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TexasHoldem版 - What would you do for those two hands?
did i make the right fold?NL100 0.5/1 的一手牌
straight, call or fold今天玩rush poker的一手AA
One bad beateasy fold??
Sands, PA 一手牌 - 臭显摆flopped baby flush, got raised on the turn. what to do?
A few hands last few daysA few hands played during Christmas weekend
2 hands I played todaylucky flop & river
how bad did i play this hand?bluff or not ?
AQ flopped A, how to play?fold my AA
话题: he话题: sb话题: bb话题: bet话题: checked
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1128
1. 1-3 NL. I had K9o in EP with stack of 300. Several limpers including MP,
who was a 35ish white woman with TAP style. Flop Kh 10h 3x. Checked to me,
and I was thinking about betting, but MP bet 12 out of turn. So then I
checked and called her 12 dollar bet. Everyone else folded. Turn was a Qh. I
checked again, and MP bet 20. I checked my card and I had 9 of hearts. I
knew she didn't have flush or straight, so I still had straight and flush
draw. I knew she didn't have an ace either. I didn't know why, but it was
just my instinct. So I called. River was a Ks. I checked again, and she bet
50. What would you do?
2. 1-3NL. I had Qs10s utg with over 600 chips. I limped, SB completed and BB
checked. SB was a tight player. I had not seen him playing many hands.
Never saw him get out of line so far. BB was a black guy who was kind of
loose passive. SB had about 250. FLOP Jd 9d 3x, SB checked, BB bet 15, and I
called. SB also called. Turn was another Jh. SB checked, and BB checked. I
bet 35. SB called, and BB folded. River was a 8x. SB checked again. Action
to me. I initially really wanted to check. I was afraid that SB had the full
house already. I looked at him, and the look on his face was also telling
me that. But still I really didn't want to lose value. He could have A J or
KJ. So I bet 60, and SB immediately rechecked the board, and then raised to
120. What would you do now? By the way, before he raised me he didn't look
at me at all, he just checked the board pretty quickly and then made the
发帖数: 327
Here is a fish thinks:
1. I would fold on river in this case. But i would check raise to $75 on
turn to represent flush.
2. i would call $60 more for sure. i think it's pretty much committed even
though he had full house (pocket 3s?).


【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: 1. 1-3 NL. I had K9o in EP with stack of 300. Several limpers including MP,
: who was a 35ish white woman with TAP style. Flop Kh 10h 3x. Checked to me,
: and I was thinking about betting, but MP bet 12 out of turn. So then I
: checked and called her 12 dollar bet. Everyone else folded. Turn was a Qh. I
: checked again, and MP bet 20. I checked my card and I had 9 of hearts. I
: knew she didn't have flush or straight, so I still had straight and flush
: draw. I knew she didn't have an ace either. I didn't know why, but it was
: just my instinct. So I called. River was a Ks. I checked again, and she bet
: 50. What would you do?
: 2. 1-3NL. I had Qs10s utg with over 600 chips. I limped, SB completed and BB

发帖数: 9164
1 hand. why limped with K9o in EP though? this hand has not much value EP
for 100BB.
The flop check/call is ok. I would fold the turn. Not much implied odds
to hit flush or straight. On the river, your relative hand strenth does
not improve much. It is very marginal but I still prefer a fold.


【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: 1. 1-3 NL. I had K9o in EP with stack of 300. Several limpers including MP,
: who was a 35ish white woman with TAP style. Flop Kh 10h 3x. Checked to me,
: and I was thinking about betting, but MP bet 12 out of turn. So then I
: checked and called her 12 dollar bet. Everyone else folded. Turn was a Qh. I
: checked again, and MP bet 20. I checked my card and I had 9 of hearts. I
: knew she didn't have flush or straight, so I still had straight and flush
: draw. I knew she didn't have an ace either. I didn't know why, but it was
: just my instinct. So I called. River was a Ks. I checked again, and she bet
: 50. What would you do?
: 2. 1-3NL. I had Qs10s utg with over 600 chips. I limped, SB completed and BB

发帖数: 9164
second hand really depends how you think SB plays. I will call 60$ unless I
have very strong read on SB. It is a very draw heavy board, when BB led
out and you called, we can expect SB raise on the flop most of time with 2


【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: 1. 1-3 NL. I had K9o in EP with stack of 300. Several limpers including MP,
: who was a 35ish white woman with TAP style. Flop Kh 10h 3x. Checked to me,
: and I was thinking about betting, but MP bet 12 out of turn. So then I
: checked and called her 12 dollar bet. Everyone else folded. Turn was a Qh. I
: checked again, and MP bet 20. I checked my card and I had 9 of hearts. I
: knew she didn't have flush or straight, so I still had straight and flush
: draw. I knew she didn't have an ace either. I didn't know why, but it was
: just my instinct. So I called. River was a Ks. I checked again, and she bet
: 50. What would you do?
: 2. 1-3NL. I had Qs10s utg with over 600 chips. I limped, SB completed and BB

发帖数: 1128
I usually don't play K9o,and I should've folded it on the turn. I folded it
on the river. She showed QK.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: second hand really depends how you think SB plays. I will call 60$ unless I
: have very strong read on SB. It is a very draw heavy board, when BB led
: out and you called, we can expect SB raise on the flop most of time with 2
: pairs/set.
: ,
: I
: bet
: BB

发帖数: 1128
I folded on the river. SB didn't show his cards, but he said he had full
house. I thought I made a good fold, but on my way to home, my husband kept
saying that I made a bad fold. He said he noticed SB was very nervous even
after he won the pot. So I was really mad at myself for folding that hand. I
had chips and I had a good hand. I should've called.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: second hand really depends how you think SB plays. I will call 60$ unless I
: have very strong read on SB. It is a very draw heavy board, when BB led
: out and you called, we can expect SB raise on the flop most of time with 2
: pairs/set.
: ,
: I
: bet
: BB

发帖数: 9164
great fold then. In this kind of situation, knowing the opponent is very
important. if she is very loose and bluff a lot, we should call.
We can not beat any of her value bet range if she is tag.


【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: I usually don't play K9o,and I should've folded it on the turn. I folded it
: on the river. She showed QK.
: EP
: odds

发帖数: 9164
unless he is pot controling two pairs or set with a super draw heavy
board, it makes no sense to slow play on the flop. Most decent/normal player
would raise on the flop with strong made hand(2 pr+) on that draw heavy
I think your LG could be right.


【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: I folded on the river. SB didn't show his cards, but he said he had full
: house. I thought I made a good fold, but on my way to home, my husband kept
: saying that I made a bad fold. He said he noticed SB was very nervous even
: after he won the pot. So I was really mad at myself for folding that hand. I
: had chips and I had a good hand. I should've called.
: I

发帖数: 2801
2ND HAND, 感觉他把你放到了flush draw最后没draw到而bluff抢钱,just my 2cent

2. 1-3NL. I had Qs10s utg with over 600 chips. I limped, SB completed and

【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: I folded on the river. SB didn't show his cards, but he said he had full
: house. I thought I made a good fold, but on my way to home, my husband kept
: saying that I made a bad fold. He said he noticed SB was very nervous even
: after he won the pot. So I was really mad at myself for folding that hand. I
: had chips and I had a good hand. I should've called.
: I

发帖数: 2801
2nd hand has some similarity with this one:
"Zigmund" has been playing too many hands and in that hand he stuck with a
flush draw, which didnt hit the river..... Patrik did that check-raise at
river and "Zigmund" was forced to fold.


【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: 1. 1-3 NL. I had K9o in EP with stack of 300. Several limpers including MP,
: who was a 35ish white woman with TAP style. Flop Kh 10h 3x. Checked to me,
: and I was thinking about betting, but MP bet 12 out of turn. So then I
: checked and called her 12 dollar bet. Everyone else folded. Turn was a Qh. I
: checked again, and MP bet 20. I checked my card and I had 9 of hearts. I
: knew she didn't have flush or straight, so I still had straight and flush
: draw. I knew she didn't have an ace either. I didn't know why, but it was
: just my instinct. So I called. River was a Ks. I checked again, and she bet
: 50. What would you do?
: 2. 1-3NL. I had Qs10s utg with over 600 chips. I limped, SB completed and BB

2 hands I played todayNL100 0.5/1 的一手牌
how bad did i play this hand?今天玩rush poker的一手AA
AQ flopped A, how to play?easy fold??
发帖数: 1128
I thought the same thing before, but now after I analyzed it, I think 80% he
had full house, and 20% he was bluffing me. Here is why. First, we don't
see many that kind of bluff in 1-3 low limit game. Usually if they don't hit
they fold. If they think you're bluffing then they call you with Ace high,
but not a raise. Secondly, before I made my river bet, I cautiously looked
at SB (an old guy)'s face, and he had the exact same look as the other
player did when I was playing in Venetian. That guy had quads. That's why I
was hesitated to bet on the river after I looked at him. My instinct was
telling me to check. Actually, both time after I looked at them, my
immediate thoughts were to check, but I did neither of them. Thirdly, After
I bet, SB immediately checked the board very quickly, and raised to 120.
That to me was a strong sign. Because when I bluff the bluffer, I always
look at my opponent first, to make sure I get enough information and signs
of bluffing from the player, and then I make my move. But the whole time SB
didn't look at me at all. He just rechecked the board and raised. He also
did that very quickly. The way he made the raise was like he couldn't wait
to raise my bet. Fourthly, If he did put me on busted draw, he could've just
called me since I might have nothing. For him to call me all the way to the
river, he at least had a pair, which would have show down value against my
busted draw hand.35 on turn and 60 on the river were also strong bets.
Unless he really knew me or saw my cards it would be really hard to bluff me
on the river. I could've have full house too. 120 is a lot of money.
Overall, there could be a small chance that he was bluffing, but no more
than 20%.

【在 H****r 的大作中提到】
: 2ND HAND, 感觉他把你放到了flush draw最后没draw到而bluff抢钱,just my 2cent
: 2. 1-3NL. I had Qs10s utg with over 600 chips. I limped, SB completed and
: BB

发帖数: 2801
wow! Now i realized more reasons why lzi mm always win...


【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: I thought the same thing before, but now after I analyzed it, I think 80% he
: had full house, and 20% he was bluffing me. Here is why. First, we don't
: see many that kind of bluff in 1-3 low limit game. Usually if they don't hit
: they fold. If they think you're bluffing then they call you with Ace high,
: but not a raise. Secondly, before I made my river bet, I cautiously looked
: at SB (an old guy)'s face, and he had the exact same look as the other
: player did when I was playing in Venetian. That guy had quads. That's why I
: was hesitated to bet on the river after I looked at him. My instinct was
: telling me to check. Actually, both time after I looked at them, my
: immediate thoughts were to check, but I did neither of them. Thirdly, After

发帖数: 9164
can he value raise with hands like AJ, KJ? pretty strange play if he just
flat on the flop with such a wet board with set or 2pr though.


【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: I thought the same thing before, but now after I analyzed it, I think 80% he
: had full house, and 20% he was bluffing me. Here is why. First, we don't
: see many that kind of bluff in 1-3 low limit game. Usually if they don't hit
: they fold. If they think you're bluffing then they call you with Ace high,
: but not a raise. Secondly, before I made my river bet, I cautiously looked
: at SB (an old guy)'s face, and he had the exact same look as the other
: player did when I was playing in Venetian. That guy had quads. That's why I
: was hesitated to bet on the river after I looked at him. My instinct was
: telling me to check. Actually, both time after I looked at them, my
: immediate thoughts were to check, but I did neither of them. Thirdly, After

发帖数: 1128

【在 H****r 的大作中提到】
: wow! Now i realized more reasons why lzi mm always win...
: he
: hit
: ,
: I
: After

发帖数: 1128
No way he was raising with AJ, KJ on the river. He would've raised on the turn
to punish the draws. He said he had J9, and the turn gave him the full house
. He said he flatted my turn bet because he didn't want to chase BB away. He
said he though BB had AJ,or KJ, or QJ. He would not raise with his straight
either. How could he be so sure that I didn't have full house on the river?
The way he only looked at the board not me told me that all he concerned
was his hand, not mine.


【在 p****r 的大作中提到】
: can he value raise with hands like AJ, KJ? pretty strange play if he just
: flat on the flop with such a wet board with set or 2pr though.
: he
: hit
: ,
: I
: After

发帖数: 7793
where is the similarity? How come I am not seeing any?


【在 H****r 的大作中提到】
: 2nd hand has some similarity with this one:
: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cKT4F-Xii4&feature=related
: 4:15-7:05
: "Zigmund" has been playing too many hands and in that hand he stuck with a
: flush draw, which didnt hit the river..... Patrik did that check-raise at
: river and "Zigmund" was forced to fold.
: ,
: I
: bet

发帖数: 2801
Both look like busted flush draw; raise and re-raise at river.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: where is the similarity? How come I am not seeing any?
: a

发帖数: 1128
Actually, there were differences though. Patrik's raise on the river was for
value. He knew he was ahead. So it was not a bluff for him.He didn't need
to bluff to win on the river, he could've just called, but he knew he had
the best hand and he wanted to get a little more value by check-raise. That'
s just my understanding.

【在 H****r 的大作中提到】
: Both look like busted flush draw; raise and re-raise at river.
发帖数: 2801
True. It also seems very difficult to pull off that kina bluff in the end.
It's really looks more like a nuts rather than a bluff...


【在 l*****g 的大作中提到】
: Actually, there were differences though. Patrik's raise on the river was for
: value. He knew he was ahead. So it was not a bluff for him.He didn't need
: to bluff to win on the river, he could've just called, but he knew he had
: the best hand and he wanted to get a little more value by check-raise. That'
: s just my understanding.

1 (共1页)
fold my AAA few hands last few days
fulltilt是挺夸张的2 hands I played today
这两手牌是否太保守?how bad did i play this hand?
这手牌AQ flopped A, how to play?
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straight, call or fold今天玩rush poker的一手AA
One bad beateasy fold??
Sands, PA 一手牌 - 臭显摆flopped baby flush, got raised on the turn. what to do?
话题: he话题: sb话题: bb话题: bet话题: checked