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TexasHoldem版 - 其实衡量扑克水平的只有一个标准
New Experience? PLO etc anyone?omaha 8 (10) What a hand
Last week's online cash game is action pacted....Jungleman12正在大战Isildur1
2009’s Best Small Stakes Grinders (ZT)Poker 的保险
haha, found a long interview from fcf帮忙评估一下
commerce 的10/20 NL game 确实如传说的那样juicy[合集] Rush里面的grinders是越来越多了
最近打牌打得有点心灰意冷申请德州扑克(Texas Holdem)版主 (转载)
Hellmuth wins pot on UB with worst hand at showdownOmaha 8 (1) why play
话题: poker话题: table话题: long话题: 扑克话题: players
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7793
你能达到的最高Long term Hourly rate. 管你是live, online, NL1000, NL 2, one
table, 24 table, 10bb赢率还是全靠rake back.
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
发帖数: 975
OK, to tell you the truth, I have a very rich son, who gives me 100k per
month as long as I keep playing poker.
I didn't realize that I am one the best poker players in the world until I
see this post.
Thanks mm
发帖数: 7793

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 p******a 的大作中提到】
: OK, to tell you the truth, I have a very rich son, who gives me 100k per
: month as long as I keep playing poker.
: I didn't realize that I am one the best poker players in the world until I
: see this post.
: Thanks mm

发帖数: 975
The way he gives me the 100k is by intentionally losing to me on NL 50000
table. Well, it's an old joke, don't take it seriously

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 这和打牌嘛关系?
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

发帖数: 975
This is an OK standard for a successful grinder.
It has nothing to do with "扑克水平".
A local 1/2 live player can beat me, then he has higher 扑克水平 in live
game than me. If I go back play NL2 right now, I might end up losing, which
means those players have higher 扑克水平 in NL2 games.
Different type of poker games needs different types of 扑克水平. No one
dares to claim that he can beat isildur in holdem, but a lot people take him
as ATM in PLO8. It is that simple.
mm, you seems to have more serious ego problem than I do...


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 你能达到的最高Long term Hourly rate. 管你是live, online, NL1000, NL 2, one
: table, 24 table, 10bb赢率还是全靠rake back.
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

发帖数: 7793
你没理解”最高”long term hourly rate.

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 p******a 的大作中提到】
: This is an OK standard for a successful grinder.
: It has nothing to do with "扑克水平".
: A local 1/2 live player can beat me, then he has higher 扑克水平 in live
: game than me. If I go back play NL2 right now, I might end up losing, which
: means those players have higher 扑克水平 in NL2 games.
: Different type of poker games needs different types of 扑克水平. No one
: dares to claim that he can beat isildur in holdem, but a lot people take him
: as ATM in PLO8. It is that simple.
: mm, you seems to have more serious ego problem than I do...

发帖数: 7793
我们扑克的所谓进不, 就是早日找到, 并达到这个最高点

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 你没理解”最高”long term hourly rate.
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

发帖数: 7793
不懂。 我提个标准, 为啥是EGO? 小popo逻辑开始乱了。

★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

【在 p******a 的大作中提到】
: This is an OK standard for a successful grinder.
: It has nothing to do with "扑克水平".
: A local 1/2 live player can beat me, then he has higher 扑克水平 in live
: game than me. If I go back play NL2 right now, I might end up losing, which
: means those players have higher 扑克水平 in NL2 games.
: Different type of poker games needs different types of 扑克水平. No one
: dares to claim that he can beat isildur in holdem, but a lot people take him
: as ATM in PLO8. It is that simple.
: mm, you seems to have more serious ego problem than I do...

发帖数: 975
It's very straightforward.
Claiming that there is a universal "poker skill" thing for players playing
all different types of poker games is not very smart.A smart guy like mm won
't make such mistake.
People make mistakes when they are on tilt.
People become on tilt when they lose a lot of money or they feel that their
ego is hurt. (I hope you didn't lose big today.)
then it's ego.

【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: 不懂。 我提个标准, 为啥是EGO? 小popo逻辑开始乱了。
: ★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8

发帖数: 975
I apologize if you feel offended by one of my posts.
I respect all different kinds of grinders, as long as they earn by hard
working. But, it has nothing to do with skill at all.
On the other hand, I think recreational amateur players like myself deserve
more respect. Because it is these players that keep the online poker world
alive. Without us, the grinders were long dead.
commerce 的10/20 NL game 确实如传说的那样juicyomaha 8 (10) What a hand
Hellmuth wins pot on UB with worst hand at showdownPoker 的保险
发帖数: 520
情绪控制论,在本版讨论中也适用。否则,会lose mind,会on tilt :-)
发帖数: 7793
you exactly proved my point. There is no other way to measure and compare
poker players except hourly rate. if you visit poker forum often enough,
people fight with each other all the time with a lot of egos. Live vs on-
line, limit vs no-limit, PLO vs Holdem, recreational vs pro, multi-table
rackback pro vs 1 table high stake pro. There is no way to put out all the
fire except for putting them on 1 and only weight scale, money earned per
hour SUSTAINABLE OVER LONG TERM. This include everything you can think of,
tilt control, game selection, table selectin, ego conrol, bank roll control,
last but not the least skill on the table. In the end, all need to answer
just one question: how much have each one made every hour? 其他都是浮云。。


【在 p******a 的大作中提到】
: It's very straightforward.
: Claiming that there is a universal "poker skill" thing for players playing
: all different types of poker games is not very smart.A smart guy like mm won
: 't make such mistake.
: People make mistakes when they are on tilt.
: People become on tilt when they lose a lot of money or they feel that their
: ego is hurt. (I hope you didn't lose big today.)
: then it's ego.

发帖数: 7793
you worry too much. no one with a temper in this thread... so stay cool^^^^

【在 E*******r 的大作中提到】
: 只讨论与扑克有关的,别有情绪。
: 情绪控制论,在本版讨论中也适用。否则,会lose mind,会on tilt :-)

发帖数: 975
The comparison by itself is very stupid already. I don't think any decent
player will take such fight seriously.
I start to feel being fooled by being involved in this discussion. Let's end
it here.


【在 W********m 的大作中提到】
: you exactly proved my point. There is no other way to measure and compare
: poker players except hourly rate. if you visit poker forum often enough,
: people fight with each other all the time with a lot of egos. Live vs on-
: line, limit vs no-limit, PLO vs Holdem, recreational vs pro, multi-table
: rackback pro vs 1 table high stake pro. There is no way to put out all the
: fire except for putting them on 1 and only weight scale, money earned per
: hour SUSTAINABLE OVER LONG TERM. This include everything you can think of,
: tilt control, game selection, table selectin, ego conrol, bank roll control,
: last but not the least skill on the table. In the end, all need to answer
: just one question: how much have each one made every hour? 其他都是浮云。。

发帖数: 7793
you cannot even pursuade everyone that your idol is the best Holdem player.
Simple as that. There is no way to tell whether he is or not other than
money earned per hour.


【在 p******a 的大作中提到】
: non-sense
: The comparison by itself is very stupid already. I don't think any decent
: player will take such fight seriously.
: I start to feel being fooled by being involved in this discussion. Let's end
: it here.
: the
: ,
: control,
: answer

发帖数: 817
high stake cash game衡量不了水平。这些high stake玩家赢了几百万的也大部分是运
tourney的手链数多了以后还是有用的。比如Phil Hellmuth的13个手链绝对不是运气能
另外,Holdem技术要求最低。其他的game要求高。所以Mixed game的长期赢家技术一定
发帖数: 57
I think you guys are talking about 2 different concepts of poker skills. A
high stakes poker pro may be a losing player due to high variance and
tougher competition as compared to a $1/2 grinder playing against drunks and
degens - but that does not mean his raw poker skills are lesser than the
grinder. the grinder may be more proficient in his table selection and money
management - which are the meta game skills.
I hope I got that cleared up for you, going to parx now.
1 (共1页)
Omaha 8 (1) why playnl2求教
omaha 8 (3) 规则commerce 的10/20 NL game 确实如传说的那样juicy
omaha 8 (4) 一个中心-Scoop最近打牌打得有点心灰意冷
我的扑克经历 顺带做个广告Hellmuth wins pot on UB with worst hand at showdown
New Experience? PLO etc anyone?omaha 8 (10) What a hand
Last week's online cash game is action pacted....Jungleman12正在大战Isildur1
2009’s Best Small Stakes Grinders (ZT)Poker 的保险
haha, found a long interview from fcf帮忙评估一下
话题: poker话题: table话题: long话题: 扑克话题: players