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TexasHoldem版 - What would you do?
问个touney 数学问题 把讨论一手MTT牌
Finally find the post by YJJ一个Tournament 问题
yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good showFryKing, One Quest
我是如何拿下Poker Stars周日百万赛冠军的yes, 500 points for yesterday
问一手tournament 的牌lose big on super turbo satellites again
My last big MTT decision on FTP before BFshiftzerg is the man
MTT后期一手牌What will you do ?
话题: bb话题: chips话题: sb话题: what话题: call
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1989
TURBO MTT, 24$ for $600+40, 25 buy-in
First get the ticket and 2nd nothing
Final table, HU, BB=200
Me at SB with 3100 chips w/ 88
Villian at BB w/ 4400 chips, raise to 2BB
It has been tight for a while (fold if raise. fold on BB etc).
What to do there, allin, raise, call ...?
发帖数: 1458
I would shove.

【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: TURBO MTT, 24$ for $600+40, 25 buy-in
: First get the ticket and 2nd nothing
: Final table, HU, BB=200
: Me at SB with 3100 chips w/ 88
: Villian at BB w/ 4400 chips, raise to 2BB
: It has been tight for a while (fold if raise. fold on BB etc).
: What to do there, allin, raise, call ...?

发帖数: 2063
no ICM consideration. It is a shove.

【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: TURBO MTT, 24$ for $600+40, 25 buy-in
: First get the ticket and 2nd nothing
: Final table, HU, BB=200
: Me at SB with 3100 chips w/ 88
: Villian at BB w/ 4400 chips, raise to 2BB
: It has been tight for a while (fold if raise. fold on BB etc).
: What to do there, allin, raise, call ...?

发帖数: 2063
It must be a super turbo. I guess I am correct.
You are in the BB not SB?
If he raises to 2BB from SB, I guess your hand is 100% ahead, you should
make it to 1300, with 1800 left. This is risky, but most profitable play.
If you want to low the variance, just shove preflop, and take that 600 pot
down, it increases your stack 20%, and chip stack ratio should be around
Either approach is a good play.

【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: TURBO MTT, 24$ for $600+40, 25 buy-in
: First get the ticket and 2nd nothing
: Final table, HU, BB=200
: Me at SB with 3100 chips w/ 88
: Villian at BB w/ 4400 chips, raise to 2BB
: It has been tight for a while (fold if raise. fold on BB etc).
: What to do there, allin, raise, call ...?

发帖数: 1989
I 3X preflop and allin on all-low flop with OP. Guess WTF FTP did!
The guy hit nut on flop w/ A2

【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: It must be a super turbo. I guess I am correct.
: You are in the BB not SB?
: If he raises to 2BB from SB, I guess your hand is 100% ahead, you should
: make it to 1300, with 1800 left. This is risky, but most profitable play.
: If you want to low the variance, just shove preflop, and take that 600 pot
: down, it increases your stack 20%, and chip stack ratio should be around
: 3500:4000.
: Either approach is a good play.

发帖数: 1989
Similar way the day ahead.
Buy-in 24, EXTREME turbo (100 chips) for 100+9 miniFTOP ticket, 9-handed,
top two get the ticket and the thrid 7$.
3 Left, close chip count(around 300 each). I was at SB w/33 and 3BB (BB=60).SB call with 98o. I all in on 8T2rb flop and BB call.
YJJ, as you say, 3X might be most profitable but the risky one. But it
does not twice. Seriously wondering to shove next time.
发帖数: 2063
This one is not correct, because top 2 get the tickets. ICM takes effect
here. You do not want to induce action there. So just ship it pre, because
you get 90 chips that way, which is 30% of your stack. It also means the
chip stack changes. you have 390. One is 240chips, one is 300 chips.
Then 240 chips will shove on 300 chips. It induces action, 300 chips might
call. If the 240 chips folds pre, then he will get lower to 210 chips, which
is also good for you.
At the same time, you can wait a better hand to go allin next time.
However, your HU game, there is no ICM consideration.
So, you need get as much chip as you can(Of course, with your best hand).
Because if you win that hand preflop, the stack size ratio is: 3500:4000,
which is not good at all.
He makes the mistake to call your big raise, which is good for you.

).SB call with 98o. I all in on 8T2rb flop and BB call.

【在 s*********k 的大作中提到】
: Similar way the day ahead.
: Buy-in 24, EXTREME turbo (100 chips) for 100+9 miniFTOP ticket, 9-handed,
: top two get the ticket and the thrid 7$.
: 3 Left, close chip count(around 300 each). I was at SB w/33 and 3BB (BB=60).SB call with 98o. I all in on 8T2rb flop and BB call.
: YJJ, as you say, 3X might be most profitable but the risky one. But it
: does not twice. Seriously wondering to shove next time.

发帖数: 4896
i totally agree with u!


【在 y********n 的大作中提到】
: This one is not correct, because top 2 get the tickets. ICM takes effect
: here. You do not want to induce action there. So just ship it pre, because
: you get 90 chips that way, which is 30% of your stack. It also means the
: chip stack changes. you have 390. One is 240chips, one is 300 chips.
: Then 240 chips will shove on 300 chips. It induces action, 300 chips might
: call. If the 240 chips folds pre, then he will get lower to 210 chips, which
: is also good for you.
: At the same time, you can wait a better hand to go allin next time.
: However, your HU game, there is no ICM consideration.
: So, you need get as much chip as you can(Of course, with your best hand).

1 (共1页)
What will you do ?我是如何拿下Poker Stars周日百万赛冠军的
sick sick variance问一手tournament 的牌
super turbo tourneyMy last big MTT decision on FTP before BF
Multi-entries MTT @FTPMTT后期一手牌
问个touney 数学问题 把讨论一手MTT牌
Finally find the post by YJJ一个Tournament 问题
yesterday's miniftop event #12 is good showFryKing, One Quest
话题: bb话题: chips话题: sb话题: what话题: call