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[OCEF翻译]7【OCEF】 23. 圣地亚哥 - UIUC by iminusc
话题: 捐款话题: ocef话题: 2010话题: donations
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发帖数: 46535
4.2 2010 年捐款分析
Analysis of donations in 2010
4.2.1 捐款数额和人数
Amount of donation and population of donors
如下图所示,2010 年度OCEF 收到的捐款中,80%的捐款来源于20%的捐款人。
As shown in the chart below, 80% of contributions received by OCEF in 2010 w
ere from 20% of all the donors.
2010 年超过$10,000 美金的大额捐款共5 笔,计$368,824 美金,占善款总额的61.28%
。其中最大两笔捐款来自OCEF 于2009 年底至2010 年初参加的两场网络筹款大赛所获得
的捐款,合计$258,752。(注:2009'Facebook American Giving Challenge 获得大部分
奖金$173,681.62,于2010年1 月4 日由竞赛组织者转入OCEF 银行帐户,故计入2010 年
There have been five contributions in 2010 larger than $10,000, totaling $36
8,824 and 61.28% of all donations. The largest two contributions came from d
onations received from two Internet Challenges that OCEF participated betwee
n late 2009 and early 2010, totaling $258,752. (Note: most of $173,681.62 aw
arded by 2009' Facebook American Giving Challenge was transferred to OCEF ba
nk account by the organizer on Jan 4th, 2010, so it was recorded as contribu
tions in 2010.)
其他4 笔大额捐款分别为:加拿大的The Wilson Family Charitable Canadian Fund (
$50,000), 李青松先生($20,072), Epic Systems Corp. ($15,000), 以及两位VIP 捐
The Wilson Family Charitable Canadian Fund 的捐款主要用于四川地区的资助项目,
李青松先生的善款则用于OCEF 的行政运作开支。
The other four large contributions include $50,000 from the Wilson Family Ch
aritable Canadian Fund (Canada), $20,072 from Mr. Qingsong Li, $15,000 from
Epic Systems Corp., and $25,000 converted by stocks contributed by two VIP p
atrons. Funds from the Wilson Family Charitable Canadian Fund were mainly us
ed for aid projects in Sichuan province while contributions from Mr. Qingson
g Li were mainly used for administrative expenses of OCEF.
2010 年度5000 美元~10000 美元的善款共4 笔,计$25,203.63 美元,占善款总额的4
$1000~$4999 美元区间的捐款人有44 笔,计$73427.48,占善款总额的12.20%;$500~
$999 美元区间的捐款有71 笔,计$42841.56,占善款总额的7.12%;$100~$499 美元区
间的捐款有406笔,计$71538.36,占善款总额的11.89%;$100 以下的捐款共333 笔,计
$12941.73,占善款总额的2.15%;其余$7086.86 捐款则来自196 位无名氏,占善款总额
There have been four contributions between $5,000 and $10,000 in 2010, total
ing $25,203.63 and 4.19% of all donations; 44 contributions between $1,000 a
nd $4,999, totaling $73,427.48 and 12.20% of all donations; 71 contributions
between $500 and $999, totaling $42,841.56 and 7.12% of all donations; 406
contributions between $100 and $499, totaling $71,538.36 and 11.89% of all d
onations; 333 contributions under $100, totaling $12,941.73 and 2.15% of all
donations. The remaining $7,086.86 came from 196 anonymous donors and accou
nts for 1.18% of total donations.
2010 年的部分捐款仍然来自长期捐款人,新增捐款人数目有待提高。
Large part of contributions received in 2010 was still from long-term donors
and we need to increase the number of new donors.
4.2.2 捐款方式
Donation Methods
2010 年OCEF 捐款人主要以支票形式捐款。其中,公司支票转账是大部分捐款使用的捐
款方式。这个现象说明OCEF 较往年吸引到更多公司捐款,以及越来越多捐款人使用com
pany match方式捐款,或通过公司Pre-authorized payment 方式捐款。通过网络支付工
俱(Just Give, Network for Good, Paypal)捐款的人数稳步增长。与此同时,以现金
和Money Order 捐款的人急剧下降到几乎可以忽略不计,总共不过$510。(注:以上统
计数据根据2010 年calendar year 登記的捐款数字得来的,包括未clear 的支票,因此
Check was the most popular form of contribution used by donors in 2010, whil
e company check transfers made up the majority of funds. This indicates that
OCEF has attracted more contribution from corporations; more and more donor
s utilize company match or contribute through pre-authorized payment by corp
orations. The number of patrons using payment tools on the Internet such as
Just Give, Network for Good and Paypal has been increasing steadily. At the
same time, the number of patrons using cash or money order has abruptly decr
eased to almost negligible, totaling $510. (Note: all statistics were derive
d from donations registered in 2010 calendar year, including checks that hav
e not been cleared. As a result they are slightly different from the actual
recorded donations in financial reports.)
注: 以上捐款数据是根据2010 年calendar year 登記的捐款数字得来的,包括未clea
r 的支票,因此与财务报告的实际入账数据略有差别。
Note: all statistics were derived from donations registered in 2010 calendar
year, including checks that have not been cleared. As a result they are sli
ghtly different from the actual recorded donations in financial reports.
发帖数: 30080
雪淑好棒好棒! 抱抱,亲亲,呕也!


【在 s*******y 的大作中提到】
: 4.2 2010 年捐款分析
: Analysis of donations in 2010
: 4.2.1 捐款数额和人数
: Amount of donation and population of donors
: 如下图所示,2010 年度OCEF 收到的捐款中,80%的捐款来源于20%的捐款人。
: As shown in the chart below, 80% of contributions received by OCEF in 2010 w
: ere from 20% of all the donors.
: 2010 年超过$10,000 美金的大额捐款共5 笔,计$368,824 美金,占善款总额的61.28%
: 。其中最大两笔捐款来自OCEF 于2009 年底至2010 年初参加的两场网络筹款大赛所获得
: 的捐款,合计$258,752。(注:2009'Facebook American Giving Challenge 获得大部分

1 (共1页)
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[OCEF翻译]4.4 & 4.5【OCEF翻译】24. 休斯顿
ocef的英文宣传材料用途【OCEF翻译】 1.5-1.5.2 & 1.5.3
话题: 捐款话题: ocef话题: 2010话题: donations