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TexasHoldem版 - 怎样识别别人手中有three of a kind
fold 太重要了问个规则问题.
如果我QQ preflop raiseA K preflop 值不值all in?
AK,the over rated big hand这样的牌怎么打?
Pre flop的战争live 2/3
AA抓bluffCan you fold top set?
why is everyone so aggressive nowadays on rush NL 25$?good read or bad play?
很傻的一副牌Vi's 3Bet Strategy转载
话题: pot话题: stack话题: than话题: guy话题: less
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 167
如果有人all in,是不是一般证明它有3张,
发帖数: 13670
你这个问题情况太不明白了,preflop你们3bet了么? 你的SPR是多少,对方的呢? 对手是
你check all-in? 还是你bet 以后 raise allin? all in以后你的pot odds多少?

【在 s*******y 的大作中提到】
: 如果自己手上有一对Aces,flop出3张没有什么联系的小牌,
: 如果有人all in,是不是一般证明它有3张,
: 我应该跟还是不跟呢?

发帖数: 1458
I was in a similar situation earlier today. I got QK, noboday raise preflop,
I did not raised either, flop show K-6-9, I bet two-third pot, all folded
except one guy who push all in. he had been playing very aggressively, but
slow play some good hole cards. I thought quite a while and folded. still
wondering whether that was a correct call.

【在 p*******p 的大作中提到】
: 你这个问题情况太不明白了,preflop你们3bet了么? 你的SPR是多少,对方的呢? 对手是
: 你check all-in? 还是你bet 以后 raise allin? all in以后你的pot odds多少?

发帖数: 13670
你说了半天,最关键的stack pot ratio没说...


【在 p**********1 的大作中提到】
: I was in a similar situation earlier today. I got QK, noboday raise preflop,
: I did not raised either, flop show K-6-9, I bet two-third pot, all folded
: except one guy who push all in. he had been playing very aggressively, but
: slow play some good hole cards. I thought quite a while and folded. still
: wondering whether that was a correct call.

发帖数: 1458
don't remember the exact size, roughly about 1:3, i.e., the pot is about
three times the size of my remaining stack after the other guy all in. maybe a bit less than that, because the other guy's stack is larger than mine, so I would not get the whole pot if I won. It was a turbo tournament, less than one quarter people left at that time. I guess I play too tight.

【在 p*******p 的大作中提到】
: 你说了半天,最关键的stack pot ratio没说...
: preflop,

发帖数: 13670
....auto call ah

maybe a bit less than that, because the other guy's stack is larger than
mine, so I would not get the whole pot if I won. It was a turbo tournament,
less than one quarter people l

【在 p**********1 的大作中提到】
: don't remember the exact size, roughly about 1:3, i.e., the pot is about
: three times the size of my remaining stack after the other guy all in. maybe a bit less than that, because the other guy's stack is larger than mine, so I would not get the whole pot if I won. It was a turbo tournament, less than one quarter people left at that time. I guess I play too tight.

发帖数: 1458
可能是bad beat的阴影吧,前不久有一手也是QK, board show xxKxK, 我all in,对手
call,结果他是AK...此后对top pair 但不是top kicker就比较没信心了。


【在 p*******p 的大作中提到】
: ....auto call ah
: maybe a bit less than that, because the other guy's stack is larger than
: mine, so I would not get the whole pot if I won. It was a turbo tournament,
: less than one quarter people l

发帖数: 13670
你这不叫bad beat....

【在 p**********1 的大作中提到】
: 可能是bad beat的阴影吧,前不久有一手也是QK, board show xxKxK, 我all in,对手
: call,结果他是AK...此后对top pair 但不是top kicker就比较没信心了。
: ,

发帖数: 15860
hard to say, never try to draw an easy conclusion.
pre-flop action is very important.
opponent style is extremeely important.
for example, he could play QQ/JJ the same way.

【在 s*******y 的大作中提到】
: 如果自己手上有一对Aces,flop出3张没有什么联系的小牌,
: 如果有人all in,是不是一般证明它有3张,
: 我应该跟还是不跟呢?

发帖数: 3932
Well, usually it's the opposite since he wants to slow play his monster. But
if the board is drawy (flush or straight), and his stack is not that deep,
he may go all in (although I think a better way is still not to go allin.
just size your bet and the goal is to get all money in the middle)
Some people all in with over pair.

【在 s*******y 的大作中提到】
: 如果自己手上有一对Aces,flop出3张没有什么联系的小牌,
: 如果有人all in,是不是一般证明它有3张,
: 我应该跟还是不跟呢?

1 (共1页)
Vi's 3Bet Strategy转载Pre flop的战争
how do KK fare in M-way preflopAA抓bluff
前老板口述的一把牌。why is everyone so aggressive nowadays on rush NL 25$?
fold 太重要了问个规则问题.
如果我QQ preflop raiseA K preflop 值不值all in?
AK,the over rated big hand这样的牌怎么打?
话题: pot话题: stack话题: than话题: guy话题: less