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TexasHoldem版 - Short stack is so annoying/beautiful
is this a bad play?说不说
show off 一下回家前最后一把牌,tough spot
有没有盗版的CardRunners之类的下载?can you call this hand?
"If you're too careful,what's wrong with this calc?
In what way do you use HM?!说一把搞笑的牌
Gus Hansen绝对要疯掉了where are all the people who use to come to this board?
来,讨论一把PLOcalling short stack all in
初步看上的今年MPT奖杯FTP must hate me...
话题: stack话题: short话题: plo话题: so话题: pot
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 839
No wonder everybody hates it. (PLO)
A few observation so far:
1) It's so easy to be mathematically correct. Less stressful,just let the
cards play itself.
2) Good player will fold to your "pot committed" bluff a lot after you
already put in half of stack
3) It's easy to stack off bad players.
4) Regulars tends not to steal your blinds.
缺点是没有gigantic pot, total grinding, but overall results is much much
better. Need more volume to test.
发帖数: 4158
除非是打职业short stack,还是正常buy-in好玩

【在 I**n 的大作中提到】
: No wonder everybody hates it. (PLO)
: A few observation so far:
: 1) It's so easy to be mathematically correct. Less stressful,just let the
: cards play itself.
: 2) Good player will fold to your "pot committed" bluff a lot after you
: already put in half of stack
: 3) It's easy to stack off bad players.
: 4) Regulars tends not to steal your blinds.
: 缺点是没有gigantic pot, total grinding, but overall results is much much
: better. Need more volume to test.

发帖数: 1989
r u playing RUSH PLO?
I play it with mini buy-in and log-off/reload whenever doubled up.
At PLO, combination is too many. It is very touch to play deep-stack, TO ME.
I sometime push allin with two pairs if no SD/FD.
See quite a few players with deep stack. They fold a lot to pot-commit bet,
but stick with SD/FD a lot.
One tricky thing is, at/aft turn, many times it is math correct to allin/call pot
for stock stack. Call/Bet on flop is more important. But at multiway, it is
very tricky. Set with Full re-draw, higher OESD etc impose alot of variations.

【在 I**n 的大作中提到】
: No wonder everybody hates it. (PLO)
: A few observation so far:
: 1) It's so easy to be mathematically correct. Less stressful,just let the
: cards play itself.
: 2) Good player will fold to your "pot committed" bluff a lot after you
: already put in half of stack
: 3) It's easy to stack off bad players.
: 4) Regulars tends not to steal your blinds.
: 缺点是没有gigantic pot, total grinding, but overall results is much much
: better. Need more volume to test.

1 (共1页)
FTP must hate me...In what way do you use HM?!
Yeah!Gus Hansen绝对要疯掉了
又一个奇葩的tournament spot 看看应该怎么处理来,讨论一把PLO
如果我QQ preflop raise初步看上的今年MPT奖杯
is this a bad play?说不说
show off 一下回家前最后一把牌,tough spot
有没有盗版的CardRunners之类的下载?can you call this hand?
"If you're too careful,what's wrong with this calc?
话题: stack话题: short话题: plo话题: so话题: pot