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TexasHoldem版 - 讲几个mixed game 变种
omaha 8 (11) All cards working together
omaha 8 (12) I need A miracle
the most disgusting way how QQ loses
one hand
Live game 一小时到底能打多少手牌
Omaha 比 Holdem 好玩
哈哈,关于omaha H/L
Omaha Poker Popularity Boom (ZT)
话题: cards话题: omaha话题: dealt话题: lo话题: community
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7793
我们这里有两个home game 里玩的, 有的是well known 的,有的是自己发明的, 挺
有意思的。 all games are high low, fixed limit betting or progressive
1) Holdaha: everyone is dealt 6 cards. You arrange them at will, two on top
, 4 on the bottom, before you see the 5 community cards, flop, turn, river.
Top cards play like Holdem, high only, bottom play like Omaha, low only, 8
or better
2) Flex, same 6 cards. This time it is arranged at will as 2-1-3 before the
same 5 community cards. You can play any exact 2 cards from 2-1 for high
and any exact 2 cards from 1-3 for low, 8 or better.
3) buy a card. Similar to 7 cards stud. Except for the face up cards, you
have an option of 4 cards. Every cards is dealt in order one by one with a
price for example, first card is 1$, second is 2$, third is 3$ and 4th is 4
$. You can reject any cards to pay more to see the next one, and you can
not back track to take a previous card. At the fourth one, you have to take
it with 4$ without an option. The rest of the showing card will be left to
the next player to choose . But the max number if cards that can be showing
is 4
4) two way Omaha, 4 cards are dealt for everyone.7 community cards is dealt
instead of 5. It goes, flop is 3, turn is 1-3-1, river 1-1-3-1-1.
You can use any of the 5 cards from either side for hi-Lo Omaha with your 4
cards in hand
5) box Omaha, 4 cards are dealt for everyone.10 community cards are dealt.
Flop, 3-3, turn 3-1-3-1, river 3-1-1-3-1-1. So you have 2 flops and 2 set
of turn+river. Use any 4 combination to play a hi-Lo Omaha.
6) super Omaha. 5 cards are dealt instead of 4. 5 community cards as usual
. Use any exact two cards like Omaha for hi-Lo
7) pineapple, I think this one is well know. 4 cards is dealt and 5
community cards. On the flop, you have to discard one if the card and
discard another at turn. At river you use the exact two cards to make hi-Lo
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
发帖数: 7793
这些稀奇古怪的玩法, 比枯燥的Holdem 还是有意思多了, 还有其他十几种玩法, 以

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 我们这里有两个home game 里玩的, 有的是well known 的,有的是自己发明的, 挺
: 有意思的。 all games are high low, fixed limit betting or progressive
: betting
: 1) Holdaha: everyone is dealt 6 cards. You arrange them at will, two on top
: , 4 on the bottom, before you see the 5 community cards, flop, turn, river.
: Top cards play like Holdem, high only, bottom play like Omaha, low only, 8
: or better
: 2) Flex, same 6 cards. This time it is arranged at will as 2-1-3 before the
: same 5 community cards. You can play any exact 2 cards from 2-1 for high
: and any exact 2 cards from 1-3 for low, 8 or better.

发帖数: 7
super omaha就是现在的 5-card omaha吧?
pineapple最后是用剩下的2张牌同时玩hi和lo? 这个好像不太合理啊


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 我们这里有两个home game 里玩的, 有的是well known 的,有的是自己发明的, 挺
: 有意思的。 all games are high low, fixed limit betting or progressive
: betting
: 1) Holdaha: everyone is dealt 6 cards. You arrange them at will, two on top
: , 4 on the bottom, before you see the 5 community cards, flop, turn, river.
: Top cards play like Holdem, high only, bottom play like Omaha, low only, 8
: or better
: 2) Flex, same 6 cards. This time it is arranged at will as 2-1-3 before the
: same 5 community cards. You can play any exact 2 cards from 2-1 for high
: and any exact 2 cards from 1-3 for low, 8 or better.

发帖数: 7793
就是5 card omaha. 好像是叫big omaha?
pineapple 用剩下两张没问题啊。 scoop 的可能性小了点,但也不是不可能。 可以
make low card straight 或 2 low pair for high + low. 这里的变数是你在flop
上要做个决定,你想走那个方向。 我们这里玩的hi-lo还多一个变化,就是加了一个
declaration round. 你必须在开牌前declare 你要玩hi 还是玩low. 如果你declare
both, 那你必须赢或至少平两个方向,否则全输。 这也比一般赌场的hi-lo game 开牌

【在 L******g 的大作中提到】
: super omaha就是现在的 5-card omaha吧?
: pineapple最后是用剩下的2张牌同时玩hi和lo? 这个好像不太合理啊
: top
: .
: 8
: the
: a
: 4
: take

1 (共1页)
Omaha Poker Popularity Boom (ZT)
Texas Holdem vs Omaha: Which is Better (ZT)
Omaha 8 (1) why play
omaha 8 (3) 规则
omaha 8 (4) 一个中心-Scoop
My milestone on ftp tonight
IPOKER 赢了 3000 美金 欢迎探讨Texas Holdem + Pot Limit Hi/Lo
话题: cards话题: omaha话题: dealt话题: lo话题: community