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Tianjin版 - Plane plant brings jobs to Tianjin
freefly班门弄釜天津话<2>girls one night in Tianjin
freefly班门弄釜天津话<3>[合集] 上任了发包子,说说自己怎么来到tianjin版的
启禀版猪:Pictures of Tianjin
Re: Tianjin TEDA is NO.7 in League A诸位天津老乡, 我也来祝大家新年快乐
[转载] 申请Tianjin版版主Tianjin as shown in Seattle Times Blogs
a pretty cool animation of Tianjin New District (youtube)Street View Map of Tianjin
You know you are from Tianjin, if..... Top 10newkids 申请 Tianjin 版副
城市可以重来吗?- 冯骥才sigh... 3-month vacation cancelled....
话题: china话题: plant话题: airbus话题: tianjin话题: plane
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 14889
Airbus SAS said it would hire as many as 600 workers for a plant in China,
its first facility outside Europe, Bloomberg News reported.
Recruitment for the plant, which is due to open in 2009, has already begun,
Laurence Barron, head of Airbus China, told reporters at the biannual
Airshow China in the southern city of Zhuhai, Guangdong Province, Tuesday.
The plant in Tianjin, eastern China will assemble as many as four A320
aircraft a month by 2011.
Airbus, the world's biggest maker of commercial
1 (共1页)
sigh... 3-month vacation cancelled....[转载] 申请Tianjin版版主
版三,手下留情,呵呵a pretty cool animation of Tianjin New District (youtube)
how's tianjin?You know you are from Tianjin, if..... Top 10
PetTurtle 封 bjpeu 在 Tianjin城市可以重来吗?- 冯骥才
freefly班门弄釜天津话<2>girls one night in Tianjin
freefly班门弄釜天津话<3>[合集] 上任了发包子,说说自己怎么来到tianjin版的
启禀版猪:Pictures of Tianjin
Re: Tianjin TEDA is NO.7 in League A诸位天津老乡, 我也来祝大家新年快乐
话题: china话题: plant话题: airbus话题: tianjin话题: plane