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Thoughts版 - [转载] Class, Status, and Power
[转载] An outline of Max Weber's contributions[转载] Causality and Probability
马克思的最大历史错误[转载] VIII. Bureaucracy
[转载] 共产主义的下沉 (The Downfall of Communism)[转载] Types of Authority
回顾人类社会历史, 似乎绝大多数时间 (转载)[转载] The Function of Ideas
预测经济走向的同志们,出来看真正的牛人吧 (转载)出个智力题
[转载] Weber's theory of Ideal Type摘贴关于论说“自私性”--3
[转载] Max Weber :THE SPIRIT OF CAPITALISM 1Class, Status, and Power
[转载] Max Weber :THE SPIRIT OF CAPITALISM 2美国慌了!我才不要做老二......
话题: class话题: status话题: power话题: component
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 759
【 以下文字转载自 ZST 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: Camer (铁划银钩), 信区: ZST
标 题: Class, Status, and Power
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Mon Sep 25 15:54:07 2000) WWW-POST
Class, Status, and Power
Weber differed only marginally from Marx when he defined as
a class a category of men who (1) "have in common a specific
causal component of their life
chances in so far as (2) this component is represented
exclusively by economic interests in the possession of goods
and opportunities for income, and (3) it is
represented under the
1 (共1页)
美国慌了!我才不要做老二......预测经济走向的同志们,出来看真正的牛人吧 (转载)
Who is the sociologist you like best?[转载] Weber's theory of Ideal Type
Social Theory in US[转载] Max Weber :THE SPIRIT OF CAPITALISM 1
ldk ER 一点意见:[转载] Max Weber :THE SPIRIT OF CAPITALISM 2
[转载] An outline of Max Weber's contributions[转载] Causality and Probability
马克思的最大历史错误[转载] VIII. Bureaucracy
[转载] 共产主义的下沉 (The Downfall of Communism)[转载] Types of Authority
回顾人类社会历史, 似乎绝大多数时间 (转载)[转载] The Function of Ideas
话题: class话题: status话题: power话题: component