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TexasHoldem版 - 大家来分析分析我的问题
布告:无独有偶,show play AA的下场!what was that fryking?
HM Quest, need your helpIs it easy to earn FTP points through Rush poker?
关于rush pokerYeah!
one tourney hand讲一把 昨天seabrook tourney的牌
明天的the record breaker大家都 报名没请教一下
FTP Black Card member only tournamentAA vs AKs, one shortage of mini buy-in
ME race final ticketCall还是不Call
定目标FT,你太不了解weak tight了
话题: 现金话题: cash话题: mp话题: 打现话题: value
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2908
发帖数: 2908
刚刚为了证明问题,我又跑去花了10块打了一个rush 25NL。结果最高的时候到达过25
+。最后又以一个bad beat结束俺的这十块钱,sigh。
发帖数: 1394
btw: cash game is an art. nl25已经很难了

【在 g****j 的大作中提到】
: 我的最大的问题就是打不好现金局。我在FTP打了这么长的时间,现金局的成绩(只论
: 成绩,我现在分析牌面的水平肯定高于半年前的我,但是成绩却越来越烂)总是不行。
: 打比赛,我赢过一个4000,一个2000+,6~7个1000+,十几个几百块。算起来,赢的
: 奖金应该差不多有15000了,但是至少有6000被我扔在了现金局里。还有8000差不多是
: 打比赛的费用(呵呵,几乎没赚)。按理说,我的水平至少在FTP应该不算很差的水平
: 吧,但为啥现金局一塌糊涂呢?我现在现金局已经是越打越小了,可就是25nl,我也能
: 一天输一百。把我郁闷的现在都不打现金局了。FTP只要给我发一次钱,就是害我一次
: 。因为打比赛赚FTP太慢,有时我为了把bouns搞出来,就去打现金局,结果每次都是得
: 不偿失,一般来说,要赔上70块,才能赚出10块来,郁闷死我了。总的来说,我觉得是
: 两个问题,一是我比赛的风格严重影响了我打现金局,二是我虽然总的来说控制冲动的

发帖数: 7793
lz tournament 很牛啊。 But cash and tournament is very different. For a
long time after i started making $$ in sng and mtts, I felt exactly the same
way as you do now. Do not know what is wrong with me in cash game.
2 biggest adjustment I did:
1) learn how to control pot size. At first you can force yourself to check 1
street with TPTK or over pair type of hand. If you go broke with this type
of hand often, you are not playing it right. Later, you can start value
betting 3 street with reads. Unders
发帖数: 1989
What buy-in do you play in tourney? Nice job, BTW.
Cash and Tourney are totally diff. In tourney, to bully short-stack is
totally legal and, if loose, not much damage at all(if not final stage).
At cash, each hand counts $. I win at tourney and get wiped out at cash/RUSH
many times due to casual bluffs and out-burst (when just play cash/RUSH only
, I do winsince I siwtch the mind set).

【在 g****j 的大作中提到】
: 我的最大的问题就是打不好现金局。我在FTP打了这么长的时间,现金局的成绩(只论
: 成绩,我现在分析牌面的水平肯定高于半年前的我,但是成绩却越来越烂)总是不行。
: 打比赛,我赢过一个4000,一个2000+,6~7个1000+,十几个几百块。算起来,赢的
: 奖金应该差不多有15000了,但是至少有6000被我扔在了现金局里。还有8000差不多是
: 打比赛的费用(呵呵,几乎没赚)。按理说,我的水平至少在FTP应该不算很差的水平
: 吧,但为啥现金局一塌糊涂呢?我现在现金局已经是越打越小了,可就是25nl,我也能
: 一天输一百。把我郁闷的现在都不打现金局了。FTP只要给我发一次钱,就是害我一次
: 。因为打比赛赚FTP太慢,有时我为了把bouns搞出来,就去打现金局,结果每次都是得
: 不偿失,一般来说,要赔上70块,才能赚出10块来,郁闷死我了。总的来说,我觉得是
: 两个问题,一是我比赛的风格严重影响了我打现金局,二是我虽然总的来说控制冲动的

发帖数: 15860
and, don't listen to other guys, they always tease me, lol.
you're a much better tournament player than me, who don't even have a $1K+
score yet. for now, if you feel more comfortable playing tourneys, just
focus on them, don't do things like 但是至少有6000被我扔在了现金局里 for
getting some tiny bonus purpose.
many agree tourney and cash are two different animals anyway.
if you still want to know why...
truth is i used to suck in cash games, i tilted, i lost one buy-in after
another one... i blam

【在 g****j 的大作中提到】
: 我的最大的问题就是打不好现金局。我在FTP打了这么长的时间,现金局的成绩(只论
: 成绩,我现在分析牌面的水平肯定高于半年前的我,但是成绩却越来越烂)总是不行。
: 打比赛,我赢过一个4000,一个2000+,6~7个1000+,十几个几百块。算起来,赢的
: 奖金应该差不多有15000了,但是至少有6000被我扔在了现金局里。还有8000差不多是
: 打比赛的费用(呵呵,几乎没赚)。按理说,我的水平至少在FTP应该不算很差的水平
: 吧,但为啥现金局一塌糊涂呢?我现在现金局已经是越打越小了,可就是25nl,我也能
: 一天输一百。把我郁闷的现在都不打现金局了。FTP只要给我发一次钱,就是害我一次
: 。因为打比赛赚FTP太慢,有时我为了把bouns搞出来,就去打现金局,结果每次都是得
: 不偿失,一般来说,要赔上70块,才能赚出10块来,郁闷死我了。总的来说,我觉得是
: 两个问题,一是我比赛的风格严重影响了我打现金局,二是我虽然总的来说控制冲动的

发帖数: 3932
比赛的风格严重影响了我打现金局 => I think that's the #1 problem. such as how
to handle allin.

【在 g****j 的大作中提到】
: 我的最大的问题就是打不好现金局。我在FTP打了这么长的时间,现金局的成绩(只论
: 成绩,我现在分析牌面的水平肯定高于半年前的我,但是成绩却越来越烂)总是不行。
: 打比赛,我赢过一个4000,一个2000+,6~7个1000+,十几个几百块。算起来,赢的
: 奖金应该差不多有15000了,但是至少有6000被我扔在了现金局里。还有8000差不多是
: 打比赛的费用(呵呵,几乎没赚)。按理说,我的水平至少在FTP应该不算很差的水平
: 吧,但为啥现金局一塌糊涂呢?我现在现金局已经是越打越小了,可就是25nl,我也能
: 一天输一百。把我郁闷的现在都不打现金局了。FTP只要给我发一次钱,就是害我一次
: 。因为打比赛赚FTP太慢,有时我为了把bouns搞出来,就去打现金局,结果每次都是得
: 不偿失,一般来说,要赔上70块,才能赚出10块来,郁闷死我了。总的来说,我觉得是
: 两个问题,一是我比赛的风格严重影响了我打现金局,二是我虽然总的来说控制冲动的

发帖数: 1514
Fryking, what do you mean for "missed a lot of "thin" values on river due to
my weakness"?


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: confidence!
: and, don't listen to other guys, they always tease me, lol.
: you're a much better tournament player than me, who don't even have a $1K+
: score yet. for now, if you feel more comfortable playing tourneys, just
: focus on them, don't do things like 但是至少有6000被我扔在了现金局里 for
: getting some tiny bonus purpose.
: many agree tourney and cash are two different animals anyway.
: if you still want to know why...
: truth is i used to suck in cash games, i tilted, i lost one buy-in after
: another one... i blam

发帖数: 15860
for example, 25NL rush, you hold AcTs, a marginal hand but with position.
pre-flop, one limper at MP, you're at CO (60BB effective stacks for you two)
. you decide to raise to 4x, either take it down here or isolate BTN/SB/BB.
yes, they all fold, but MP calls.
flop: Ks9s2d. MP checks to you, you miss flop but decide to c-bet anyway,
6BB into 9.5BB pot. MP calls.
turn is a card you don't like, 3s. MP checks again, and you now worry a
little bit, with a Ts, you decide to check.
river is Ad, he che

【在 z****n 的大作中提到】
: Fryking, what do you mean for "missed a lot of "thin" values on river due to
: my weakness"?
: Thanks.
: that

发帖数: 7793
This is not betting thin value. This is value bet for your rivered top pair.
My understanding of thin value is like this you have AQ flop A 2 3. He check
to you you bet 2/3 pot.
turn is a K he checks, you bet 2/3 pot.
river is a 3. You think your AQ is still good because AK would have raised
you on turn. You put in another half pot river want to get value from AJ A10
. 3 street for your TPTK. watch out to be check raise bluffed here if you
want to bet with thin value. In position it might

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: for example, 25NL rush, you hold AcTs, a marginal hand but with position.
: pre-flop, one limper at MP, you're at CO (60BB effective stacks for you two)
: . you decide to raise to 4x, either take it down here or isolate BTN/SB/BB.
: yes, they all fold, but MP calls.
: flop: Ks9s2d. MP checks to you, you miss flop but decide to c-bet anyway,
: 6BB into 9.5BB pot. MP calls.
: turn is a card you don't like, 3s. MP checks again, and you now worry a
: little bit, with a Ts, you decide to check.
: river is Ad, he che

发帖数: 15860
well, maybe not a good example, but with a flush on the board, a lot of
players tend to check with showdown value here and let Kx, or weak JJ alike
hands get away.
yeah, getting thin values adds up nicely, and it does require a lot of good


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: This is not betting thin value. This is value bet for your rivered top pair.
: ^_^
: My understanding of thin value is like this you have AQ flop A 2 3. He check
: to you you bet 2/3 pot.
: turn is a K he checks, you bet 2/3 pot.
: river is a 3. You think your AQ is still good because AK would have raised
: you on turn. You put in another half pot river want to get value from AJ A10
: . 3 street for your TPTK. watch out to be check raise bluffed here if you
: want to bet with thin value. In position it might

发帖数: 2908
sigh,你们说的问题我都知道。我现在不管是比赛还是现金,都可以做到毫不犹豫的扔掉AA,KK。而且完全不会沮丧,因为我知道这种牌输掉是正常的,pre-flop扔掉QQ我都做过好几回了。现在我的问题是,现金局我经常被bad beat,90%见外婆,都是被bad beat,让我没法搞下去了,sigh。还是一个问题可能就是,我可能没有最大利益化我的现金局,输的时候输的大,赢的时候赢的小了。
发帖数: 7793
I was feeling exactly the same when I was losing in cash. I play very tight.
Win small pot slowly build my stack. but every time when I lose I lose big
and lose them all back. And I blame bad beat all the time. Bottom line is
that you are not beating the game. bad beat is not the reason why you are

都做过好几回了。现在我的问题是,现金局我经常被bad beat,90%见外婆,都是被bad

【在 g****j 的大作中提到】
: sigh,你们说的问题我都知道。我现在不管是比赛还是现金,都可以做到毫不犹豫的扔掉AA,KK。而且完全不会沮丧,因为我知道这种牌输掉是正常的,pre-flop扔掉QQ我都做过好几回了。现在我的问题是,现金局我经常被bad beat,90%见外婆,都是被bad beat,让我没法搞下去了,sigh。还是一个问题可能就是,我可能没有最大利益化我的现金局,输的时候输的大,赢的时候赢的小了。
1 (共1页)
FT,你太不了解weak tight了明天的the record breaker大家都 报名没
Don't be afraid of over shoving turnFTP Black Card member only tournament
这手牌fold的对么?ME race final ticket
Played some NL50 rush last night定目标
布告:无独有偶,show play AA的下场!what was that fryking?
HM Quest, need your helpIs it easy to earn FTP points through Rush poker?
关于rush pokerYeah!
one tourney hand讲一把 昨天seabrook tourney的牌
话题: 现金话题: cash话题: mp话题: 打现话题: value