

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - How can you be a winner
感觉9人桌比6人桌简单点preflop QQ 如何打
贡献一个rush game的一手牌lol this website is funny
RUSH 100 一逛帮我分析2手牌吧
Fryking 很牛should I fold KK when my gut feeling is that the other guy hit a pair of As?
don't steal out of position严重down swing
fold AKs preflop?好久不玩cash game。
Rush中的偷盲/preflop raise最近玩得有点背
hand of the dayFull Tilt的新Rush Game
话题: winner话题: preflop话题: call话题: over话题: 30x
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7793
if you call off 30X bb preflop with 10 9s? seriously..
发帖数: 3932
I never 3bet that much, usually between 8 and 15bb. Is raising to 30bb a
good strategy at least at NL25?

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: if you call off 30X bb preflop with 10 9s? seriously..
发帖数: 7793
I don't think it is a problem to over raise. sometimes it looks more like AK
squeeze. if you 3 bet small, they are probably not going to call after
flop anyway if they didn't hit something real good. on the other hand, if
they do call your big raise. even if they just hit a pair or still have
their Qs over pair. they might call still because they feel that they are
commited. the awesome pod odds they gave them for over calling preflop
mistakenly.. so you are giving up something small preflop an
1 (共1页)
Full Tilt的新Rush Gamedon't steal out of position
为了ironman downswing 50fold AKs preflop?
各位整体上rush poker战绩如何?Rush中的偷盲/preflop raise
I quithand of the day
感觉9人桌比6人桌简单点preflop QQ 如何打
贡献一个rush game的一手牌lol this website is funny
RUSH 100 一逛帮我分析2手牌吧
Fryking 很牛should I fold KK when my gut feeling is that the other guy hit a pair of As?
话题: winner话题: preflop话题: call话题: over话题: 30x