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TexasHoldem版 - 周末在WV玩了(下)
Is it a good move?is C-bet AK/AQ +EV?
屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-11-13哇,他limp出了一个nuts
what to do?Don't flat 4 bet with AA
how long is this going to last?6 max 50NL, j9s called rr at button, should I pay him off
Call还是不Calldid i make the right fold?
playing monsters on the flopwhat is your calling range?
two live handseasy fold??
话题: flop话题: mp话题: lp话题: call话题: check
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15860
1) Kc9c, flop 2 nut flush, chip leader re-shoves on paired turn, not a very
difficult call for my then remaining stack size ($150), he shows Qc5c.
2) 5c6c at LP, flops Ac2c4c with a gutshot str8 flush draw too, $200+ pot,
don't get enough value from LP chinese guy. he's a super passive calling
station. turn 2, river blank.
AQo at BB, limped pot, i check.
flop A56 rainbow, i check, MP (normal) bets $12, LP chip leader calls. i
worry about LP more since he has a big stack and is a creative semi-nit.
so i check raise to $50, MP tanks for while and calls, LP folds (my image is
weak tight, right? hehe).
turn: 2, i bet $50, MP calls.
river Q, i check with $200 behind (weird thought), MP checks too and tables
A6 for flopped two.
both of us play this hand like donks, and he kicks his head for not coming
on top on flop. he says he somehow convinces himself i'm committed on the
flop, huh? then it makes 101% sense to force me in, right?
坐俺旁边这老中挺惨的,preflop很passive,但是又很难lay down QQ/JJ/TT这样的mid
pair on board,这哥们儿前后起码也下去了1.5K+,整个就是让人任意搜刮,call,
hero call, crying call。有一把在BB,call了一路,最后拿着6x,over shoves on
AA6x6 flush and two pair river,俺A3o at BTN, 指望的MP没进来(这river也进不来
多,最后从兜里掏一个black chip出来继续玩,俺还以为已经快油尽灯枯了,否则这种
拿$100 short buy-in,怎么可能填大坑?!尤其是大家都乱来(机会啊)的深夜?
black chip来(嗯?玩blackjack过来的?) 摸到中间人家还拿出一个紫色的chip($500)
1/2NL这种小stake,要说beat rake,看似很小,其实真的不易,很多人昨天给风雪困
在那里,从头天下午到凌晨,玩了起码是15+ hours,$12/hr,就是$180,加上tip,怎
么着也得$250。就1/2NL $300 cap这stake,怎么着也得至少full stake double up一
次才能勉强持平,所以最终看桌上,一般也就是个把1K+的chip leader,其他中等
stacks,慢慢磨掉,on tilt,re-buy...可不,15个小时,也就是$1800+tips从桌子上
“消失”了,相当于6 max buy-ins。
发帖数: 9164
For the AQ hand, I do not like the check/raise on the flop. I would just
check/call there, or lead out and let it go if got raised since you do not
have much money invested and have marignal holding while OOP.
But once you rivered Q, I would shove there for value.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 整体说来,牌还是相当不错的:
: 1) Kc9c, flop 2 nut flush, chip leader re-shoves on paired turn, not a very
: difficult call for my then remaining stack size ($150), he shows Qc5c.
: 2) 5c6c at LP, flops Ac2c4c with a gutshot str8 flush draw too, $200+ pot,
: don't get enough value from LP chinese guy. he's a super passive calling
: station. turn 2, river blank.
: 但是非常不满意自己打的很多过程,比如这把:
: AQo at BB, limped pot, i check.
: flop A56 rainbow, i check, MP (normal) bets $12, LP chip leader calls. i
: worry about LP more since he has a big stack and is a creative semi-nit.

发帖数: 15860

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: For the AQ hand, I do not like the check/raise on the flop. I would just
: check/call there, or lead out and let it go if got raised since you do not
: have much money invested and have marignal holding while OOP.
: But once you rivered Q, I would shove there for value.
: very

发帖数: 9164
lol. guess he gave you credit for flopping a set there.
Nothing wrong to be somewhat polarised there. I would check/raise with
at least two pair, set etc there, or total airball if you think villian is
weak and can not stand a raise. In that case, I just gave it up if got
Check/raising with AQ there can put you into tough spot very often. Your hand
is maringal and you commit a lot of chips and build a big pot OOP. Your
hand still have decent showdown value and but not sure where you are. Life
is a lot easier when you commit 40$ with 400 stack than committing 200$ with
400$ stack.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 要不俺怎么说打得象头蠢驴呢?SIGH,有牌都不会打,估计把那哥们儿也整糊涂了,呵
: 呵。

发帖数: 15860
yes, if he's thinking, 90% of time he would come on top right away, and
force me to make a fold or mistake, lol.

Your hand

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: lol. guess he gave you credit for flopping a set there.
: Nothing wrong to be somewhat polarised there. I would check/raise with
: at least two pair, set etc there, or total airball if you think villian is
: weak and can not stand a raise. In that case, I just gave it up if got
: called.
: Check/raising with AQ there can put you into tough spot very often. Your hand
: is maringal and you commit a lot of chips and build a big pot OOP. Your
: hand still have decent showdown value and but not sure where you are. Life
: is a lot easier when you commit 40$ with 400 stack than committing 200$ with
: 400$ stack.

发帖数: 4210
发帖数: 15860

【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】
: 昨天下雪没敢去,可惜今天没遇上老大。
发帖数: 4210
本来还想勇敢以下的,但是一看气象云图,这雪从西面过来。 再加上从VA去得还有
10mile的山路。 今天去了,人不多。


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 幸亏你没去,俺下午3点左右到的,开到WV边境就后悔了,一英里之内3个车子打滑冲到
: 中间隔离带里面去了,差几米就到对面车道了。还有一个车子撞得调了头,很惨的样子。
: 要说雪真那么大,也不是,不过是今年第一场雪,大家还没有反应过来,道路清理也比
: 较慢,而且还夹雨,还容易路面凝冻打滑。

发帖数: 15860

【在 s*********r 的大作中提到】
: 本来还想勇敢以下的,但是一看气象云图,这雪从西面过来。 再加上从VA去得还有
: 10mile的山路。 今天去了,人不多。
: 你们昨天去,真是勇敢的心啊。
: 子。

发帖数: 4210
playing monsters on the flopis C-bet AK/AQ +EV?
two live handsDon't flat 4 bet with AA
发帖数: 1128


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 整体说来,牌还是相当不错的:
: 1) Kc9c, flop 2 nut flush, chip leader re-shoves on paired turn, not a very
: difficult call for my then remaining stack size ($150), he shows Qc5c.
: 2) 5c6c at LP, flops Ac2c4c with a gutshot str8 flush draw too, $200+ pot,
: don't get enough value from LP chinese guy. he's a super passive calling
: station. turn 2, river blank.
: 但是非常不满意自己打的很多过程,比如这把:
: AQo at BB, limped pot, i check.
: flop A56 rainbow, i check, MP (normal) bets $12, LP chip leader calls. i
: worry about LP more since he has a big stack and is a creative semi-nit.

发帖数: 15860
这几把牌都存在一个严重问题,commit or not,导致action, bet size都乱七八糟,

【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: AQ FLOP上没错,我也肯定会RAISE,不过RIVER没BET是大错。
: very

发帖数: 1128
他REPOP后你要ALL IN那他还要考虑一下,这样CALL完全不知道在干吗。估计你RIVER

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 这几把牌都存在一个严重问题,commit or not,导致action, bet size都乱七八糟,
: 每一步单看可能问题还没那么严重,连起来看简直就是一坨。
: 单就这把而言,即使退一步说,flop问题还不够严重的话,turn就明明白白的不知所云
: ,river更是发神经,对家明显也乱了阵脚,呵呵,其实俺唯一可能的就是55,但55也
: 不可能一路是这个打法。A5,56的话,他早应该收网,flop就上竿子。

发帖数: 9164
If I did not read wrong, the effective stack is about 300$, fryking's
check/raise size is 50$. If villian repop on the flop, it would at least be

Are you really serious thinking about folding there after committing
half the effective stack and giving 3:1 to a call with two pairs? :) If the
repop is for info, that is way too expensive. Plus that is a limped pot,
only commit 2$ preflop.
When you play a big pot , you may want to have a plan about what to do
next, at least a committment plan.

【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: 那手牌对家打得很有问题。搞不清楚为什么FLOP不REPOP,一直CALL一点信息都没有,
: 他REPOP后你要ALL IN那他还要考虑一下,这样CALL完全不知道在干吗。估计你RIVER
: BET多少他都得CALL,因为他不知道自己的牌是好是坏,就只能猜了。

发帖数: 7793
最后一段真是live low stake 的真实写照。 做个赌徒也不容易啊。 老是输钱的真不

整体说来,牌还是相当不错的:1) Kc9c, flop 2 nut flush, chip leader re-shoves
on paired turn, not a ver........
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.28

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 整体说来,牌还是相当不错的:
: 1) Kc9c, flop 2 nut flush, chip leader re-shoves on paired turn, not a very
: difficult call for my then remaining stack size ($150), he shows Qc5c.
: 2) 5c6c at LP, flops Ac2c4c with a gutshot str8 flush draw too, $200+ pot,
: don't get enough value from LP chinese guy. he's a super passive calling
: station. turn 2, river blank.
: 但是非常不满意自己打的很多过程,比如这把:
: AQo at BB, limped pot, i check.
: flop A56 rainbow, i check, MP (normal) bets $12, LP chip leader calls. i
: worry about LP more since he has a big stack and is a creative semi-nit.

发帖数: 15860
most these ppl would only remember those times they win big anyway, this is
why they keep coming on fri/sat after they get another paycheck or "a couple
hundreds for fun", if not at poker table, they'll dump it on slots or
blackjack, which actually burns faster.
1/2NL is such a unique stake, which:
1) most ppl could afford, it's really not a bigger game than quarter slot
2) most ppl suck, i like the 2+2 comment, "the majority of 1/2 players all
have major leaks";
3) you cannot find any stake cheaper than it in a casino. so no matter
whether you're new, donk, poor, "the 25% players", self-claimed "regular",..
. you all sit at the same table.


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 最后一段真是live low stake 的真实写照。 做个赌徒也不容易啊。 老是输钱的真不
: 知道这打牌乐趣何在。
: 整体说来,牌还是相当不错的:1) Kc9c, flop 2 nut flush, chip leader re-shoves
: on paired turn, not a ver........
: ★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.28

发帖数: 9164
You may try some 2/5 then, I only play 1-2 a few times since I started to
play seriously, but should be not much difference.

Is 2-5 in your area 500 max buy in? I think you can definately beat it!
Rake and dealer toker should be similar between two, so you would get much
better winning rate if you can get same winning rate in 2-5.
Just carry 2k each trip and come back another time if do not run good.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: most these ppl would only remember those times they win big anyway, this is
: why they keep coming on fri/sat after they get another paycheck or "a couple
: hundreds for fun", if not at poker table, they'll dump it on slots or
: blackjack, which actually burns faster.
: 1/2NL is such a unique stake, which:
: 1) most ppl could afford, it's really not a bigger game than quarter slot
: machines;
: 2) most ppl suck, i like the 2+2 comment, "the majority of 1/2 players all
: have major leaks";
: 3) you cannot find any stake cheaper than it in a casino. so no matter

发帖数: 15860
with all my leaks in and out of the game, i'm not ready for it or will never
honestly, if i run or play bad for a session with 2K down, LD will kill my
little "hobby" in 0.001 second, lol.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: You may try some 2/5 then, I only play 1-2 a few times since I started to
: play seriously, but should be not much difference.
: Is 2-5 in your area 500 max buy in? I think you can definately beat it!
: Rake and dealer toker should be similar between two, so you would get much
: better winning rate if you can get same winning rate in 2-5.
: Just carry 2k each trip and come back another time if do not run good.
: is
: couple

发帖数: 9164
then just accumulate your 1-2 winning and put it seperate account When you
have 2k. take a shot and move back if you lose the 2k. Lot of pro build BR
this way as well

Fryqeeen will be really happy if you can bring home 1k winning at every
weekend casino trip and you will get longer playin time :)


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: with all my leaks in and out of the game, i'm not ready for it or will never
: be.
: honestly, if i run or play bad for a session with 2K down, LD will kill my
: little "hobby" in 0.001 second, lol.
: !

发帖数: 15860
maybe one day down the road when i look back at this, i would feel the same
but as of today, it's a too big committment for me to make, or i've stayed
in this 1/2NL relatively comfort zone for too long. i'm sure 2/5 will either
sharpen my skills quickly or chop off my head like a turtle, hehe.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: then just accumulate your 1-2 winning and put it seperate account When you
: have 2k. take a shot and move back if you lose the 2k. Lot of pro build BR
: this way as well
: Fryqeeen will be really happy if you can bring home 1k winning at every
: weekend casino trip and you will get longer playin time :)
: never

6 max 50NL, j9s called rr at button, should I pay him off来把bluff
did i make the right fold?easy fold??
what is your calling range?one more hand
发帖数: 7793
in a way, 2-5 could be easier than 1/2. Because u are less likely to get
mind fucked by some clueless fish. Hehe
2 funny hand yesterday.
Ep raise 6$ I call with 10s on button. 5 in the pot 30$
Flop KdJh10h
Ep lead 5$ . 2 caller. Mind fucking?
Later a hand, similar situation,mp raise 7$, I call with k j at button. 4
way pot. 28$ pot
Flop Ks 2s 6 d
Check check, lp lead 5$ not the same guy as previous hand. Another mind
fucking with minimum bet?
★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs Lite 7.28
发帖数: 1114

【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: For the AQ hand, I do not like the check/raise on the flop. I would just
: check/call there, or lead out and let it go if got raised since you do not
: have much money invested and have marignal holding while OOP.
: But once you rivered Q, I would shove there for value.
: very

发帖数: 4210
This is soo true at WV. I only play 2/5 there, because of this reason.
Think about it, AAs preflop raise to $20 with 5 callers or perflop to 50
with maybe one caller. huge difference.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: in a way, 2-5 could be easier than 1/2. Because u are less likely to get
: mind fucked by some clueless fish. Hehe
: 2 funny hand yesterday.
: Ep raise 6$ I call with 10s on button. 5 in the pot 30$
: Flop KdJh10h
: Ep lead 5$ . 2 caller. Mind fucking?
: Later a hand, similar situation,mp raise 7$, I call with k j at button. 4
: way pot. 28$ pot
: Flop Ks 2s 6 d
: Check check, lp lead 5$ not the same guy as previous hand. Another mind

1 (共1页)
easy fold??Call还是不Call
one more handplaying monsters on the flop
So what will you do in this situation?问一手牌
今天又出门偷玩了3小时!two live hands
Is it a good move?is C-bet AK/AQ +EV?
屌丝的扑克研磨日记 06-11-13哇,他limp出了一个nuts
what to do?Don't flat 4 bet with AA
how long is this going to last?6 max 50NL, j9s called rr at button, should I pay him off
话题: flop话题: mp话题: lp话题: call话题: check