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TheStrait版 - Re: 台湾香港人真是恶心让人吐 (转载)
「識正書簡」 馬建議書寫可用簡體字胡錦濤等出席紀念告台灣同胞書30周年座談會
台湾和大陆的网上统一我草拟了一下《潜伏 2》(续集)各集剧情 如何? (转载)
弯弯论坛的代号426扔鞋目击小结 (转载)
再次呼籲美國向台灣出售F-22戰機。Re: 如果某个核大国极隐蔽的偷偷向中国发射了一个核弹头 (转载)
Turkey's Muted Reaction to the Crimean Crisis硫球,北海道,濟州島 也可以 搞搞 獨立運動嘛
US Ready For “Military Response” In Ukraine台湾A片
https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/investigate-jimmRe: 台巴子将来肯定会列队欢迎PLA,有图为证 (转载)
话题: us话题: protests话题: chinese话题: china话题: wanted
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 21627
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: beijingren (to thine own self be true), 信区: Military
标 题: Re: 台湾香港人真是恶心让人吐
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Sep 29 17:14:46 2014, 美东)
I dont like how the Hongkongnese are getting special treatment. I feel
absolutely no sympathy about their cause and their suppossed "suffering",
after all the years calling us mainlanders "dogs" "locusts" and "dirty
This was not nice and not very clever, if you ever wanted our support or our
solidarity. It showed that your protests were never because of politics or
freedom or democracy, but it was just plain, old racism all along.
You wanted to feel special, even though you get cheap water, electricity and
favorable economic conditions from the chinese goverment. You can travel to
China freely, but no Chinese can travel to you without passport and visa.
Even after all this, you are still hating us and considering us to be
No matter how you or the western press will try to spin it, you are no
better than Swoboda and the Neo-Nazis in the Ukraine Maidan protests in
regards to Chinese people.
Because of this, your 'democratic protests' will not spread to the rest of
China and we will be happy to see you crushed by the Police or, if necessary
, the PLA and made equal to us.
I look forward to see you guts pancaked into the ground by tanks, and then
we will send a few missiles across the world to show that noone shall
interfere with us while we are disciplining some spoiled brats.
1 (共1页)
一定要武力解放台湾Turkey's Muted Reaction to the Crimean Crisis
用微软的Bing查看了一下金门,吓了一大跳(见图) (转载)US Ready For “Military Response” In Ukraine
湾湾这回怎么这么自觉 (转载)https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/investigate-jimm
「識正書簡」 馬建議書寫可用簡體字胡錦濤等出席紀念告台灣同胞書30周年座談會
台湾和大陆的网上统一我草拟了一下《潜伏 2》(续集)各集剧情 如何? (转载)
弯弯论坛的代号426扔鞋目击小结 (转载)
再次呼籲美國向台灣出售F-22戰機。Re: 如果某个核大国极隐蔽的偷偷向中国发射了一个核弹头 (转载)
话题: us话题: protests话题: chinese话题: china话题: wanted