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Translation版 - 【OCEF翻译】蒋老师的信 Part 35
[OCEF翻译 10。4。3 - 蒋老师的信之前]2015 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize recipients
● [OCEF翻译 (30) 10-10.1.2(x2)Names of the 2010 Kavli Prize recipients announced
Re: [转载] Nobel prize for literature in 2mountain View 数个townhouse新盘全部降10万了
Silmarillion: II of Chapter 18 骤火之战请教stone mountain ticket
colors of the mountain急问:Snow Mountain能到公园里再买票吗?网上没票了
大家来猜猜这是哪首词在disney world 吓到了
拒掉今年APS-Biophysics奖的牛人麦加严重踩踏事故 已致七百余人丧生
Prize能退税吗[SanDiego欢迎您]Surfing, Snorkeling, Diving, Kayaking, Sk
话题: students话题: 学生话题: reward话题: rewards话题: prizes
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 27308
35 (Page 38 of 45)
I have tried the following approaches and received positive feedbacks.
1. Spreading the word. I always brought up the topic of the magazine <
Village Kids> and Questions with Rewards sponsored by the magazine during
class recesses, student meetings and other occasions. I mentioned as often
as possible the loving care shown to our students by big brothers and
sisters of OCEF and other volunteers.
2. Advocating the benefit of reading. I would advocate the benefit of
reading to improve the reading ability of students at teacher meetings. The
magazine provides a useful platform for helping students with
their writing and reading abilities. I got the class teachers and language
teachers involved. After the completion of the activities, I would give the
teachers tokens of appreciation, such as pens and ball pens, which could be
useful to these participating teachers.
3. Attracting the attention of students by having them answer Questions with
Rewards. Getting a reward for correctly answering a question is a great way
of motivating students. These rewards, such as new books, shining
stationery and drawing paper, are highly attractive to students.
4. Bringing up the topic of the rewards in front of students. A reward is
something all the students eagerly look forward to. Frequent mentioning of a
tangible reward drives home the message that a reward is winnable as long
as they are willing to work hard for it.
5. Giving reward on time. It seems to me that the majority of schools
emphasize on students of higher grades with little participation from lower-
grade students. It is therefore important to give rewards on time. A student
would have a feeling of wasted effort if the reward were not awarded before
graduation. It is also imperative that teachers of a school be impartial
and give the prizes to the original recipients, wherever they may be, once
the prizes have arrived. A prize should be delivered to the recipient either
like a piece of mail through the post office or via a reliable person. I
had two students whose articles were published in an earlier issue of <
Village Kids> and were therefore rewarded by the magazine. These two
students, however, had already graduated from my school and were in a high
school somewhere else when the prizes were received. I tried many ways and
finally got their home addresses. On Chinese New Year’s Eve last year, I
rode on my motorcycle for miles on mountainous roads and hand-delivered the
prizes to these students. The students and their parents were very delighted
to see me and the prizes that I handed them. Their heart-warming words
rushed through me and cheered me up on an otherwise icy day.
In addition, I made it a priority to print and post the names of the reward
recipients on school’s information board to publicize the event and prize
6. Giving rewards with great fanfare. A reward given with fanfare will
greatly increase the awareness and publicity of the event in the minds of
students and encourage their participation. This may change the attitude of
the students from “An event I was made to participate” to “An event I
want to participate”. I believe that these activities would positively
impact their lives and make them want to give back to the community in the
I would greatly appreciate any comments and suggestions. Thanks!
Jiang Junsheng, Chaling, Hunan.

35 (Page 38 of 45)
关于反馈比较好的问题,我是从如下几个方面着手: 1、加强宣传。我经常在课间操、集
会、各项活动向学生提及《乡村少儿》有奖征答的事宜,提到 义工、提到海外中国教育
基金会的大哥哥、大姐姐们对你们学生的关注; 2、在老师会议上,我会时不时提出阅读
对于提高学生阅读的好处;《乡村少儿》这个平台有利于学 生写作、阅读能力的提高。
发动班主任和语文老师参与进来,事后,我也会给这些人发些纪念品, 比如,水性笔,这些
比较实用; 3、你答题,我给奖,学生读得高兴,答得认真。尤其是这些奖励,如崭新的图
书、漂亮的文具、 图画纸等等都具有巨大的吸引力; 4、经常在学生面前提及奖励的事
情,让他们有盼头,辛勤的汗水不会白流,这是看得见摸得着的 东西; 5、奖励要及时。
我相信,不少学校只注重高年级的学生答题,没有培养中低年级参与进来。一旦 学生毕
到他们 本人手中,或者稳妥让人转交。去年年三十,我校两名学生的文章刊登在上期的
杂志上,但学生已 经初中毕业出去读高中了,我通过多方打听和努力,终于打听到她们住
址,那天下午我骑着摩托车 跑上几十里这农村山路,终于把奖品送到她们手中,家长们好
高兴啊!一串串暖心的话温暖了我的 全身。
们 不会落空。
参加!”让 “ 要 他 们 参 加 ”,“ 变 我 要 参 加 ”。 我相信,这样做,会影响一
以上仅供参考,不妥之处,敬请大家指出! 谢谢!
湖南 茶陵 蒋军生
发帖数: 8818
发帖数: 27308

【在 z********e 的大作中提到】
: 这么长的信!辛苦了!狂赞中~~
1 (共1页)
[SanDiego欢迎您]Surfing, Snorkeling, Diving, Kayaking, Skcolors of the mountain
Taichi in westen MA拒掉今年APS-Biophysics奖的牛人
[OCEF翻译 10。4。3 - 蒋老师的信之前] (转载)Prize能退税吗
[OCEF翻译 10。4。3 - 蒋老师的信之前]2015 Warren Alpert Foundation Prize recipients
● [OCEF翻译 (30) 10-10.1.2(x2)Names of the 2010 Kavli Prize recipients announced
Re: [转载] Nobel prize for literature in 2mountain View 数个townhouse新盘全部降10万了
Silmarillion: II of Chapter 18 骤火之战请教stone mountain ticket
话题: students话题: 学生话题: reward话题: rewards话题: prizes