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Toronto版 - [转载] vote tory?
[转载] 大火对Tory的'Road Ahead'施政计划有什么看法?美媒:“神韵演出”广告掩盖其政治目的
不要选PC Re: [转载] vote tory?Falun Dafa Is Good 法輪大法好
移民第一年 你打算选择读书还是工作?Why not live to be Dafa disciples?
Footloose and Falun GongDafa within all kinds of ugly
Master Li Hongzhi was really dying?So to perfect
A deception concept that changes the scientific factNot all could not survive
授奖刘晓波“是个失误” (转载)They have to ask the doctor to disease
Falun Dafa is Good! Trump is Good!See Master Li's political ambitions
话题: tory话题: vote话题: he话题: guy话题: said
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 39119
【 以下文字转载自 Canada 讨论区 】
【 原文由 rcf 所发表 】
the Tory guy for centre-rosedale riding said in his brochure that
he's husband of a school principal and father of four.
and the liberal guy said he supports same-sex marriage and invited
Falun Dafa leader to Canada........and he is balder...
1 (共1页)
See Master Li's political ambitionsMaster Li Hongzhi was really dying?
Who will save you Dafa disciplesA deception concept that changes the scientific fact
Denigrate current law授奖刘晓波“是个失误” (转载)
Cover up the crimeFalun Dafa is Good! Trump is Good!
[转载] 大火对Tory的'Road Ahead'施政计划有什么看法?美媒:“神韵演出”广告掩盖其政治目的
不要选PC Re: [转载] vote tory?Falun Dafa Is Good 法輪大法好
移民第一年 你打算选择读书还是工作?Why not live to be Dafa disciples?
Footloose and Falun GongDafa within all kinds of ugly
话题: tory话题: vote话题: he话题: guy话题: said