so far.
same address, different name. different e-mail address.
deposit into ft请教,发包子
请问一下大家都是在FULLTILT还是POKERSTARS打啊?FTP有rake back么?
新人请教个问题PS events (I guess we can play some)
发帖数: 257
I had no problems too. I even got another new account same name with
different address since I moved. Got $600 and rakeback so far hopefully no
issues when cashing out.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: i opened an account for my wife. no issues so far.
: same address, different name. different e-mail address.

发帖数: 15860
i guess (only guess) that FTP knows some ppl must be doing this, so it
really boils down to how strictly they want to track, and how suspicious "
you" are, like transferring $ too frequently between the 2 accounts alike.
i guess using a different bank account and IP address could bypass most of
their checks.

【在 k******t 的大作中提到】
: I had no problems too. I even got another new account same name with
: different address since I moved. Got $600 and rakeback so far hopefully no
: issues when cashing out.

发帖数: 7793
having two account from two person in the same address/IP address must be
allowed. Because i am not hiding the fact that both of my account are from
the same household.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: i guess (only guess) that FTP knows some ppl must be doing this, so it
: really boils down to how strictly they want to track, and how suspicious "
: you" are, like transferring $ too frequently between the 2 accounts alike.
: i guess using a different bank account and IP address could bypass most of
: their checks.

发帖数: 15860
let me try to set up an account for my in-laws and see how it goes, they'd
love to have their own account, haha.
if ok, i'll clear the bonus for them, and give them $100/month to play as
recreational money.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: having two account from two person in the same address/IP address must be
: allowed. Because i am not hiding the fact that both of my account are from
: the same household.

发帖数: 15860
i did some googling around, and found some scary cases. some have been
playing for a year or so before getting caught.
well, maybe i'll give one of my other sites to my in-laws instead, but they'
re so familiar with FTP...

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: i opened an account for my wife. no issues so far.
: same address, different name. different e-mail address.

发帖数: 7793
it sounds like it is allowed to have two people in the same household to
have two accounts if you can provide proofs. Even if you do have multiple
account they will leave only the primary and move all the fund to it. So it
is not a big deal.

【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: account 不是新的。以前开的account 有没有可能拿rakeback。还是要开一个新的。
发帖数: 490
好象pokerstar 没有rakeback
Thanks for getting in contact with us about rakeback.
Unfortunately, we?re unable to offer rakeback to you, as Full Tilt Poker
does not offer rakeback directly to players.
While we try to accommodate players to receive rakeback through affiliates,
you were referred to Full Tilt Poker initially by an affiliate who does not
offer rakeback. As we can?t switch your account to another affiliate or open
a second account for you, you will
发帖数: 13670
当然没这么容易,你不要放弃,反复骚扰, 他们一定会给的


【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: 下面是他们的replay...看来他们不怎么想给,老大推荐一下其他比较大的site
: 好象pokerstar 没有rakeback
: Thanks for getting in contact with us about rakeback.
: Unfortunately, we?re unable to offer rakeback to you, as Full Tilt Poker
: does not offer rakeback directly to players.
: While we try to accommodate players to receive rakeback through affiliates,
: you were referred to Full Tilt Poker initially by an affiliate who does not
: offer rakeback. As we can?t switch your account to another affiliate or open
: a second account for you, you will

发帖数: 15860
as i told you, this is their first standard reply, even the sender is the
same, lol.
this is a loooooong negotiation (2 months), if they give it to you right now
so easiy, then nobody will be left behind.
search on this board, key word "rake", last 800 days, tons of info.


【在 L****n 的大作中提到】
: 下面是他们的replay...看来他们不怎么想给,老大推荐一下其他比较大的site
: 好象pokerstar 没有rakeback
: Thanks for getting in contact with us about rakeback.
: Unfortunately, we?re unable to offer rakeback to you, as Full Tilt Poker
: does not offer rakeback directly to players.
: While we try to accommodate players to receive rakeback through affiliates,
: you were referred to Full Tilt Poker initially by an affiliate who does not
: offer rakeback. As we can?t switch your account to another affiliate or open
: a second account for you, you will

发帖数: 7793
keep harassing them. you can get it. I get it later after i opened my
account for a while. check with rakebackpro. they might already be able to
add you.
发帖数: 1114

Hi Windstormm,
Have you withdraw money from your wife's account? Any problem? THX.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: having two account from two person in the same address/IP address must be
: allowed. Because i am not hiding the fact that both of my account are from
: the same household.

1 (共1页)
Fulltilt Rakeback Questiononline game questions
这是啥东东?deposit into ft
How much to deposit at FTP?请问一下大家都是在FULLTILT还是POKERSTARS打啊?
请教FULLTILT对比poker stars的优势新人请教个问题
Got Rake Back请教,发包子
pokerstars有rakeback吗FTP有rake back么?
FTP $50 bonus?PS events (I guess we can play some)
话题: rakeback话题: account话题: fulltilt话题: so话题: same