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TongJi版 - a moving story
Re: a moving story: Please see this onlytwo-story family room是什么?
first全新programming pearl 转让$20
Re: [转载] Re: vibration现在在UIUC可牛呢 Re: is this story real?看看这是珍珠吗? (转载)
Re: Re: Idealist准备盖个首饰小高楼
视频: 守望 -- a Touching Story大家帮忙, 珍珠项链4选1
视频: 守望 -- A Touching Story"The Story" - Touch of Class 送追风客
county appraisal is totally wrong, Can I back out without loosing earnest money【参赛】原创歌词:Necklace of Memory
为什么FINISHED BASEMENT在TOWN的数据库里,但是没用来计算$/sqft原创歌词:Necklace of Memory (转载)
话题: story话题: he话题: me话题: today话题: moving
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 256
It's Pearl harbor time. I have a story to share with you.
Today an American Professor asked me to do him a favor.
He gave me a piece of paper and wanted me to translate it
into Chinese.
It is wrotten as:
"Tell them when you go home of us and say for your tommorow
we gave our today".
At first I can't understand the real meaning of it. It seems
like a personal
note. Then he told me the following story:
His uncle was a Pilot during the World War II. He died in
because of the plane crash cause
发帖数: 104
Idealists are needed all the time...though they
might be misunderstood, and laughed at.

【在 t**e 的大作中提到】
: It's Pearl harbor time. I have a story to share with you.
: Today an American Professor asked me to do him a favor.
: He gave me a piece of paper and wanted me to translate it
: into Chinese.
: It is wrotten as:
: "Tell them when you go home of us and say for your tommorow
: we gave our today".
: At first I can't understand the real meaning of it. It seems
: like a personal
: note. Then he told me the following story:

1 (共1页)
原创歌词:Necklace of Memory (转载)视频: 守望 -- a Touching Story
蚌埠医学院副教授,决定归了 (转载)视频: 守望 -- A Touching Story
sad story ---storiescounty appraisal is totally wrong, Can I back out without loosing earnest money
很好看:Story of Your Life(中文) 特德·蒋为什么FINISHED BASEMENT在TOWN的数据库里,但是没用来计算$/sqft
Re: a moving story: Please see this onlytwo-story family room是什么?
first全新programming pearl 转让$20
Re: [转载] Re: vibration现在在UIUC可牛呢 Re: is this story real?看看这是珍珠吗? (转载)
Re: Re: Idealist准备盖个首饰小高楼
话题: story话题: he话题: me话题: today话题: moving