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TexasHoldem版 - 谁谈谈CASH GAME 和 TOURANMENT 的区别
哪位高手谈谈CASH GAME 和 TOURMENT 的主要区别开始进入平稳期了
Yeah!Multi-entries MTT @FTP
tourney后期 3bet shove的问题Lecture 5-excellent illustration of ICM
what is your biggest win so far?tourney bubble 问题
I like tournament games more nowabout my odds calculating iphone app --- HOLDEMODDSEXPRESS
有几个发几个另开题 讨论一个经典的MTT问题
话题: cash话题: game话题: tournament话题: play话题: tourney
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1438
俺每个月跟邻居们玩TOURNAMENT, 觉得自己根本不会玩CASH GAME
发帖数: 1394
cash game打着打着就困了,就回家睡觉了

【在 B*******4 的大作中提到】
: 俺每个月跟邻居们玩TOURNAMENT, 觉得自己根本不会玩CASH GAME
发帖数: 456
哈哈, 形象

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: cash game打着打着就困了,就回家睡觉了
: tournament打着打着就困了,还不能回家睡觉

发帖数: 817
Cash game: deep stack, patience. You can be a winning player by playing in
various styles.
Tourneys: short stack, often times there is an optimal play. You can only
win a tourney by playing aggressively.
Overall, tourneys are easier since there are mathematically proven optimal
plays when you are short stacked. I am pretty sure that I play as good as
Phil Ivey when I have 15 BBs or less.
发帖数: 1438

【在 r****r 的大作中提到】
: cash game打着打着就困了,就回家睡觉了
: tournament打着打着就困了,还不能回家睡觉

发帖数: 456

【在 B*******4 的大作中提到】
: 估计让您老不犯困,就得去这儿了
: http://www.wenxuecity.com/news/2012/01/05/1590523.html

发帖数: 1438

【在 c******q 的大作中提到】
: bankroll不够可不敢去,不然美女的脸还没认全就被busted了
发帖数: 1128
Tournament needs more patience. You have to fold a lot of hands, however, at
the late stage, you also have to raise or push with a lot of hands because
the blinds are so big. So aggression is especially important at that time.
IMO, tournament is easier than cash game. You rarely play multi-way pot. Not
too much tough decisions to make compared to cash game. In cash game,
people plays everything, and you Aces and KK can get cracked very often. And
also, you care more about the real money, because they are real. If you
lose them, then you lose your own money. In tourney, you play with chips. If
you lose them, then you are out. I like tournaments as well, but I just
find that I am not good at dealing with 出局at the late stage, because it is
really painful.

【在 B*******4 的大作中提到】
: 俺每个月跟邻居们玩TOURNAMENT, 觉得自己根本不会玩CASH GAME
发帖数: 457
toatally different feelings.
tournament is more dynamic because your chips stacks shrink relatively from
deep stack to short stack as blinds go up. some hands have more fold equity
than in cash game. some play in tournnament will never work in cash game.
but i cant say tournament is easier than cash game because two games
emphasize different skill sets. tournmanet requires more about situational
analysis, change on chip stacks, short handed table, bubble effect, pay
ladder jump, ICM, which are rarely considered in cash game.

【在 B*******4 的大作中提到】
: 俺每个月跟邻居们玩TOURNAMENT, 觉得自己根本不会玩CASH GAME
发帖数: 1128
"tournmanet requires more about situational analysis, change on chip stacks,
short handed table, bubble effect, pay ladder jump, ICM, which are rarely
considered in cash game."
That's true. I didn't realize that. I guess I don't have enough tournament
experiences to learn how important they are. I am going to play a big
tournament tomorrow. The structure seems very good. Buyin is 350. I'll see
how that goes.
I have a lot of respect for your tournament playing style. Hope when you
have time you can write some of your thoughts on how to play tournaments.


【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: toatally different feelings.
: tournament is more dynamic because your chips stacks shrink relatively from
: deep stack to short stack as blinds go up. some hands have more fold equity
: than in cash game. some play in tournnament will never work in cash game.
: but i cant say tournament is easier than cash game because two games
: emphasize different skill sets. tournmanet requires more about situational
: analysis, change on chip stacks, short handed table, bubble effect, pay
: ladder jump, ICM, which are rarely considered in cash game.

有几个发几个Multi-entries MTT @FTP
菜鸟冒个泡,也讲讲自己,也向往春天。Lecture 5-excellent illustration of ICM
发帖数: 817
By "tourneys are easier than cash", I mean that online short-stacked plays
are a solved problem and we have a known optimal solution. Once you are down
to 20 BB, you can only fold, raise, or reraise allin. Once you are down to
12 BB, you can only shove or fold.
Your action just becomes a function of the pay structure, chip distributions
, and your opponents' raise/call ranges. For example, if the pay structure
is very flat and you know that button steals with 50% rate then you can
shove any two cards with 15BBs from big bind -- you know it is EV+. I agree
that it is still a complicated model, but at least it is a solvable model
with deterministic input data.
发帖数: 11
Deep stack 和 shallow stack tourney 打法很不同吧。后者,6bb还可以翻身。


【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: By "tourneys are easier than cash", I mean that online short-stacked plays
: are a solved problem and we have a known optimal solution. Once you are down
: to 20 BB, you can only fold, raise, or reraise allin. Once you are down to
: 12 BB, you can only shove or fold.
: Your action just becomes a function of the pay structure, chip distributions
: , and your opponents' raise/call ranges. For example, if the pay structure
: is very flat and you know that button steals with 50% rate then you can
: shove any two cards with 15BBs from big bind -- you know it is EV+. I agree
: that it is still a complicated model, but at least it is a solvable model
: with deterministic input data.

发帖数: 1691
cash game,你轻易不会去flip coin
tourney,你不可避免需要几次coin flip活到很后面
发帖数: 817
Exactly. That is why I said that tourneys require less patience than cash.
In cash, if you believe that you have an edge over the table, you want to
avoid coin flips. You want to stay patient and ship it when you are a 70%
favorite or more.
In tourney, you cannot stay "patient" like that -- you have to be ready to
take your chance to win a coin flip.

【在 w**********y 的大作中提到】
: cash game,你轻易不会去flip coin
: tourney,你不可避免需要几次coin flip活到很后面

发帖数: 9164
that is exactly right.
actually cash game is similiar to early stage of tourney where stack is
deep and you do not have to coin flip often if you think you can get
bigger edge.

【在 c*****t 的大作中提到】
: Exactly. That is why I said that tourneys require less patience than cash.
: In cash, if you believe that you have an edge over the table, you want to
: avoid coin flips. You want to stay patient and ship it when you are a 70%
: favorite or more.
: In tourney, you cannot stay "patient" like that -- you have to be ready to
: take your chance to win a coin flip.

发帖数: 1438
Very good tips, guys! Really appreciate them. I think I will just play
super tight for my first real game in a casino.
1 (共1页)
这种情况应该chop吗?I like tournament games more now
actually 5 hours tournament is not bad有几个发几个
又见鬼了,90人TOURNEY,pay 9,我10th 最后一手牌 flop all in菜鸟冒个泡,也讲讲自己,也向往春天。
哪位高手谈谈CASH GAME 和 TOURMENT 的主要区别开始进入平稳期了
Yeah!Multi-entries MTT @FTP
tourney后期 3bet shove的问题Lecture 5-excellent illustration of ICM
what is your biggest win so far?tourney bubble 问题
话题: cash话题: game话题: tournament话题: play话题: tourney