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Re: [轉貼]ZD组织者的电话,明天打爆他们,让他们联络不上,这(转载)国民党有个补救的做法
精神抖擞,准备给白人当爹 (转载)我做的7 Lies on Tibet已经上载到YOUTUBE了
美国恨不得中国灭亡么? - 看美国人对dalai lama visit taiwan - 雅虎新闻头条台灣挺西藏自由 升雪山獅子旗 (ZZ)
西霉报道达赖山西上半年為全大陸唯一經濟負成長省份 - 比Tibet 還差
Taiwanese Protest Dalai Lama's VisitThe Chinese Empire 1910 [劍橋現代歷史地圖集出版] (转载)
蒙藏委員會:滯台藏人居留與工作權受保障恶心的台湾人, 图博是啥?
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邀请dalai,谁出钱啊赶快,大家去CNN投票反对西藏独立 (转载)
话题: tibetan话题: chinese话题: police话题: beijing话题: lama
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发帖数: 1846
Chinese Police Opened Fire On Tibetans Celebrating The Dalai Lama's 78th
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-police-opened-fire-on-tibetans-2013-7#ixzz2YZFy6otQ
Chinese police opened fire on Tibetans marking the Dalai Lama's 78th
birthday, shooting at least one monk in the head and seriously wounding
several other people, two overseas groups said.
Security forces disrupted Tibetans in Sichuan province's Daofu county as
they carried out rituals to honour their exiled leader, whom Beijing
denounces as a separatist, said the US-based International Campaign for
Tibet (ICT) and India-based phayul.com.
Regional authorities denied the allegations.
"Two Tibetan monks were shot in the head and several others seriously
injured after Chinese police opened fire at a crowd," ICT said, citing
unnamed local and exile sources.
It named the monks as Tashi Sonam and Ugyen Tashi, and said both were in
Armed police and soldiers who arrived to block the group began shooting and
using tear gas "without warning", it said, citing two Tibetans in exile.
At least 20 people were detained after the incident on Saturday, ICT added.
Phayul, a news site on Tibet, said police opened fire after a monk tried to
"drive past the security blockade," citing an overseas Tibetan. One monk was
shot in the head, Phayul said.
Police and religious affairs authorities in Daofu both told AFP: "There was
no incident of this kind".
Daofu is part of Ganzi prefecture, one of southwestern China's Tibetan-
majority areas.
Members of the ethnic minority have long complained of religious and
cultural repression by Beijing, and more than 100 have set themselves on
fire in recent years in apparent protest at Chinese rule.
Beijing insists it respects ethnic minorities and has invested heavily to
develop Tibetan areas. It blames self-immolations on overseas groups seeking
to push a separatist agenda.
Friction in Tibetan areas has sharpened as ethnic majority Han Chinese have
increasingly settled in Tibetan areas. Reports of authorities opening fire
are rare, however.
The Dalai Lama fled Tibet following a failed uprising against Chinese rule
in 1959 and later founded the Tibetan government-in-exile in India.
China has denounced foreign leaders for meeting with the Nobel peace
Last month Beijing denied reports that it had relaxed its policies of
publicly denouncing the Dalai Lama and banning worship of his image.
Copyright (2013) AFP. All rights reserved.
Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/chinese-police-opened-fire-on-tibetans-2013-7#ixzz2YZFiBtqv
1 (共1页)
赶快,大家去CNN投票反对西藏独立 (转载)Taiwanese Protest Dalai Lama's Visit
美国政府开始对阿扁进行政治追杀zz AFP蒙藏委員會:滯台藏人居留與工作權受保障
Re: [轉貼]ZD组织者的电话,明天打爆他们,让他们联络不上,这(转载)国民党有个补救的做法
精神抖擞,准备给白人当爹 (转载)我做的7 Lies on Tibet已经上载到YOUTUBE了
美国恨不得中国灭亡么? - 看美国人对dalai lama visit taiwan - 雅虎新闻头条台灣挺西藏自由 升雪山獅子旗 (ZZ)
西霉报道达赖山西上半年為全大陸唯一經濟負成長省份 - 比Tibet 還差
话题: tibetan话题: chinese话题: police话题: beijing话题: lama