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TexasHoldem版 - Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval Signs Interstate Online Poker Bill
where are all the people who use to come to this board?magicfat 由 ikea 授予 TexasHoldem 俱乐部权力
show off 一下我去SF,LA,stock版通告了一下本届比赛
on tilt 太可怕了!【连载】扑克两年间(十五):上纲上线(online)
关于online poker的现状2009’s Best Small Stakes Grinders (ZT)
Online poker is back this year?有limit玩家吗?
有没有啥不需要真钱玩的poker网站?"If you're too careful,
话题: poker话题: bill话题: interstate话题: online话题: sandoval
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 15860
发帖数: 1621
NV 通过 online poker 有鸟用吗? 东岸的人能玩吗?
player pool 不大的话一点没用。 没有 fish 的池子,我每天一上去就看见那一群老
面孔,nit only waiting for nuts,就有想吐的感觉。
新年就没打过几次 online,太 boring 了。上星期长周末终于跑到赌场,等到头晕,
没牌,牌来了,被 suck out,好不容易 grind 到晚上,up 200 快。来回车程 5 小时
,打牌 6 小时,平均每小时赚的比艾米哥还少。想想都费解自己为的是啥。
人家股神吃顿饭回来的时间都比我多赚 10 倍一上,人都不能比啊。股神,什么时候
Vegas 版聚啊? 我们要讨论股经。要拉拔大家一起致富啊。
发帖数: 15860
yes, it's INTERstate, read the bill!
not even east coast, it can take players all over the world.

【在 T*********k 的大作中提到】
: NV 通过 online poker 有鸟用吗? 东岸的人能玩吗?
: player pool 不大的话一点没用。 没有 fish 的池子,我每天一上去就看见那一群老
: 面孔,nit only waiting for nuts,就有想吐的感觉。
: 新年就没打过几次 online,太 boring 了。上星期长周末终于跑到赌场,等到头晕,
: 没牌,牌来了,被 suck out,好不容易 grind 到晚上,up 200 快。来回车程 5 小时
: ,打牌 6 小时,平均每小时赚的比艾米哥还少。想想都费解自己为的是啥。
: 人家股神吃顿饭回来的时间都比我多赚 10 倍一上,人都不能比啊。股神,什么时候
: Vegas 版聚啊? 我们要讨论股经。要拉拔大家一起致富啊。

发帖数: 4210
don't worry about east coast. NJ would pass a similar bill next week, very
likely. NJ governer will sigh his bill this time.
发帖数: 15860
dude, if money is the only reason you play poker now, then follow me, quit!!!
it's such a time killer. $200 for 11 hours is not bad at all, or equal to $
30/hr real taxable job.
but, if you don't have 1000+ hours every year, this will never change your
life. even if you try hard, $30K by sacrificing all your "free" time, is
that worth it?
someone may think, hey, $30/hr is only for 2/5, what if i am really good and
quickly move up to 5/10, 10/20, ... wake up, how many such games exist in
the whole country right now? (check bravo if you want) even if you find such
a game, are you sure you have the edge?
this poker dream could really consume us, in the end, more or less just a
waste of time. you can do a lot of other things, for money or not.

【在 T*********k 的大作中提到】
: NV 通过 online poker 有鸟用吗? 东岸的人能玩吗?
: player pool 不大的话一点没用。 没有 fish 的池子,我每天一上去就看见那一群老
: 面孔,nit only waiting for nuts,就有想吐的感觉。
: 新年就没打过几次 online,太 boring 了。上星期长周末终于跑到赌场,等到头晕,
: 没牌,牌来了,被 suck out,好不容易 grind 到晚上,up 200 快。来回车程 5 小时
: ,打牌 6 小时,平均每小时赚的比艾米哥还少。想想都费解自己为的是啥。
: 人家股神吃顿饭回来的时间都比我多赚 10 倍一上,人都不能比啊。股神,什么时候
: Vegas 版聚啊? 我们要讨论股经。要拉拔大家一起致富啊。

发帖数: 7793
同意。 full time job + part time poker, live一年如果能打个1k 小时的, 就是
赚点小钱(50$/ hour 就是2/5也不少吧? 还不算路上的time and cost)其实也是悲剧。
其实也就是一个不现实的梦想有一天能打成Phil Ivey 在那里撑着加班加点。可怜啊。
干点啥别的不好。 就连马功的加班费都不如。


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: dude, if money is the only reason you play poker now, then follow me, quit!!!
: it's such a time killer. $200 for 11 hours is not bad at all, or equal to $
: 30/hr real taxable job.
: but, if you don't have 1000+ hours every year, this will never change your
: life. even if you try hard, $30K by sacrificing all your "free" time, is
: that worth it?
: someone may think, hey, $30/hr is only for 2/5, what if i am really good and
: quickly move up to 5/10, 10/20, ... wake up, how many such games exist in
: the whole country right now? (check bravo if you want) even if you find such
: a game, are you sure you have the edge?

发帖数: 1621
Sure, I played a lot less in recent month.
I don't mind grinding at poker table, But the 1000+ hours you talked about,
we have to double that because the additional traveling. I think it
absolutely kills it for me.
I personally think spend that many hours while you can't even win gerocery
money, sucks. It is better to stay home and spend quality time with wife
and kids


【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: dude, if money is the only reason you play poker now, then follow me, quit!!!
: it's such a time killer. $200 for 11 hours is not bad at all, or equal to $
: 30/hr real taxable job.
: but, if you don't have 1000+ hours every year, this will never change your
: life. even if you try hard, $30K by sacrificing all your "free" time, is
: that worth it?
: someone may think, hey, $30/hr is only for 2/5, what if i am really good and
: quickly move up to 5/10, 10/20, ... wake up, how many such games exist in
: the whole country right now? (check bravo if you want) even if you find such
: a game, are you sure you have the edge?

发帖数: 1903
有家有口的,一年在Live 1K小时也很难达到


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 同意。 full time job + part time poker, live一年如果能打个1k 小时的, 就是
: 赚点小钱(50$/ hour 就是2/5也不少吧? 还不算路上的time and cost)其实也是悲剧。
: 其实也就是一个不现实的梦想有一天能打成Phil Ivey 在那里撑着加班加点。可怜啊。
: 干点啥别的不好。 就连马功的加班费都不如。
: !!!
: and
: such

发帖数: 9164
still need state vs state agreement etc and a lot of hassle. long way to go.

a federal bill is a lot more convenient , IMO.but may take years.

【在 f*****g 的大作中提到】
: http://www.pokernews.com/news/2013/02/interstate-online-poker-b
1 (共1页)
"If you're too careful,预祝女将LV愉快!
How is guys' grinding going?关于online poker的现状
am i the only one without a 2nd FTP ID here?Online poker is back this year?
Short stack is so annoying/beautiful有没有啥不需要真钱玩的poker网站?
where are all the people who use to come to this board?magicfat 由 ikea 授予 TexasHoldem 俱乐部权力
show off 一下我去SF,LA,stock版通告了一下本届比赛
on tilt 太可怕了!【连载】扑克两年间(十五):上纲上线(online)
话题: poker话题: bill话题: interstate话题: online话题: sandoval