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TongJi版 - [转载] Re: Whether my plan is reasonable
Whether Pentagon has been refused to post the article[转载] 给CIVIL ENGINEERING 打气!
Birsk, how's going?[转载] Re: 可能是影响一生的决定
[转载] Re: 代起诉pentagon不可思议,睡了一觉起来,同济版就没了。
[转载] Re: [转载] Re: 代起诉pentagonPengaton, A good Job!
Final remarks about Pentagon's Transferi think ...
[转载] Re: [转载] 请不要post私人信件Pentagon, have you also gone to California
[转载] 一个给智囊团的动议我校师生举行抗日战争研讨会(转载)
[转载] 关于投诉Pentagon同济大学获重点扶持
话题: whether话题: cs话题: mba话题: reasonable话题: plan
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1220
【 以下文字转载自 Overseas 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: popsicle (popsicle), 信区: Overseas
标 题: Re: Whether my plan is reasonable
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Jan 16 00:15:42 2001), 转信
Sticking to your current major is the best idea. It's hard to find a job as a
fresh MBA graduate, only if you had work experience in the US before. It's
much easier to find a job in the computer field. And many computer companies
pay for employees' education, especially MBA kind. I think you should finish
CS and get a job. Then study M
发帖数: 83

【在 P******n 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 Overseas 讨论区,原文如下 】
: 发信人: popsicle (popsicle), 信区: Overseas
: 标 题: Re: Whether my plan is reasonable
: 发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Jan 16 00:15:42 2001), 转信
: Sticking to your current major is the best idea. It's hard to find a job as a
: fresh MBA graduate, only if you had work experience in the US before. It's
: much easier to find a job in the computer field. And many computer companies
: pay for employees' education, especially MBA kind. I think you should finish
: CS and get a job. Then study M

发帖数: 1038
Kao, pentagon always recommend other guys to study CS, but
he himself is on the way to professor position.

【在 s********e 的大作中提到】
: nod.
发帖数: 1038
Kao, pentagon always recommend other guys to study CS, but
he himself is on the way to professor position.

【在 s********e 的大作中提到】
: nod.
1 (共1页)
同济大学获重点扶持Final remarks about Pentagon's Transfer
[转载] 各位智囊团成员,大家好。偶要投诉某ID[转载] Re: [转载] 请不要post私人信件
Pentagon's pp photo[转载] 一个给智囊团的动议
flood,flood[转载] 关于投诉Pentagon
Whether Pentagon has been refused to post the article[转载] 给CIVIL ENGINEERING 打气!
Birsk, how's going?[转载] Re: 可能是影响一生的决定
[转载] Re: 代起诉pentagon不可思议,睡了一觉起来,同济版就没了。
[转载] Re: [转载] Re: 代起诉pentagonPengaton, A good Job!
话题: whether话题: cs话题: mba话题: reasonable话题: plan