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TexasHoldem版 - 问个土问题 how many hands needed for the stat to be meaningful?
怎么fix "stat leak"my data seems to show big problem
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My stats on rush poker, any improvement suggestion?Every High hand, how do you handle days like this?
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What are the variables HM show on FTP?ask a hand online
话题: stat话题: hands话题: meaningful话题: hud话题: needed
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 9164
you can set the how many hands needed in your HEM to display the stat in
so how many hands in your hand history needed for some of these stat to be
meaningful? it seems for the for VPIP, PFR etc, some sample size is OK. (
like 1000? ) but for winning and some other rare stat(like check/raise on
river etc) need a lot more data for the stat to be meaningful.
偶不懂统计, 但觉得很多参数许要很大的样本空间, 另外大家打Rush,
HUD 里面都
发帖数: 15860
1K hands is a lot, even for rush, if you've played that many of hands with
someone, he/she must be a reg already.
i have stats on 190K players, most of them about 10-500 hands i guess, some
regs could go up like 3K.
i only use the basic 3 VPIP/PFR/AF, but MM said she uses more, like river
stats, for me, i don't have time to digest all those numbers, at the same
time checking notes.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: you can set the how many hands needed in your HEM to display the stat in
: HUD.
: so how many hands in your hand history needed for some of these stat to be
: meaningful? it seems for the for VPIP, PFR etc, some sample size is OK. (
: like 1000? ) but for winning and some other rare stat(like check/raise on
: river etc) need a lot more data for the stat to be meaningful.
: 偶不懂统计, 但觉得很多参数许要很大的样本空间, 另外大家打Rush,
: HUD 里面都
: 加那些数据啊。
: 谢了!

发帖数: 3932
好像有人说AF不是很准确,要看aggression percentage,包括所有街的。
还有各个位置的pre flop raise等数据也挺有用的,但问题是想看的太多了,最后忙不
exploit,只是给你提个醒而已,有时候可以根据自己的stat来play back。


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 1K hands is a lot, even for rush, if you've played that many of hands with
: someone, he/she must be a reg already.
: i have stats on 190K players, most of them about 10-500 hands i guess, some
: regs could go up like 3K.
: i only use the basic 3 VPIP/PFR/AF, but MM said she uses more, like river
: stats, for me, i don't have time to digest all those numbers, at the same
: time checking notes.
: be

发帖数: 15860
lol, i intentionally use the tell the other way, if someone 3-bets me and i
raise with 89s, i delay for a few secs and let him know (if he cares) i'm "

【在 h*******s 的大作中提到】
: 你不看3bet相关的?
: 好像有人说AF不是很准确,要看aggression percentage,包括所有街的。
: 还有各个位置的pre flop raise等数据也挺有用的,但问题是想看的太多了,最后忙不
: 过来。
: rush里的一个tell是:总是花一点时间才fold的,应该是看HUD的,但这个不是很好
: exploit,只是给你提个醒而已,有时候可以根据自己的stat来play back。
: some

发帖数: 7793
Plenty of time to check all stats with 3 tables. I can probably do it with 4 tables if i have a bigger monitor. Aggressive % on every street. open on every position. 3 bet %, fold to 4 bet, 4 bet %, showdown %, win % at show down, c bet %, fold to c bet %, fold to 4 bet%, 4 bet %, % of calling preflop on every position. You name it, I click their name and see them all when needed. Notes? I don't use often but I make a lot of notes. HUD has more tell than notes, but notes is definitely useful.
Making notes is the only time that slows me down. i usually stop all tables to make a note.
发帖数: 7793
I really don't see how this is going to help you winning in any way.. lol~~~


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: lol, i intentionally use the tell the other way, if someone 3-bets me and i
: raise with 89s, i delay for a few secs and let him know (if he cares) i'm "
: checking"...

发帖数: 3932
then you'll go into the leveling game. if he's aggressive, he'll think you
checked his stat and still 4bet so you could have a marginal hand...
if he's very tight, the chance is your probably won't 4bet him anyway (and
he probably doesn't use HUD either).


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: lol, i intentionally use the tell the other way, if someone 3-bets me and i
: raise with 89s, i delay for a few secs and let him know (if he cares) i'm "
: checking"...

发帖数: 15860
no, i donkly feel like i scared them, lol.


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: I really don't see how this is going to help you winning in any way.. lol~~~
: i

1 (共1页)
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话题: stat话题: hands话题: meaningful话题: hud话题: needed