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TheStrait版 - I'm a fifteen year old California girl
14年前唐樹備來台 抗議者跳座車扯雨刷关于怎样面对 Discrimination/Bully
I'm a fifteen year old California girl激烈的讨论正是虚拟论坛的长处
很好奇,第二代华人对kids table什么反应关于bully/discrimination,家长要了解学校的protocol
谁家才女? (ZT)[合集] [bssd] 不知同仁们对目前UCSD事件发展怎么看
起来!全加州侨界学界,忍无可忍,无需再忍!!!大部队来了!(转载)联合国秘书长: 我们与你们共同为结束暴力和歧视而抗争
对于Chinese soft的回应 (转载)Western media's shamelessly racial discrimination
这个评论也很有号召力。,转发各大中文学校,中国学生会,华人团体Why so many people could not get the point?
she was fired because of her skin color9 dead in Connecticut workplace shooting!
话题: california话题: clearly话题: joke话题: proud
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3096
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Oct 28 23:24:14 2013, 美东)
I'm a fifteen year old California girl, born and raised in the Bay Area. I'm
proud to be an American.
But I also am proud of my Chinese heritage.
Look, I've always been a fan of Jimmy Kimmel. Really. But this obscene,
disgusting, offensive exchange definitely crossed a line.
Discrimination - whether against a certain gender, religion, sexuality,
class, ethnic group, or race, is NEVER okay. Since the beginning of the
history of America, we've clearly made advances towards achieving more
equality in society. But discrimination still exists - including racially
motivated discrimination, which I've had personal experience with - and it's
we something we should still be actively fighting against.
Violence among children is also an issue that needs to be addressed. At
school, we have a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying, which is something
that I fully support. If somebody is being taunted by others, the bullies
might use the excuse that their teasing is "just a joke." But if the victim
feels seriously hurt by his/her peers' words, then that is classified as
bullying, and it immediately needs to stop and requires a thorough and
sincere apology. This is sort of the same thing.
Clearly, I'm not saying that Jimmy Kimmel can't joke and poke fun at
anything. Part of what makes comedy funny is that it's satirizing things.
But if something featured on his show is not only deeply offensive to a
group of people, but also harmful to society as a whole in that it promotes
racial insensitivity and hatred, it needs to be stopped immediately -
regardless of whether or not he thought "it was a joke" (even though it
clearly wasn't).
Violence among children and racially motivated discrimination is not okay.
And they're not things that are okay to joke about, either. And that's why I
'm proud of my mom for participating in the Protest on October 28th, 2013.
We need more people out there, standing up against discrimination, violence,
and hatred, united in our goal of securing a better future for ourselves
and out children.
- Lucinda Wings-Ria
1 (共1页)
9 dead in Connecticut workplace shooting!起来!全加州侨界学界,忍无可忍,无需再忍!!!大部队来了!(转载)
Sent to UC president. [email protected]对于Chinese soft的回应 (转载)
UCSD事件我看估计就是到此为止了 大家洗洗睡吧这个评论也很有号召力。,转发各大中文学校,中国学生会,华人团体
Western media's shamelessly racial discriminationshe was fired because of her skin color
14年前唐樹備來台 抗議者跳座車扯雨刷关于怎样面对 Discrimination/Bully
I'm a fifteen year old California girl激烈的讨论正是虚拟论坛的长处
很好奇,第二代华人对kids table什么反应关于bully/discrimination,家长要了解学校的protocol
谁家才女? (ZT)[合集] [bssd] 不知同仁们对目前UCSD事件发展怎么看
话题: california话题: clearly话题: joke话题: proud