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TexasHoldem版 - FTP BC introduces Extra FTP Multipliers
Anybody has experiece of playing 20BB cap NL game?1200 FTP 9PP SNG
sick sickJust got this week's RB
用ftp point打比赛输了也会减rake back吗A well executed bluff by Vassesa Selbst
carbon suckssick super turbo HU games.
问一下FT RAKE BACK 问题Rush里面的grinders是越来越多了
full tilt的界面比pokerstars好太多了这是啥东东?
yuanjunjun, what level headup SNG you play?FTP现在有SNG Madness
请高手们给个建议,我下一步应该做什么WSOP 2012
话题: ftp话题: points话题: full话题: tilt
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1114
just got folowing email from ftp:
In response to ongoing feedback from our Black Card members, we are proud to
announce the introduction of two new features to enhance your Black Card
experience - Extra Full Tilt Points Multipliers and our exclusive Carte
Blanche service.
Extra Full Tilt Points Multipliers...
You can now earn additional points multipliers by maintaining a high rolling
average - the higher your rolling average, the more points you earn.
Achieve a 1,500-point rolling average to earn a 3x Full Tilt Point
multiplier, or a 3,000-point rolling average to earn a 4x Full Tilt Point
Learn more about Extra Full Tilt Points Multipliers.
Carte Blanche...
With extra multipliers comes the freedom to choose your own Full Tilt Points
purchase. Reach a minimum 1,500-point rolling average to avail of our new
Carte Blanche service, which provides a virtual ‘blank check’ that allows
you to purchase items not listed in the Black Card Store. Feel free to use
Carte Blanche for personal purchases such as merchandise, gift certificates
and travel.
We will begin accepting Carte Blanche requests on February 1st, 2011.
Learn more about our Carte Blanche service.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your valuable
feedback and ask that you continue engaging with us to further optimize your
Black Card experience. If you have any feedback, please contact our
dedicated support team at b*******[email protected].
Yours sincerely,
Team Full Tilt
发帖数: 7793
1500pt average. i don't think i have a chance..
发帖数: 5415
carte blanche?FTP自己的balance transfer?这是要往金融机构发展啊...风险似乎
发帖数: 2063
I am thinking the exact way. Their 2X ftp point is not attractive at all.
But with 3X or 4X, it will definitely attract me to play at FTP only.
In that case, I will chance my main game significantly. I will play super
turbo HU sng, super turbo 6man sng only.
The question left is whether I can get 1500 FTP points per day, I guess it
is possible, if I play 4 table of 20$ buyin super turbo 6man sng, I will get
around 180 FTP points per hour.
Another question left is what kind of stuff I can purchase with FTP point.
If I get 1500 point per day, plus 3000 point extra for one single day, one
month I can get 4500points/day * 25 days/ month = 113k point. How do I spent
those points?
Plus, if I use those many FTP points, how much rack back can I have?
I do need calculate 3k points per day case. Suppose I have 3k per day, plus
9k per day extra, I can get 12k * 25 = 300k points/per month. if 1k points
equals to 4$, then it is 1200$ real money.
What is your opinion?


【在 g**s 的大作中提到】
: just got folowing email from ftp:
: In response to ongoing feedback from our Black Card members, we are proud to
: announce the introduction of two new features to enhance your Black Card
: experience - Extra Full Tilt Points Multipliers and our exclusive Carte
: Blanche service.
: Extra Full Tilt Points Multipliers...
: You can now earn additional points multipliers by maintaining a high rolling
: average - the higher your rolling average, the more points you earn.
: Achieve a 1,500-point rolling average to earn a 3x Full Tilt Point
: multiplier, or a 3,000-point rolling average to earn a 4x Full Tilt Point

发帖数: 15860
for pros like you, you should definitely try to maximize your income by
getting EVERY possible penny FTP could give you, so i'd say it's a no
brainer and you should be close already anyway.
poker can have ups and downs, but this $1200/month is guaranteed if you put
in enough hours (lol, like a business). $14400/year is definitely a solid
baseline for any player at our stakes.
FTP is trying to catch with PS supernova elite, so get on board ASAP, lol.


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: lol.
: I am thinking the exact way. Their 2X ftp point is not attractive at all.
: But with 3X or 4X, it will definitely attract me to play at FTP only.
: In that case, I will chance my main game significantly. I will play super
: turbo HU sng, super turbo 6man sng only.
: The question left is whether I can get 1500 FTP points per day, I guess it
: is possible, if I play 4 table of 20$ buyin super turbo 6man sng, I will get
: around 180 FTP points per hour.
: Another question left is what kind of stuff I can purchase with FTP point.
: If I get 1500 point per day, plus 3000 point extra for one single day, one

发帖数: 2063
To be honest, those policy are big promotions for small regs such as me in
FTP. If FTP only has 2X, I will definitely move to PS for my half volumes. (
Plus, I notice a lot of regs moves to PS and play a huge volume on PS to get
the Super NOVA. For example: "The Lag rat" on PS, his id on FTP is "the lab
rat"). I treat it as a yearly bonus.
On the other hand, these policy will impact my main game greatly. I will
switch my main game to super turbo SNGs.
Thanks fryking! Because poker is much much tougher than years ago, we
definitely need pick up every edge to compete in the fields.
One extreme example is MTT SNGs. lamma888 on PS is a hongkong reg, I keep
track him for a long while. His ROI on 180man 12$ SNG goes lower and lower.
Shark265 on FTP is the same. Kennl on FTP with 45man sng also enters great
I will estimate that the ROI can go as high as 50% for good regs on those
MTT sngs just 1-2 years ago. But nowadays, good regs can only get 25% ROI
for the same games.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: for pros like you, you should definitely try to maximize your income by
: getting EVERY possible penny FTP could give you, so i'd say it's a no
: brainer and you should be close already anyway.
: poker can have ups and downs, but this $1200/month is guaranteed if you put
: in enough hours (lol, like a business). $14400/year is definitely a solid
: baseline for any player at our stakes.
: FTP is trying to catch with PS supernova elite, so get on board ASAP, lol.
: get

发帖数: 1114
Rough calculation for 3000 per day.
you have to keep 3000 average per day so let's count on yearly basis:
3000*4*365=4.38M points.
4.38M = $19K cash bonus in BC store.
clearing Cash bonus does have 27% rakeback hit, so you only get
19K*(1-27%) = $13870 net assume you can clear them on time.
3000 points per day is about $60 rackback, so
total rackback is 60*365=$21.9K
IM yearly bonus = $1200
IM medals = (900+20*30) *12 = 18000 medals = $3340(if you use 140 medals to
exchange $26 ticket)
other ftp bonus is about $300 per year.
total benefits from FTP is
13870 + 21.9K + 1200 + 3340 + 300
= $40610.
If you play 3000 point per day and break even, you can still make 40K in FTP.
sound right?


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: lol.
: I am thinking the exact way. Their 2X ftp point is not attractive at all.
: But with 3X or 4X, it will definitely attract me to play at FTP only.
: In that case, I will chance my main game significantly. I will play super
: turbo HU sng, super turbo 6man sng only.
: The question left is whether I can get 1500 FTP points per day, I guess it
: is possible, if I play 4 table of 20$ buyin super turbo 6man sng, I will get
: around 180 FTP points per hour.
: Another question left is what kind of stuff I can purchase with FTP point.
: If I get 1500 point per day, plus 3000 point extra for one single day, one

发帖数: 2063
Your conclusion is correct.
3000 points per day is about $60 rackback, so
total rackback is 60*365=$21.9K"
发帖数: 15860
thanks for this summary! a small correction, IM medals should be 100 base +
900 bonus = 1000 for ppl > 36 consecutive months.
$40K sounds more interesting now or is getting much closer to supernova.
honestly, FTP had nothing even worth mentioning before as a rewarding system
. ironman was at most $1200+$2400 (1000 medals * 12 * $0.2)=$3600 at most.
but 3K points every day? really tough for rush 100NLers (even you 4x), i
doubt it'll be much easier for 200NLers since rake may cap as you move up
and you don't get like 2x points.
and imagine doing this for a year? if you miss a single day or a week, even
harder to compensate.


【在 g**s 的大作中提到】
: Rough calculation for 3000 per day.
: you have to keep 3000 average per day so let's count on yearly basis:
: 3000*4*365=4.38M points.
: 4.38M = $19K cash bonus in BC store.
: clearing Cash bonus does have 27% rakeback hit, so you only get
: 19K*(1-27%) = $13870 net assume you can clear them on time.
: 3000 points per day is about $60 rackback, so
: total rackback is 60*365=$21.9K
: IM yearly bonus = $1200
: IM medals = (900+20*30) *12 = 18000 medals = $3340(if you use 140 medals to

发帖数: 15860
no, it's 10 points/$1 rake now.


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: Your conclusion is correct.
: "
: 3000 points per day is about $60 rackback, so
: total rackback is 60*365=$21.9K"

full tilt的界面比pokerstars好太多了1200 FTP 9PP SNG
yuanjunjun, what level headup SNG you play?Just got this week's RB
请高手们给个建议,我下一步应该做什么A well executed bluff by Vassesa Selbst
发帖数: 2063
I guess I do want to put a correction on 365days per year in goes' thread
originally. However,...
King, you are right. I usually put 25 days as a month. But considering ppl
who gets 3k points per day, they usually will get 4k or 4.5k points days in
normal grinder on NL200 is hard to achieve 3k/day, but they do have chance
to hit 1500points per day scenario. Those high stake SNG HUers are normally
champions of rakeback race. They may pay 30k$ for the rake only every month.
Rakeback race champion get 6k-8k per month.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: thanks for this summary! a small correction, IM medals should be 100 base +
: 900 bonus = 1000 for ppl > 36 consecutive months.
: $40K sounds more interesting now or is getting much closer to supernova.
: honestly, FTP had nothing even worth mentioning before as a rewarding system
: . ironman was at most $1200+$2400 (1000 medals * 12 * $0.2)=$3600 at most.
: but 3K points every day? really tough for rush 100NLers (even you 4x), i
: doubt it'll be much easier for 200NLers since rake may cap as you move up
: and you don't get like 2x points.
: and imagine doing this for a year? if you miss a single day or a week, even
: harder to compensate.

发帖数: 13670
老实说话这么多精力(30000点,你就是玩rush一天也要快10个小时),才40k 一年一


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: thanks for this summary! a small correction, IM medals should be 100 base +
: 900 bonus = 1000 for ppl > 36 consecutive months.
: $40K sounds more interesting now or is getting much closer to supernova.
: honestly, FTP had nothing even worth mentioning before as a rewarding system
: . ironman was at most $1200+$2400 (1000 medals * 12 * $0.2)=$3600 at most.
: but 3K points every day? really tough for rush 100NLers (even you 4x), i
: doubt it'll be much easier for 200NLers since rake may cap as you move up
: and you don't get like 2x points.
: and imagine doing this for a year? if you miss a single day or a week, even
: harder to compensate.

发帖数: 7793
3k ftp base point per day is nothing for rush if you play full time. 4 table rush NL100 probably only take 5-6 hours. If you focus and play like a nit, it will be even faster.
发帖数: 2063
man, American are not that rich at all. 40k is just huge.
Suppose you get very decent software Engineer position, 35$/hour(software engineerII or software engineer III), after tax, it is around 25$/hour.
40k$/(25$/hour)= 1600hours.
Man, believe it or not. There is no such easy money in this world.
if I 就是玩rush一天也要快10个小时 can make 40k, I will be glad to take the opportunity.
发帖数: 2063
Thanks for king's correction.
Then the correct tourney calculate should be like this
发帖数: 1114
I could be wrong, I get $20 for 1000 points purly based on my past 4 NL100
rush table experience. so different game could be different for sure.


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: Thanks for king's correction.
: Then the correct tourney calculate should be like this

发帖数: 1114
yeah, you are right. 1000 medals per month plus the medal plus thing. Thanks
for the correction!


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: thanks for this summary! a small correction, IM medals should be 100 base +
: 900 bonus = 1000 for ppl > 36 consecutive months.
: $40K sounds more interesting now or is getting much closer to supernova.
: honestly, FTP had nothing even worth mentioning before as a rewarding system
: . ironman was at most $1200+$2400 (1000 medals * 12 * $0.2)=$3600 at most.
: but 3K points every day? really tough for rush 100NLers (even you 4x), i
: doubt it'll be much easier for 200NLers since rake may cap as you move up
: and you don't get like 2x points.
: and imagine doing this for a year? if you miss a single day or a week, even
: harder to compensate.

发帖数: 15860
3K, not 30K.
i get about 1K for 3 tabling 50NL for 4 hours, for 100NLers, easier.

【在 p*******p 的大作中提到】
: 老实说话这么多精力(30000点,你就是玩rush一天也要快10个小时),才40k 一年一
: 点也不值得,400k可以考虑
: +
: system
: even

发帖数: 13670
impossible,还要坚持一年每天, 杀了我吧

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 3K, not 30K.
: i get about 1K for 3 tabling 50NL for 4 hours, for 100NLers, easier.

发帖数: 13670
这个收入也要交税的, 而且这个压力可比做个无脑码工累多了

engineerII or software engineer III), after tax, it is around 25$/hour.

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: man, American are not that rich at all. 40k is just huge.
: Suppose you get very decent software Engineer position, 35$/hour(software engineerII or software engineer III), after tax, it is around 25$/hour.
: 40k$/(25$/hour)= 1600hours.
: Man, believe it or not. There is no such easy money in this world.
: if I 就是玩rush一天也要快10个小时 can make 40k, I will be glad to take the opportunity.

发帖数: 7793
看来我以后晚上要少灌水, 多打牌了.. 争取1500ftp.. 现在没天打到500就想歇了
1 (共1页)
goes rake back ranks 29thfull tilt的界面比pokerstars好太多了
Merge Network Ends All Cash Back Rewardsyuanjunjun, what level headup SNG you play?
Anybody has experiece of playing 20BB cap NL game?1200 FTP 9PP SNG
sick sickJust got this week's RB
用ftp point打比赛输了也会减rake back吗A well executed bluff by Vassesa Selbst
carbon suckssick super turbo HU games.
话题: ftp话题: points话题: full话题: tilt