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Travel版 - 加勒比邮轮这条南线谁走过?怎样啊?
求解答,cruise 的问题,谢谢请教去过caribean的大侠们
12/26 Carnival Conquest 从Ft Lauderdale 出发寻同行拿AP坐游轮可以去 Grand Turk, Half Moon Cay, Nassau需要另外签证吗?
visa requirement for Caribbean cruise trip寻2/20/2016从Baltimore坐Carnival游轮的朋友
加勒比东线 cruise 签证请教cruise公司的停靠站名字和30天免visa文件有出入,是同一个地方吗?
请问关于去东加勒比5天巡游的证件问题Caribbean Cruise 哪条线好玩?
话题: beach话题: st话题: thomas话题: snokling话题: san
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 5537
Grand Turk Island, Turks and Caicos Islands -
La Romana, Dominican Republic -
Curacao, Netherlands Antilles -
Oranjestad, Aruba -
Half Moon Cay、
St. Thomas、
San Juan、
Nassau, Bahamas
发帖数: 1006
Grand Turk, the beach is just a short walk off the port, but the beach doesn
't have good snokling spot, you can joint the shore excursion, the is a
snokling spot near by callThe Wall, heard lots of good things about that.
La Roman a, didn't go to the beach, can't tell you anything.
Curacao, never been there.
Aruba, been there long time ago, there is an islandfamous for snokling,
forgot the name, l joined the excursion from the ship that time.
Half Moon Cay, Canival's private island,one of the prettiest beach I ever
been to. The water is crystal clear,
Powder white sand and the water is very clamwhen I was there,but I don't
think it's a good snokling beach. Some people say you have to walk to the
very end of the beach I order to find some fish and corals.
St. Thomas, never been to the beach in St. Thomas island, but took the ferry
to St. John many rimes. there is a beach call Hawsnest beach, it's free,
about 5 minutes taxi rideand cost $5 each way,beautiful white sand beach and
calm water with some colorful fish and corals, but this beach has no life
San Juan, never been to any beech in San Juan..
Nassau, people usually go to Alantis, there is a beech there, but I never
been there. Unless you join the excursion, otherwise a pretty boring port

【在 b**********g 的大作中提到】
: 有一条船是走这4个地方,考古没发现游记,请问有人去过吗?
: Grand Turk Island, Turks and Caicos Islands -
: La Romana, Dominican Republic -
: Curacao, Netherlands Antilles -
: Oranjestad, Aruba -
: 这4个地方比较常见。
: Half Moon Cay、
: St. Thomas、
: San Juan、
: Nassau, Bahamas

发帖数: 5537


【在 j******8 的大作中提到】
: Grand Turk, the beach is just a short walk off the port, but the beach doesn
: 't have good snokling spot, you can joint the shore excursion, the is a
: snokling spot near by callThe Wall, heard lots of good things about that.
: La Roman a, didn't go to the beach, can't tell you anything.
: Curacao, never been there.
: Aruba, been there long time ago, there is an islandfamous for snokling,
: forgot the name, l joined the excursion from the ship that time.
: Half Moon Cay, Canival's private island,one of the prettiest beach I ever
: been to. The water is crystal clear,
: Powder white sand and the water is very clamwhen I was there,but I don't

发帖数: 408
St Thomas - Megan Bay beach, very pretty
Bahamas — Atlantis has everything, beaches, lagoon, water park, aquarium,
etc, definitely worth visiting, however, the day pass is pretty expensive


【在 j******8 的大作中提到】
: Grand Turk, the beach is just a short walk off the port, but the beach doesn
: 't have good snokling spot, you can joint the shore excursion, the is a
: snokling spot near by callThe Wall, heard lots of good things about that.
: La Roman a, didn't go to the beach, can't tell you anything.
: Curacao, never been there.
: Aruba, been there long time ago, there is an islandfamous for snokling,
: forgot the name, l joined the excursion from the ship that time.
: Half Moon Cay, Canival's private island,one of the prettiest beach I ever
: been to. The water is crystal clear,
: Powder white sand and the water is very clamwhen I was there,but I don't

1 (共1页)
Turks and Caicos 之 Salt Cay -- 上篇加勒比东线 cruise 签证请教
征室友女生一起去加列比海邮轮 11月28-12/5请问关于去东加勒比5天巡游的证件问题
求解答,cruise 的问题,谢谢请教去过caribean的大侠们
12/26 Carnival Conquest 从Ft Lauderdale 出发寻同行拿AP坐游轮可以去 Grand Turk, Half Moon Cay, Nassau需要另外签证吗?
visa requirement for Caribbean cruise trip寻2/20/2016从Baltimore坐Carnival游轮的朋友
话题: beach话题: st话题: thomas话题: snokling话题: san