

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
TexasHoldem版 - one hand
what would you do if you are a maniac?Q5s问题牌
这手牌 能call吗? 怎么看villain的range今天的另一个out of position bluff
昨晚的几首牌2 bluff hand tonight in AC
a bad play handHow Would You Play This Hand
another one, what to do?俺晕
Why do we call with monster draws?原来preflop还真什么都可以靠
这个river应不应该push?面对turn action 你怎么办?
话题: he话题: bet话题: ng话题: hand话题: calls
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15860
1/2NL, a normal (by normal, i mean semi nit or above average) player sitting
to my right has about $500, i have about the same.
we talk a lot about hands and other ppl for almost all night.
table is passive or a limp fest, after 2 maniacs busted, now this hand comes.
2 limpers, NG (normal guy) limps too, i bet $15 with AQs. in the past, AQs
is like the bottom of my $15 range and he knows.
others all give respect and fold, NG snap calls.
flop: QT5 rainbow.
he checks to me, i bet $25, he tanks and calls.
turn: T, still rainbow without runner flush possiblities.
he checks again, i know he's capable of calling with good middle pair on the
flop, but not that often against me.
so i bet $50, a strong signal to push him out, he snap calls this time.
he probe bets and folds a lot, and rarely check calls twice, AND, this size,
AND, vs. me, AND, out of position.
river: 2
he quickly grabs $50 and bets.
i ask him, "we all know each other well, do you have a queen?"
he nods, "yes, and i will show you (if you choose to fold)".
what should i do here? pot is about $240, we start the hand with almost same
stack, $500.
发帖数: 578
At this point, most probably you would have to call. Even you guess you are
probably beat, calling here can at least give you some information on what
he had and how he played. $50 against a $240 pot, I think it is worth it.
If I were you, I would check the turn and just call the river if the river
bet is reasonable.
发帖数: 1458
I would call, it's only 1/4psb. he probably has weak Tx/Qx?


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 1/2NL, a normal (by normal, i mean semi nit or above average) player sitting
: to my right has about $500, i have about the same.
: we talk a lot about hands and other ppl for almost all night.
: table is passive or a limp fest, after 2 maniacs busted, now this hand comes.
: 2 limpers, NG (normal guy) limps too, i bet $15 with AQs. in the past, AQs
: is like the bottom of my $15 range and he knows.
: others all give respect and fold, NG snap calls.
: flop: QT5 rainbow.
: he checks to me, i bet $25, he tanks and calls.
: turn: T, still rainbow without runner flush possiblities.

发帖数: 274
it's a fold, despite the odds here, but it's so hard...
发帖数: 457
raise 140?


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 1/2NL, a normal (by normal, i mean semi nit or above average) player sitting
: to my right has about $500, i have about the same.
: we talk a lot about hands and other ppl for almost all night.
: table is passive or a limp fest, after 2 maniacs busted, now this hand comes.
: 2 limpers, NG (normal guy) limps too, i bet $15 with AQs. in the past, AQs
: is like the bottom of my $15 range and he knows.
: others all give respect and fold, NG snap calls.
: flop: QT5 rainbow.
: he checks to me, i bet $25, he tanks and calls.
: turn: T, still rainbow without runner flush possiblities.

发帖数: 7793

【在 c****1 的大作中提到】
: raise 140?
: sitting
: comes.

发帖数: 15860
两鸟人之前聊了一晚上,互相恭维,互相share cards...

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 赞。
发帖数: 1458
if hero folded to such a small donk bet on the river, then she should not
have bet the turn in the first place. the primary reason to bet the turn is
villain will call with weaker queen often enough. with that in mind, villain
's river bet looks like a blocking bet for a cheap showdown. if villain will
not call that turn bet with enough weaker queen, then check to induce a
river bluff is better. after all, on the turn, hero is way ahead or way
behind. frankly the worse part is show and fold, with that info, she(hero)
would get floated and bluffed a ton in the future unless she is visibly on


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 这牌其实不干俺鸟事,只是第一人称以拿AQs的黑女人叙事而已。
: 黑女人筹码都拿好了准备call,结果自己主动和人家搭话,给自己的脑子短路了,1:5
: 的odds,硬生生fold了。
: NG这把算是瞎猫撞死耗子,亮出QJs,颇有点小人得志捡钱包的感觉。
: 黑女人一晚上都比较谨慎比较ABC,这把以后恨呆呆的。
: 两鸟人之前聊了一晚上,互相恭维,互相share cards...
: 日,俺装做故左右不语,这把牌信息挺多的。

发帖数: 15860
yes, this is the funny part of this hand, sometimes ppl just over or under
think and make a string of mistakes.


【在 p**********1 的大作中提到】
: if hero folded to such a small donk bet on the river, then she should not
: have bet the turn in the first place. the primary reason to bet the turn is
: villain will call with weaker queen often enough. with that in mind, villain
: 's river bet looks like a blocking bet for a cheap showdown. if villain will
: not call that turn bet with enough weaker queen, then check to induce a
: river bluff is better. after all, on the turn, hero is way ahead or way
: behind. frankly the worse part is show and fold, with that info, she(hero)
: would get floated and bluffed a ton in the future unless she is visibly on
: tilt.

发帖数: 52
if someone tell me if you fold I show, no matter what I always put him on a
bluff or semi bluff and call it.


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: 1/2NL, a normal (by normal, i mean semi nit or above average) player sitting
: to my right has about $500, i have about the same.
: we talk a lot about hands and other ppl for almost all night.
: table is passive or a limp fest, after 2 maniacs busted, now this hand comes.
: 2 limpers, NG (normal guy) limps too, i bet $15 with AQs. in the past, AQs
: is like the bottom of my $15 range and he knows.
: others all give respect and fold, NG snap calls.
: flop: QT5 rainbow.
: he checks to me, i bet $25, he tanks and calls.
: turn: T, still rainbow without runner flush possiblities.

发帖数: 15860
i use it reversely, haha.


【在 b*****t 的大作中提到】
: if someone tell me if you fold I show, no matter what I always put him on a
: bluff or semi bluff and call it.
: sitting
: comes.

发帖数: 528
Assuming lady believe NG when NG said he has a Q, how can she not call?
1 (共1页)
面对turn action 你怎么办?a bad play hand
MTT前期一手牌another one, what to do?
不会打了,估计是Fish了Why do we call with monster draws?
what would you do if you are a maniac?Q5s问题牌
这手牌 能call吗? 怎么看villain的range今天的另一个out of position bluff
昨晚的几首牌2 bluff hand tonight in AC
话题: he话题: bet话题: ng话题: hand话题: calls